safe-global / safe-core-sdk

The Safe{Core} SDK allows builders to add account abstraction functionality into their apps.
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[SDK Refactoring] Update SDK tests to use `viem` #871

Open yagopv opened 1 week ago

yagopv commented 1 week ago

Context / issue

After the previous refactor to remove the adapter pattern from the SDK, the next step is to migrate the usage of the ethers library to viem.

Viem is designed with performance in mind, providing optimized code for interacting with the blockchain. This can result in faster execution times for certain blockchain operations. It adopts as well a modular design, allowing developers to import only what they need. This can lead to smaller bundle sizes in web applications when compared to ethers, which tends to be more monolithic

Proposed solution

Remove ethers from the whole repo and substitute it for viem. This includes:

Additional context

Research document Related update code issue