safe-global / safe-infrastructure

One `docker-compose.yml` file to rule them all
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cgw service http://localhost:8000/cgw/v1/chains/:chainId/safes/:safeAddress not working #141

Closed hapetherw closed 2 months ago

hapetherw commented 3 months ago

When i try to create a multi-sig wallet, it looks like the wallet address is already created but it loads forever in the indexing step. Here are docker logs of CGW:

2024-05-31 02:38:33 {"build_number":"078d1d1","level":"info","message":{"chain_id":"555666","client_ip":"","detail":null,"method":"GET","origin":null,"path":"/v1/chains/555666/safes/0x8921C682b1E51c69e78e3A9b4b31C75D9C586011","response_time_ms":3.363084999844432,"route":"/v1/chains/:chainId/safes/:safeAddress","safe_app_user_agent":null,"status_code":404},"request_id":"54e8416c-28fb-4d9d-938e-8bbcb7073e29","timestamp":"2024-05-30T18:38:33.255Z","version":"v1.42.0"}
2024-05-31 02:38:33 {"build_number":"078d1d1","level":"info","message":{"chain_id":"555666","client_ip":"","detail":null,"method":"GET","origin":null,"path":"/v1/chains/555666/safe-apps?client_url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8000","response_time_ms":4.151572999544442,"route":"/v1/chains/:chainId/safe-apps","safe_app_user_agent":null,"status_code":200},"request_id":"ce0d9fe8-48a2-4a65-bc89-d31f177d4b50","timestamp":"2024-05-30T18:38:33.278Z","version":"v1.42.0"}
2024-05-31 02:38:48 {"build_number":"078d1d1","level":"info","message":{"chain_id":"555666","client_ip":"","detail":"An error occurred","method":"GET","origin":null,"path":"/v1/chains/555666/safes/0x8921C682b1E51c69e78e3A9b4b31C75D9C586011","response_time_ms":12.31921200081706,"route":"/v1/chains/:chainId/safes/:safeAddress","safe_app_user_agent":null,"status_code":404},"request_id":"4f6ef574-6cb1-46d3-b557-e86e074a7c17","timestamp":"2024-05-30T18:38:48.269Z","version":"v1.42.0"}
2024-05-31 02:38:48 {"build_number":"078d1d1","level":"info","message":{"chain_id":"555666","client_ip":"","detail":null,"method":"GET","origin":null,"path":"/v1/chains/555666/safes/0x8921C682b1E51c69e78e3A9b4b31C75D9C586011","response_time_ms":13.051281999796629,"route":"/v1/chains/:chainId/safes/:safeAddress","safe_app_user_agent":null,"status_code":404},"request_id":"4f6ef574-6cb1-46d3-b557-e86e074a7c17","timestamp":"2024-05-30T18:38:48.270Z","version":"v1.42.0"}
2024-05-31 02:38:48 {"build_number":"078d1d1","level":"info","message":{"chain_id":"555666","client_ip":"","detail":null,"method":"GET","origin":null,"path":"/v1/chains/555666/safe-apps?client_url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8000","response_time_ms":1.0780199998989701,"route":"/v1/chains/:chainId/safe-apps","safe_app_user_agent":null,"status_code":200},"request_id":"18ec22c4-feda-4337-9e65-b6e237bb76b1","timestamp":"2024-05-30T18:38:48.286Z","version":"v1.42.0"}

I have attached one screen-shot. image Here's my chainInfo:

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "chainId": "555666",
      "chainName": "EclipseChain Testnet",
      "shortName": "EclipseChain Testnet",
      "description": "",
      "chainLogoUri": "http://localhost:8000/cfg/media/chains/555666/chain_logo_16hZikh.png",
      "l2": true,
      "isTestnet": true,
      "rpcUri": {
        "authentication": "NO_AUTHENTICATION",
        "value": ""
      "safeAppsRpcUri": {
        "authentication": "NO_AUTHENTICATION",
        "value": ""
      "publicRpcUri": {
        "authentication": "NO_AUTHENTICATION",
        "value": ""
      "blockExplorerUriTemplate": {
        "address": "{{address}}",
        "txHash": "{{txHash}}",
        "api": "{{module}}&action={{action}}&address={{address}}&apiKey={{apiKey}}"
      "nativeCurrency": {
        "name": "EclipseChain Token",
        "symbol": "ECLPS",
        "decimals": 18,
        "logoUri": "http://localhost:8000/cfg/media/chains/555666/currency_logo_3No25Fo.png"
      "pricesProvider": {
        "nativeCoin": null,
        "chainName": null
      "transactionService": "http://nginx:8000/txs",
      "vpcTransactionService": "http://nginx:8000/txs",
      "theme": {
        "textColor": "#ffffff",
        "backgroundColor": "#000000"
      "gasPrice": [],
      "ensRegistryAddress": null,
      "recommendedMasterCopyVersion": "1.3.0",
      "disabledWallets": [],
      "features": [

Could you tell me what's wrong with my side. Please let me know if you need more info. Thank you.

hapetherw commented 3 months ago

Hello, is there any update for me?

gabmontes commented 2 months ago

@happyleow dealing with the same issue here. Did you find a solution?

hapetherw commented 2 months ago

@gabmontes I am still trying to find the root cause by communicating with them on StackExchange. It takes more time than I expected.

hapetherw commented 2 months ago

@gabmontes I finally solved it myself, you can check this post it would be helpful.

gabmontes commented 2 months ago

@happyleow awesome. Picking the right short name fixed the problem for mee too. Thanks!!!

hapetherw commented 2 months ago

@gabmontes May i ask if you added the chain logo image correctly? i added it but it's not working in the Safe UI. image

gabmontes commented 2 months ago

@happyleow I'm debugging the same problem.

Perhaps we should open a new issue and move the discussion there.

gabmontes commented 2 months ago

@happyleow this is an interesting discussion about that problem:

In addition, when running locally the logos are stored inside the Docker container. Therefore the files will disappear after a restart unless the local folder is mapped to a volume similar to this:

      - nginx-shared-cfg:/nginx
      - ./data/media:/app/src/media

Still working on the issue.

hapetherw commented 2 months ago

@gabmontes I'm not sure, i added your info in the docker compose file but it's still not displaying on the UI.

gabmontes commented 2 months ago

That's ok. There is one more problem I did not solve yet. Read #109 for background. It has to do with MEDIA_URL not working properly when running the services through docker-compose.

hapetherw commented 2 months ago

@gabmontes I encountered one problem, i tried to deploy it on Ubuntu 22.04(hosting server) using docker compose, but several docker containers are not running so I couldn't operate it. It's working on my MacOS without any issues. Here's some logs of one sub docker container(nginx-alpine):

/ /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration
/ Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/
/ Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/ info: Getting the checksum of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf info: Enabled listen on IPv6 in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
/ Sourcing /docker-entrypoint.d/15-local-resolvers.envsh
/ Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
/ Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
/ Configuration complete; ready for start up
2024/06/29 06:28:10 [emerg] 1#1: host not found in upstream "cgw-web:3000" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:47
nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "cgw-web:3000" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:47

Have you ever seen this issue? am trying to solve it...

gabmontes commented 2 months ago

@happyleow no, I didn't see that issue before.

By the way, this is the first iteration of the solution we develop for the logos:

hapetherw commented 2 months ago

@happyleow no, I didn't see that issue before.

It's weird, did you deploy it on Ubuntu OS? I also tried to deploy it on 2 other PCs that Ubuntu OS installed, but they both failed with the same issue.

jerry-nerd commented 4 weeks ago

@happyleow @gabmontes I have the same cgw issue. But my issue not fixed, I have confirmed the shortname is right, and also the mastercopies and proxy factories. In fact, I am testing the sepolia testnet.

Can you tell me which version of the docker images you are using ? The following is mine:

hapetherw commented 3 weeks ago

@jerry-nerd I replaced localhost:8000, nginx:8000 urls with my ip(or domain) address across all env files, and that's finally resolved on VPS. It was not about version issue.

bob-fly commented 3 weeks ago

Is there any progress on this issue? I have met the same problem.

jerry-nerd commented 2 weeks ago

@jerry-nerd I replaced localhost:8000, nginx:8000 urls with my ip(or domain) address across all env files, and that's finally resolved on VPS. It was not about version issue.

Ok, thanks, I have both localhost:8000 and domain on linux server, now the domain one with my testnet is ok for "txs/api/v1/safes/{address} " request after I add master-copy contract and proxy-factory contracts on txs-service.