safe-global / safe-infrastructure

One `docker-compose.yml` file to rule them all
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Setup gnosis safe on my infrastructure has "Invalid CompatibilityFallbackHandler contract address" error #74

Closed thespamer closed 1 year ago

thespamer commented 1 year ago

I just followed all steps;

setup docker running_local and register a new chainID/RPC network, it works with my metamask, but:

1- When I try to "Create new safe" after choosing the name of safe, using my wallet as owner, set threshold, when Next button is clicked, the following javascript error shows:

EthersAdapter.js:112 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Invalid CompatibilityFallbackHandler contract address at t.default.getCompatibilityFallbackHandlerContract (EthersAdapter.js:112:19) at k (safeContracts.ts:179:21) at index.tsx:58:29 at s (runtime.js:45:40) at Generator._invoke (runtime.js:274:22) at P.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (runtime.js:97:21) at r (_async_to_generator.mjs:3:20) at s (_async_to_generator.mjs:25:9) at _async_to_generator.mjs:32:7 at new Promise (<anonymous>)

What I need to do next/what is the issue?
1- Using safe-contracts repo:

~/safe-contracts$ yarn deploy-all custom yarn run v1.22.19 $ hardhat deploy-contracts --network custom Nothing to compile An unexpected error occurred: Error: ERROR processing /home/ubuntu/safe-contracts/src/deploy/deploy_accessors.ts: Error: **Safe factory not found for network 245022926. You can request a new deployment at** For more information, see

2- I just opened a issue requesting a new safe-factory:

From safe-singleton-factory I just did `yarn deploy-all custom`, it generates a json file:

{ "gasPrice": 1000000000, "gasLimit": 16154360, "signerAddress": "0x5def6d46B26c1C672110FF9DdE09233E309c964f", "transaction": "0xf8a880843b9aca0083f67ef88080b853604580600e600039806000f350fe7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe03601600081602082378035828234f58015156039578182fd5b8082525050506014600cf3841d3581bfa049a9e05fd2ed60f0cc9a1b62d5dbdd651a297d715241067e246347046c9425a0a07e749bb77541e02c2858c324d5e0b83e0216927305481f7cfd67788ae09bdefe", "address": "0x7753Ee72051D187B208008cFa37669B7ED98Bf8c" }

and yarn submit What is next to have this safe in my own infrastructure with my own RPC server?
Were the steps shown here correct?

Regards, Juliano

thespamer commented 1 year ago

The "Invalid CompatibilityFallbackHandler contract address " error is because I need this contract below deployed on my RPC?

skimaharvey commented 1 year ago

@thespamer I am having the same problem. Did you end up resolving it?

thespamer commented 1 year ago

@skimaharvey... yes, but our devs need to change all modules, there is no clear doc how to do it.

moisses89 commented 1 year ago

@thespamer I think that the issue was that the contract addresses were not included in safe-deployments package, they were added here The safe-deployments 1.21.1 should be updated on web-core also. @skimaharvey with which chain? are the contracts deployed and are the addressess included on safe-deployments?

Sj-001 commented 1 year ago

Hey @moisses89 , just a follow up, is the safe-deployments package updated?

moisses89 commented 1 year ago

Hey @moisses89 , just a follow up, is the safe-deployments package updated?

It is on 1.20.2 if you need other version you can request it in the web-core project or add a PR.

Sj-001 commented 1 year ago created @moisses89 . Its current in dev branch, not sure with one is used by infrastructure.