safe-global / safe-wallet-web

Safe{Wallet} – smart contract wallet for Ethereum (ex-Gnosis Safe multisig)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Polygon] Unstoppable Domains set reverse address record. #2742

Open JABirchall opened 8 months ago

JABirchall commented 8 months ago

What is the feature about

unstoppable domains is a domain name service on polygon, adopted and supported. It is possible for users to mint a domain to a safe wallet.

But can be difficult for non-tech orientated users to know how to set the reverse records from the safe wallet.

I think it would be useful for users who have minted a UD to there safe wallet and easy method to set its reverse records so the wallet can be resolved.

The list of requirements

If the safe wallet has a UD NFT and that UD NFT doesnt resolve to the wallets address. Display a "set reverse records" button which will set the reverse.

When the button is pressed send 2 transcations to the domain manager contract in order Contract: 0xa9a6a3626993d487d2dbda3173cf58ca1a9d9e9f

  1. Call setMany()
    keys = ["crypto.ETH.address", "crypto.MATIC.version.BEP20.address", "crypto.MATIC.version.ERC20.address", "crypto.MATIC.version.MATIC.address"]
    values = ["{{address}}","{{address}}","{{address}}","{{address}}"]
    token = {{selected token}}
  2. call setReverse() tags are the domain arrayed by . example safe.gnosis.polygon would be tags = ["safe", "gnosis", "polygon"]

This will then allow the address to be resolved by name.


Im not a designer but heres a rough idea


katspaugh commented 8 months ago

Not a priority for us in the foreseeable future but please feel free to propose a pull request.