safe-global / safe-wallet-web

Safe{Wallet} – smart contract wallet for Ethereum (ex-Gnosis Safe multisig)
GNU General Public License v3.0
314 stars 372 forks source link

feat: add promo widget for swaps [SWAP-87] #3771

Closed compojoom closed 1 month ago

compojoom commented 1 month ago

What it solves

Displays a swaps promo block(that can be hidden) on the dashboard. Right now we are loading a .png, but @TanyaEfremova would give us an svg.

Resolves #

How this PR fixes it

Other changes:

How to test it

  1. Open the dashboard and observe the new widget
  2. Press "Try it now" and be navigated to the swaps page
  3. Press "Don't show again", the widget should permanently disappear


Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 10 52 43 Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 10 52 58 Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 10 53 15


notion-workspace[bot] commented 1 month ago

Add a swaps block on dashboard

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Branch preview

βœ… Deploy successful!



github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

ESLint Summary View Full Report

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Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

πŸ“¦ Next.js Bundle Analysis for safe-wallet-web

This analysis was generated by the Next.js Bundle Analysis action. πŸ€–

⚠️ Global Bundle Size Increased

Page Size (compressed)
global 950.52 KB (🟑 +177 B)

The global bundle is the javascript bundle that loads alongside every page. It is in its own category because its impact is much higher - an increase to its size means that every page on your website loads slower, and a decrease means every page loads faster.

Any third party scripts you have added directly to your app using the <script> tag are not accounted for in this analysis

If you want further insight into what is behind the changes, give @next/bundle-analyzer a try!

One Page Changed Size

The following page changed size from the code in this PR compared to its base branch:

Page Size (compressed) First Load
/home 58.77 KB (🟑 +95 B) 1009.29 KB

Only the gzipped size is provided here based on an expert tip.

First Load is the size of the global bundle plus the bundle for the individual page. If a user were to show up to your website and land on a given page, the first load size represents the amount of javascript that user would need to download. If next/link is used, subsequent page loads would only need to download that page's bundle (the number in the "Size" column), since the global bundle has already been downloaded.

Any third party scripts you have added directly to your app using the <script> tag are not accounted for in this analysis

Next to the size is how much the size has increased or decreased compared with the base branch of this PR. If this percentage has increased by 20% or more, there will be a red status indicator applied, indicating that special attention should be given to this.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage report

Category Percentage Covered / Total
🟑 Statements
79.49% (+0% πŸ”Ό)
πŸ”΄ Branches 58.57% 2767/4724
🟑 Functions
66.75% (-0.02% πŸ”»)
🟒 Lines
80.84% (+0% πŸ”Ό)
Show new covered files 🐣
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :-: | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | | 🟒 |
`...` / index.tsx
| 100% | 100% | 0% | 100% |

Test suite run success

1443 tests passing in 199 suites.

Report generated by πŸ§ͺjest coverage report action from 4dc4718c37639b7b6897b744fa464fec1658ee9a

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

ESLint Summary View Full Report

Annotations are provided inline on the Files Changed tab. You can also see all annotations that were generated on the annotations page.

Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

usame-algan commented 1 month ago

Looks good!

just one small thing. It looks a bit odd next to the safe pass widget, since they are very similar but the buttons are way bigger for the safe pass one. Do we plan to show both of these together or is it one promotion at a time?


Noticed this too. AFAIK we will show both at the same time. @TanyaEfremova do you think we should adjust either one of them to make it look more consistent?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
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Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

francovenica commented 1 month ago

The widget should be network sensitive, so it should only show in ETH, GNO and Sepolia. Or if we want to show it everywhere for the sake of promotion, we should have "try it now" button grayed out with a tooltip saying that is only supported in those networks (But personally I'd prefer the widget to only show in the supported networks)


compojoom commented 1 month ago

Good catch! Check again please!

francovenica commented 1 month ago

The widget is now network sensitive, so that's fixed

francovenica commented 1 month ago

Are we going to take in account James and Usames' comments regarding the buttons? I personally don't think is that big of a deal if this is widget is going to be there for some time and not forever. In case you decide to change those buttons, change as well the margin on the left side to match the widget bellow image

TanyaEfremova commented 1 month ago

Left margin is indeed different, let's align with the Safe{Pass} widget:40px on the left side. Buttons should use style Large in both widgets.

katspaugh commented 1 month ago

As a side note, we should avoid using margins/paddings that are not a multiple of 8 px.

compojoom commented 1 month ago

@TanyaEfremova and I aggreed on 32px or also known as var(--space-4) :)

Swaps and Safepass should be aligned now.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

francovenica commented 1 month ago