safe-global / safe-wallet-web

Safe{Wallet} – smart contract wallet for Ethereum (ex-Gnosis Safe multisig)
GNU General Public License v3.0
314 stars 372 forks source link

feat: Improve safe creation status screen #3778

Closed usame-algan closed 2 weeks ago

usame-algan commented 1 month ago

What it solves

Resolves #3612

How this PR fixes it


How to test it


Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 16 24 29 Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 16 31 20 Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 16 36 44 Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 10 40 50


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Branch preview

✅ Deploy successful!



github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

ESLint Summary View Full Report

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Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage report

Category Percentage Covered / Total
🟡 Statements
79% (-0.16% 🔻)
🔴 Branches
58.26% (-0.18% 🔻)
🟡 Functions
66% (-0.07% 🔻)
🟢 Lines
80.37% (-0.12% 🔻)
Show new covered files 🐣
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :-: | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | | 🟢 |
`...` / useUndeployedSafe.ts
| 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Show files with reduced coverage 🔻
| File | Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines | | :-: | :- | :- | :- | :- | :- | | 🟢 |
`...` / safeCoreSDK.ts
89.09% (-3.5% 🔻)
| 84.62% |
85.71% (-14.29% 🔻)
91.67% (-1.95% 🔻)
| | 🟡 |
`...` / notificationsSlice.ts
76.67% (-3.33% 🔻)
| 16.67% |
46.15% (-7.69% 🔻)
72.73% (-4.55% 🔻)
| | 🟡 |
`...` / gtm.ts
70.77% (-1.54% 🔻)
| 60% |
50% (-12.5% 🔻)
| 77.78% | | 🟢 |
`...` / txMonitor.ts
92% (-0.47% 🔻)
94.44% (+2.44% 🔼)
95.45% (-0.55% 🔻)
92.96% (-0.22% 🔻)
| | 🔴 |
`...` / utils.ts
36.52% (-0.65% 🔻)
34.38% (-1.11% 🔻)
| 21.43% |
37% (-0.76% 🔻)
| | 🟡 |
`...` / index.tsx
66.67% (-9.86% 🔻)
41.86% (-11.26% 🔻)
61.54% (-11.19% 🔻)
66.67% (-10.51% 🔻)
| | 🔴 |
`...` / index.ts
47.83% (-21.85% 🔻)
18.18% (-40.91% 🔻)
10% (-37.06% 🔻)
48.33% (-20.53% 🔻)

Test suite run success

1409 tests passing in 195 suites.

Report generated by 🧪jest coverage report action from ce37ab43ae4569a973980e6ddc5b16b169091dbe

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

📦 Next.js Bundle Analysis for safe-wallet-web

This analysis was generated by the Next.js Bundle Analysis action. 🤖

🎉 Global Bundle Size Decreased

Page Size (compressed)
global 999.52 KB (🟢 -4.4 KB)

The global bundle is the javascript bundle that loads alongside every page. It is in its own category because its impact is much higher - an increase to its size means that every page on your website loads slower, and a decrease means every page loads faster.

Any third party scripts you have added directly to your app using the <script> tag are not accounted for in this analysis

If you want further insight into what is behind the changes, give @next/bundle-analyzer a try!

Eighteen Pages Changed Size

The following pages changed size from the code in this PR compared to its base branch:

Page Size (compressed) First Load
/apps/open 49.79 KB (🟡 +1.08 KB) 1.02 MB
/balances 29.43 KB (-1 B) 1 MB
/home 55.07 KB (🟢 -1.35 KB) 1.03 MB
/new-safe/create 33.82 KB (🔴 +7.24 KB) 1.01 MB
/new-safe/load 16.45 KB (🟡 +62 B) 1015.97 KB
/settings/appearance 8.02 KB (🟢 -432 B) 1007.54 KB
/settings/data 7.54 KB (🟢 -1 B) 1007.06 KB
/settings/modules 9.62 KB (🟡 +1 B) 1009.14 KB
/settings/notifications 27.62 KB (🟢 -463 B) 1 MB
/settings/safe-apps 21.99 KB (🟢 -415 B) 1021.51 KB
/settings/security 8.06 KB (🟢 -413 B) 1007.58 KB
/settings/setup 35.95 KB (-1 B) 1.01 MB
/swap 26.49 KB (🟡 +143 B) 1 MB
/transactions 73.74 KB (🟢 -910 B) 1.05 MB
/transactions/history 73.71 KB (🟢 -909 B) 1.05 MB
/transactions/messages 37.83 KB (🟡 +2.25 KB) 1.01 MB
/transactions/queue 30.94 KB (🟡 +1.08 KB) 1.01 MB
/transactions/tx 20.71 KB (🟡 +1.08 KB) 1020.23 KB

Only the gzipped size is provided here based on an expert tip.

First Load is the size of the global bundle plus the bundle for the individual page. If a user were to show up to your website and land on a given page, the first load size represents the amount of javascript that user would need to download. If next/link is used, subsequent page loads would only need to download that page's bundle (the number in the "Size" column), since the global bundle has already been downloaded.

Any third party scripts you have added directly to your app using the <script> tag are not accounted for in this analysis

Next to the size is how much the size has increased or decreased compared with the base branch of this PR. If this percentage has increased by 20% or more, there will be a red status indicator applied, indicating that special attention should be given to this.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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Annotations are provided inline on the Files Changed tab. You can also see all annotations that were generated on the annotations page.

Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

ESLint Summary View Full Report

Annotations are provided inline on the Files Changed tab. You can also see all annotations that were generated on the annotations page.

Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
Ignored 0 N/A

Report generated by eslint-plus-action

francovenica commented 1 month ago

This Scroll bar shoudn't be there image

francovenica commented 1 month ago

If the user reject the tx we show an error message saying that "Something went wrong and it should try again later". For tx executions in a safe we say that "the user rejected the tx". Can't we do the same here? image image

francovenica commented 1 month ago

When the tx fails it says that the tx "was rejected by the connected wallet". I think this makes belive that the user rejected the tx on purpose, and not that the tx failed for some reason outside of the user's control. I think it should just say that the tx has failed without the "rejected by the wallet" text.

In this snapshot I, on purpose, set the gas limit too low to make the tx fail: image

francovenica commented 1 month ago

Beyond the comments I made, the rest looks fine.

Regarding this comment in the Notion doc: "We remove the status page and instead navigate the user to their safe even while its deploying. This is already how its done for Counterfactual safes and would unblock the UI for the user. We could show the deployment status as a sticky notification."

I'm not 100% in removing the "creation done" modal that used to show what the user can do with the safe and also not fully sold about dumping the user into the safe as it is being deployed. I don't think the user will start to navigate the UI as it sees that the safe is deploying with all those loaders.

My suggestion would be to show a modal saying "your safe is being deployed, it might take a few minutes, on the meanwhile you can still explore it". And if the safe is deployed then you show the "Your safe has been deployed: [ADDRESS]" modal.

usame-algan commented 4 weeks ago

@francovenica thanks for testing! I pushed a fix to address the issues you found. Could you try again?

I'm not 100% in removing the "creation done" modal that used to show what the user can do with the safe and also not fully sold about dumping the user into the safe as it is being deployed. I don't think the user will start to navigate the UI as it sees that the safe is deploying with all those loaders.

My suggestion would be to show a modal saying "your safe is being deployed, it might take a few minutes, on the meanwhile you can still explore it". And if the safe is deployed then you show the "Your safe has been deployed: [ADDRESS]" modal.

You are talking about this screen right? We should document why we want to remove it. cc @TanyaEfremova From my understanding it overloads the user with information about what they can do with their Safe while also blocking them from those actions and essentially forcing them to do an onboarding which can be frustrating.

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 10 42 37

Removing this dialog also affects one of our e2e tests (smoke/create_safe_cf) so we would have to remove dialogConfirmBtn and associated logic. cc @mike10ca

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

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Type Occurrences Fixable
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TanyaEfremova commented 4 weeks ago

I think, we agreed to show the success screen with the account address and a welcoming text instead of this one. I don't think, the current screen provides a lot of error. We also have another success screen for CF accounts, which is completely different from this one, so they need to be aligned anyway, there is no reason in keeping both.

francovenica commented 3 weeks ago

The issues I reported were fixed

We also have another success screen for CF accounts, which is completely different from this one, so they need to be aligned anyway, there is no reason in keeping both.

So right now the only " success screen" is this one below. CF don't have a success screen for themselves, only the same one once it is deployed, so technically there is only the "Safe deployed success screen". Is there another one I'm not aware of? or it is planned for another ticket? image

If that is the only success screen that should show up for the scope of this ticket then is ok to be closed and merged

TanyaEfremova commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, exactly! Before, we had a modal with the overview, when an account was created, then once the CF account is deployed a different modal was shown, and the overview wasn't. So we would like to merge them, and only show the one you posted on the screenshot :) So you are correct.

francovenica commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, Given Tanya's comment and a talk I had with Usame I see that this success screen is the only one and correct. I was afraid I was missing some success screen somewhere

LGTM, we can pass this ticket to done

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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Type Occurrences Fixable
Errors 0 0
Warnings 0 0
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