safemoonprotocol / Safemoon.sol

safemoon contract
661 stars 899 forks source link

No actual code of any substance in the git repository #28

Open mrcodetastic opened 3 years ago

mrcodetastic commented 3 years ago

Perhaps too busy watching it moon?

theSkele commented 3 years ago

Um Safemoon.sol is the code...

ismaelgansonre commented 3 years ago

One file , one commit ,no documentation 🤔,

andreapigatto commented 3 years ago

Do you know how smart contract works? Actually no commits are possible.. once it is in blockchain you cannot change.. you need to throw away the code deployed and probably push to blockchain a brand new one.. don't really know if is possible on production without downtime.. this is one of biggest problem of smart contracts in general.. future maintenance is utopia :) if you commit a bug it will stay there.. a lot of money was stolen from smart contracts on ethereum smart contracts because of bugs or breaches here and there

marlandoj commented 3 years ago

@andreapigatto That one file seems to just be a file for token genesis on BSC. Literally anyone can copy paste and create a safemoon type coin. I'm not a full-stack dev and cant read sol code so good though. I may be wrong. Can you point out in the safemoon.sol where the following features are; Wallet, App, NFT Exchange, Auto LP Staking, RFI Staking rewards. If they aren't in the core code, then I would expect devs would put them in the Projects section which is also bereft of any documentation. It's concerning because per the roadmap these things are to be produced in Q2 2021. which is about 60 days away.

andreapigatto commented 3 years ago

I'm not crypto developer but understand of coding being web fullstack. Actually planning to go through this as soon as I have time. Keep u updated

arlenner commented 3 years ago

I've read it, it does what it says. It's really just copy pasted from #BEE though, plus a few mods for redist. They can't pull the rug. Its unusual incentive wise because the only incentive to buy is that it is an auto liquidity generator with a 'safety net' for 'hodlers' in the form of redistribution on sales. It doesn't solve world problems or anything but it's a perfectly valid ERC20/BEP20 w/e...

arlenner commented 3 years ago

For skeptics, yea that's how contracts work. Once it's on chain it's forever. Only one commit. Simplicity rules the land of solidity. You don't want unknowns that's where rugs get pulled, contracts get locked, bs goes down. This is fairly clean although not so modular.

arlenner commented 3 years ago

and I even own ~$10USD of it just in case it's ever with a dollar 😎

arlenner commented 3 years ago

Oh also this coin is in full circulation @marlandoj its already held by over 1M people. There are no docs - its an erc20/bep20 token. It abides by the exact interface. Yes anyone can copy paste any public contract. The dev of this copied $BEE code, a self deflationary coin. He left the comments in at the top even.

marlandoj commented 3 years ago

I've read it, it does what it says. It's really just copy pasted from #BEE though, plus a few mods for redist. They can't pull the rug. Its unusual incentive wise because the only incentive to buy is that it is an auto liquidity generator with a 'safety net' for 'hodlers' in the form of redistribution on sales. It doesn't solve world problems or anything but it's a perfectly valid ERC20/BEP20 w/e...

Which lines of code detail a wallet, app, NFT exchange and automatic LP staking, and RFI staking?