safety-orange / Imports-for-MPMB-s-Character-Sheet

Material for importing to MorePurpleMoreBetter's Character Record Sheet
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Update pub_20140930_MM.js #57

Closed Undrhil closed 4 years ago

Undrhil commented 4 years ago

Same as for the v12.998 file

safety-orange commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the addition, but I have some small issues with this transcription:

  1. Mephit is not a subtype (very few things are creature subtypes, only creatures like humanoids and fiends regularly have a subtype).
  2. By RAW, mephits are not options to take as a familiar and are Small, not Tiny.
  3. They also appear in the SRD, so it is probably better to also include that as a source.
  4. Why are you setting the damage of the claws to have a bonus of +2 and not to add the Dex modifier to the damage (which is +2)? I think that the Dex should influence the attack damage, as they are most likely related. So just remove the whole modifiers attribute for the claw attacks.
  5. The description for attacks is best written in accordance with MPMB's work so that it doesn't stand out. So don't use full stops, the abbreviation "crea", or "Each crea". Also, the DC will be calculated, so you shouldn't include it in the description as well. Taking the dragonborn's breath weapon as an example ("Hits all in area; Dex save, success - half damage; Usable only once per short rest""), I would change your to something like this: "Hits all in area; Dex save or blinded for 1 min; Affected can repeat save at end of each turn".
  6. "Poison" is not a condition, the condition_immunities should be "poisoned".
  7. I think that you should capitalize the alignment, as that is how they appear in the dropdown on the sheet, but I'm not sure (e.g. "Neutral Evil".

I do like the idea for attacks that cause a condition and no damage to have the required save be written instead of the damage die and the condition in the damage type area. Now the required save ability is only in the description and the condition is listed as the damage die.

safety-orange commented 4 years ago

MPMB has added the Mephits to the base CreatureList file as they also appear in the SRD, see his commit here. Hence, it doesn't make sense to also add them to an import file and I'll be closing this commit. Thank you for creating the code, otherwise they wouldn't have been added to the sheet in such a timely manner!