safetyfirstpdx / saferspaces

Interesting resources/articles on building safer spaces
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Open gabelula opened 6 years ago

gabelula commented 6 years ago

DARVO stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It refers to a reaction perpetrators of wrong doing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.

gabelula commented 6 years ago An article about DAT's community response on sexual misconduct of one of its developers.

gabelula commented 6 years ago

An interesting Twitter thread on Dan Harmon's apology for his behavior and the survivor's reply.

gabelula commented 6 years ago

This is a pledge to build brave spaces. I like the idea of all of us doing our best to build safer spaces being intentional about it and not falling in the ilussion that we live in a safe bubble.

gabelula commented 6 years ago

W.O.M.A.N., Inc. supports those impacted by violence sustaining a helpline 24 hours a day.

gabelula commented 6 years ago

Was/is your abusive partner a high-profile activist? Does your abusive girlfriend’s best friend staff the domestic violence hotline? Have you successfully kicked an abuser out of your group? Did your anti-police brutality group fear retaliation if you went to the cops about another organizer’s assault? Have you found solutions where accountability didn’t mean isolation for either of you? Was the 'healing circle' a bunch of bullshit? Is the local trans community so small that you don’t want you or your partner to lose it?

gabelula commented 6 years ago

An open letter accusing Portland Tenants United of racist behavior.

gabelula commented 6 years ago

Disrupt is a South Africa documentary on a list of allegeted perpetrators on Rhodes University

And to understand it: