safrazik / vue-file-agent

The most beautiful and full featured file upload component for Vue JS
MIT License
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Upload with tus and cookie doesn't work #181

Open boudafc opened 2 years ago

boudafc commented 2 years ago

Back-end: Laravel with and Sanctum for authentication Description: Everything works with tus-js-client. With vue-file-agent, everything work well when not using authentication, but when using authentication, the cookie (XSRF-TOKEN) is not added to the request. So then back-end return a "CSRF token mismatch." error.

My vue-agent-component:

      :helpText="'Choose images or zip files'"
        type: 'Invalid file type. Only images or zip Allowed',
        size: 'Files should not exceed 10MB in size'


this.headers = {
      Accept: "application/json",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true",
      "X-XSRF-TOKEN": decodeURIComponent(this.getCookieValue("XSRF-TOKEN"))

Function getCookieValue:

getCookieValue(a) {
      const b = document.cookie.match("(^|;)\\s*" + a + "\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)");
      return b ? b.pop() : "";

Versions: "tus-js-client": "^2.3.1", "vue-file-agent": "^1.7.3",