sag-enhanced / sage-issues

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webhook customization #38

Open aysx opened 2 months ago

aysx commented 2 months ago

Describe the feature

as title says, add webhook custom format but only for premium users

Use case

more readable discord messages in some cases

Additional context

No response

Le0Developer commented 2 months ago

This will likely just be an option where you can run scripts after account generation which will have the full account object and then you can just run a fetch to discord in there.

For reference, currently it's being constructed like this:

async function prepareDiscordPayload(account: SteamAccount): Promise<any> {
    return {
        embeds: [
                title: "New Steam Account",
                url: `${APP_URL}/share#${await serdeEncode(account)}`,
                author: {
                    name: "SAGE - Steam Account Generator Enhanced",
                    url: HOMEPAGE_URL,
                color: 0x2f3136,
                timestamp: new Date(account.metadata.createdAt).toISOString(),
                description: [
                    `### Steam`,
                    `Username: ${account.user.username}`,
                    `Password: ||${account.user.password}||`,
                    `[Profile link](${})`,
                        ? [
                                `### Permanent Email (Vault)`,
                                `Address: ${account.vault.address}`,
                                `Password: ||${account.vault.password}||`,
                                `[Access Emails](${APP_URL}/email#${await serdeEncode(
                        : []),
                    `### ${account.vault ? "Original " : ""}Email`,
                    `Address: ${!.address}`,
                    `Password: ||${!.password}||`,
                    `[Access Emails](${APP_URL}/email#${await serdeEncode(
                        ? [
                                `### Steam Guard`,
                                `This account is protected using Steam Guard Mobile. To generate codes, open this account in the app.`,
                        : []),