saga-project / BigJob

SAGA-based Pilot-Job Implementation for Compute and Data
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Update XSEDE BigJob Page #82

Open oleweidner opened 11 years ago

oleweidner commented 11 years ago

Could we remove GRAM from Table 1, please? I think is more confusing than helping the XSEDE users. Furthermore, the next, saga-python-enabled version of BigJob won't support it. (We decided that we rather develop a GRAM plug-in for saga-python if required than maintaining support for saga-c++ (!) + GRAM in the BigJob codebase).

Personally, I would remove the "Pilot Description" and the "Comput Unit Description" subsections from the "Introduction to BigJob" section. They seem kinda out of place and doesn't really mean anything.

Generally speaking, I'd be in favor of a way more condensed version of that page, i.e., just some "marketing" speak, but no redundancies, code snipers, etc.

Also, links seem to point to the old API documentation and tutorial. Shouldn't they rather point to the new Sphinx documentation that Melissa wrote?

Who has permissions to make changes on that page besides YYE? I assume it's a wiki-type thing?

melrom commented 11 years ago

Our contact at TACC is Susan:

melrom commented 11 years ago

Ole- Please review:

See if this might be more appropriate....

oleweidner commented 10 years ago

That's a 404

melrom commented 10 years ago

lol well when you wait 7 months to click the link - i make no guarantees.

This is the XSEDE page currently: that I was referring to above. This link will be changing within the next few days. As you know, our new examples will be accompanied by "The Table," .

This ticket needs to stay open because is out of date and will need to talk to our TACC contact to fix.