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remote job submission example #5

Open shantenujha opened 10 years ago

shantenujha commented 10 years ago

In the remote job submission example

we should provide information on how to submit remotely to Stampede!

rather than just tell them in general.

Please add.

shantenujha commented 10 years ago

Fixed. Provided link.

shantenujha commented 10 years ago

Queue information on Stampede needs to be provided in SAGA tutorial. Remember students/attendees will encounter SAGA tutorial before BigJob tutorial..

(sagaenv)tutorial-29@repex1:~/sagaenv$ python Job ID : None Job State : New

...starting job...

An exception occured: (BadParameter) BadParameter: No queue has been specified, and the SLURM adaptor requires that a queue be specified. Please specify a queue to submit the job to.

andre-merzky commented 10 years ago

IIRC, we usually use the 'development' queue -- but I am not sure if this is the appropriate one for the tutorial :-/ It would be good if someone else could confirm that and add the queue info to the example in git master...

andre-merzky commented 10 years ago

I added the text for the development queue now, but please someone fix this if this is not the right one!

melrom commented 10 years ago

I don't know - I thought Yaakoub reserved the ones for "normal".

shantenujha commented 10 years ago

we need to be sure.. normal or devel