sagalbot / vue-select

Everything you wish the HTML <select> element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component.
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How to customize the css for v-select #490

Closed niti11 closed 6 years ago

niti11 commented 6 years ago

Hi All How can we add the css to this select box. I want to remove the border for select box & also want to set postion as top for the option box.

I tried this way. .v-select .dropdown-toggle { border: none !important; }

But It doesn't work for me. Can you help me on this?

TongDaDa commented 6 years ago

me too

niti11 commented 6 years ago

Hi all.

Can anyone have the solution for this issue?

Gil-1 commented 6 years ago

Did anyone got the chance to try this

sagalbot commented 6 years ago

@niti11 you just need to increase specificity. I've tried to make the rules the least specific as possible so they can be overridden. Try adding an id or extra class to your select:

<v-select id="mySelect" />
#mySelect .v-select .dropdown-toggle {
   border: none;

@Gil-1 the plan for 3.0 is to take that approach.

evtnlife commented 6 years ago

go to your node_modules/vue-select/dist/vue-select.js and change the dropdown-toggle class!

asyzdykov commented 5 years ago

should be solution it works when selected...but css changes in dropdown state (while selection)

YuryKorovko commented 5 years ago

@sagalbot Hi, probably do you have any ideas how to customise styling for placeholder ? It would be very cool. Thanks in advance.

YuryKorovko commented 5 years ago

go to your node_modules/vue-select/dist/vue-select.js and change the dropdown-toggle class!

What would you do if your app is dockerized ?

Fusseldieb commented 5 years ago

@niti11 you just need to increase specificity. I've tried to make the rules the least specific as possible so they can be overridden. Try adding an id or extra class to your select:

<v-select id="mySelect" />
#mySelect .v-select .dropdown-toggle {
   border: none;

This works, as long as your CSS isn't scoped. Learned it the tedious way. Works now.

<style> = Works

<style scoped> = Doesn't work

kules commented 5 years ago

Use deep selector to make it work with scoped css.

MatheusR42 commented 5 years ago

There is some way to import with webpack just the js without css?

sagalbot commented 5 years ago

@MatheusR42 not in v2.x – CSS and JS are separated in upcoming 3.0 release.

agm1984 commented 5 years ago

Using id for specificity is perhaps not the best idea because you are not supposed to have multiple elements with the same ID. Here is a solution that avoids that problem:

    <v-select :id="elementId" :name="name"></v-select>


computed: {
    elementId() { return `YourSelect-${ ? : this.getUniqueId()}`; },

methods: {
    // generates 16char base64 string in case `name` prop is omitted
    // ex: YourSelect-MC4yMzI0ODM1MDcx
    getUniqueId() { return btoa(Math.random()).substring(0, 16); },

In your stylesheet (shown with Tailwind CSS):

/* div[id^='YourSelect-'] is wildcard matcher for IDs with `YourSelect-*` */
div[id^='YourSelect-'] .dropdown-toggle { @apply .w-full .flex .flex-row .items-center .bg-white .text-grey-700 .truncate .border .border-grey-300 .rounded-none .p-16; }
div[id^='WsSelect-'] .dropdown-toggle .form-control { @apply .p-0 .m-0; }
div[id^='WsSelect-'] .dropdown-toggle .vs__actions { @apply .p-0 .m-0; }

It does work to just give it id="YourSelect" and use CSS #YourSelect .dropdown-toggle, but I do not consider this a good solution as some dev tooling will probably throw errors when multiple elements have the same ID.

Without unique ID attributes, document.getElementById() will return the first dropdown that appears on the page, thus making your dropdown component not as reuseable or composable--at least not properly.

agm1984 commented 5 years ago

Over the past while, I find the best way to reliably edit the styles is to do the following series of steps:

  1. navigate to the folder in node_modules: node_modules/vue-select/src/components/
  2. open the file: Select.vue
  3. copy the entire contents of the block to your clipboard
  4. paste them into your project's CSS file
  5. run a find&replace in that copied CSS: find .v-select and replace it with div[id^='YourSelect'] (read my previous comment above this one to understand YourSelect)
  6. now you have full control over the styles

It looks like doing what I just described added 6kb to my CSS (prior to overwriting all the styles with Tailwind utility classes), which isn't too horrific, but an astute observer will notice that we are wasting 6kb by double-loading these styles.

If this isn't clean enough for you, then you should probably just copy/paste the library into your Vue components folder and not even use the library, because it's overall not that complex. The library consists of one Vue component and 3 mixins. Take a look in the node_modules folder and play around a bit.

sagalbot commented 5 years ago

@agm1984 thanks for the suggestions. I have one final breaking change to wrap up and v3 is ready to ship. Here's what's been done so far on this topic:

agm1984 commented 5 years ago

It sounds beautiful, can't wait.

ghost commented 3 years ago

<v-select class="style-chooser">

FelixBecquart1990 commented 2 years ago

.v-menu__content { border-radius: 10px !important; }

It works for me

jayantonroblico commented 2 years ago

using custom class or id didn't work on me so i tried removing it on selector and then directly access the element using the vuetify's selector.


// not working

// working

cybanjar commented 1 year ago

Worked!!! change css default v-select add plugins

import Vue from 'vue'
import vSelect from 'vue-select'
// import 'vue-select/dist/vue-select.css' //default
import '@/assets/scss/vendor/v-select.scss' // custom

Vue.component('v-select', vSelect)