sagely / grunt-zaproxy

Grunt tasks for ZAProxy.
MIT License
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Update to zaproxy 0.2.0 breaks spider #12

Open bkimminich opened 8 years ago

bkimminich commented 8 years ago

I tried to update the API dependency to "zaproxy": "~0.2.0" but doing so causes callback is not a function errors then executing (at least) the spider task.

Having this update would be beneficial, because in zaproxy 0.2.0 the ajaxSpider is also available and could then be added as a grunt task.

It seems, I've never been deep enough in Javascript callback-hell to fix this... I'd do the coding if someone has a hint what has to be changed there.

bkimminich commented 8 years ago

In my fork the necessary dependency updates are available, so it's simply reproducable in your own projects by switching the dependency from "grunt-zaproxy": "~0.1.5" to "grunt-zaproxy": "bkimminich/grunt-zaproxy".

binarymist commented 5 years ago

Have you tried the new release of zaproxy @bkimminich