sagemath / sage-patchbot

Sage Patchbot
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Fixes for unsafe tickets #106

Closed kwankyu closed 7 years ago

kwankyu commented 7 years ago

The temporary dir is supposed to be deleted in starting at line 1213.

        maybe_temp_root = os.environ.get('SAGE_ROOT')
        if maybe_temp_root.endswith(temp_build_suffix + str(ticket['id'])):

It should not be deleted here, which causes apply failure for unsafe tickets!

This is related with the issue #98

kwankyu commented 7 years ago

It is unreasonable to do ./sage -i ccache just after cloning sage to a temporary dir and before first build. I observed that this command just fails, for unsafe tickets. Best to remove it.

kwankyu commented 7 years ago

I did not understand how PR works well and ended up in exposing irrelevant commits. So this PR is closed and the branch is deleted.