sagemath / sage-shell-mode

Emacs front end for SageMath
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Errors using SateTeX with AUCTeX #77

Open TMueller83 opened 10 months ago

TMueller83 commented 10 months ago

I'm using sage-shell-mode-20230710.913 from MELPA together with auctex-13.2.1 on Emacs 29.1. As described in the documentation of sage-shell-mode I have put the following line in my configuration file:

(setq sage-shell-sagetex:auctex-command-name "LaTeX")

When compiling a tex-file using sage-shell-sagetex:compile-current-file I get the following error messages:

error in process filter: TeX-command-expand: Wrong type argument: listp, TeX-master-file
error in process filter: Wrong type argument: listp, TeX-master-file

When I do not set sage-shell-sagetex:auctex-command-name and instead use

;; (setq sage-shell-sagetex:auctex-command-name "LaTeX")
(setq sage-shell-sagetex:latex-command
      "pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode")

then the compilation of a TeX-file with sagemath commands works fine, so I assume the problem is with the AUCTeX integration of sage-shell-mode.