sagemath / sage-windows

Build tools for the Sagemath Windows installer
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Assistance to contribute to the windows installer #69

Open nikkujensen opened 1 year ago

nikkujensen commented 1 year ago


I am interested in contributing to this project by providing a windows installer for SageMath 9.6 and future versions. Would someone be willing to show me the workflow of how to create the installer?

I am running Windows 10 on my PC with the Linux Subsystem Ubuntu. I currently can use a personal copy of SageMath 9.6 through this subsystem but would like to make the Windows installer available for others.


embray commented 1 year ago

Hi Nick, thank you for the generous offer of help.

I should add build instructions for the installer, at the very least, in case anyone would like to try it. However, it should be noted, that last time I tried it (on Sage 9.5) the build did not succeed. Specifically it died during the documentation build, which is a typical place to encounter problems with the build, since the Sage documentation build runs a fair bit of Sage code (for producing plots, mainly).

There was a known issue with NumPy not correctly building in a CPU-independent manner that might be related, though I'm not sure. I haven't had a chance to investigate since last time I tried it...

nikkujensen commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the reply and insight about previous build attempts.

Would you be willing to create some build instructions based on the past installers? That way I (and maybe others) could have some time to work with to keep this installer updated.
