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[with optional spkg] new gap_packages* #1101

Closed wdjoyner closed 16 years ago

wdjoyner commented 16 years ago

I made a new optional gap_packages* at


This directory contains several "official" and "undeposited" GAP packages available from They are all released under the GPL with the following exception: (*) grape contains Brendon McKay's nauty program.

To load a package, for example grape, into SAGE type

sage: gap('LoadPackage("grape")')

All these packages come with documentation in the doc or htm subdirectory (e.g., for grape, it would be in SAGEHOME/local/lib/gap-4.4.10/pkg/grape/htm). After loading all the packages, you can type gap_reset_workspace() so you don't have to reload them again.

A brief description of each package follows:

braid is a GAP package for computing with braids, covering curves, and Hurwitz spaces. (Authors: K. Magaard, S. Shpectorov and H. Voelklein)

crime - package to compute the cohomology ring of finite p-groups, induced maps, and Massey products. (Author: Marcus Bishop)

cryst - Computing with crystallographic groups (Authors: Bettina Eick, Franz Gähler, Werner Nickel)

CTblLib - The GAP Character Table Library (Author: Thomas Breuer)

DESIGN is a package for classifying, partitioning and studying block designs. (Author: Leonard H. Soicher)

FactInt is a package providing routines for factoring integers, in particular:

GAPDoc is a package containing a definition of a structure for GAP documentation, based on XML. It also contains conversion programs for producing text-, DVI-, PDF- or HTML-versions of such documents, with hyperlinks if possible. (Authors: Frank Luebeck, Max Neunhoeffer)

GRAPE is a package for computing with graphs and groups, and is primarily designed for constructing and analysing graphs related to groups, finite geometries, and designs. (Author: Leonard H. Soicher)

HAP (Homological Algebra Programming) is a GAP package providing some functions for group cohomology computation. (Author: Graham Ellis)

HAPcryst - an extension package for HAP, which allows for group cohomology computation for a wider class of groups. (Author: Marc Roeder)

LAGUNA - this package provides functionality for calculation of the normalized unit group of the modular group algebra of the finite p-group and for investigation of Lie algebra associated with group algebras and other associative algebras. (Authors :Victor Bovdi, Alexander Konovalov, Richard Rossmanith, Csaba Schneider)

polymake - an interface with the (standalone) polymake program used by HAPcryst. (Author: Marc Roeder)

SONATA ("System Of Nearrings And Their Applications") is a package which constructs finite nearrings and related objects. (Authors: Erhard Aichinger, Franz Binder, Jürgen Ecker, Peter Mayr, Christof Noebauer)

TORIC is a GAP package for computing with toric varieties. (Author: David Joyner)

Component: packages: standard

Issue created by migration from

williamstein commented 16 years ago

NOTE to self: when putting this package into the optional repo, be sure to modify spkg-install to touch $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/gap_stamp

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

The optional spkg has been put in the repo and mirrored out.