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Make parent/element classes independent of base rings #11935

Closed simon-king-jena closed 11 years ago

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

At #11900 and sage-combinat-devel, as well as in some comments in sage/categories/, the idea was discussed to make, for example, Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class==Algebras(GF(5)).parent_class - hence, make the parent/element classes as independent from the base of a category as possible.

This is implemented in this patch by introducing an abstract class CategoryWithParameters which uses pickling by "weak construction" for its element and parent classes. Now:

In the process, this patch also:


Depends on #9138 Depends on #11900 Depends on #11943 Depends on #12875 Depends on #12876 Depends on #12877

CC: @jdemeyer @sagetrac-sage-combinat

Component: categories

Keywords: parent class, element class

Author: Simon King

Reviewer: Nicolas M. Thiéry, Travis Scrimshaw

Merged: sage-5.11.beta1

Issue created by migration from

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Concerning uniqueness of the parent class: In at least one case (namely Algebras(R)), the super categories depend on whether the base ring is a field or not. We would like to have

sage: Algebras(ZZ).parent_class != Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class == Algebras(QQ).parent_class

The idea is that the parent and element classes should only depend on the super categories, but otherwise should be independent from the base ring. Working at #11900, I found that this would drastically improve the performance of some elliptic curve computation.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

A problem may be seen in pickling. Before explaining the problem, let me remark that I don't see a big concern for "pickling a parent class": What we actually want to pickle is a parent, not just a naked class. The serialisation data of a polynomial ring, for example, will comprise the base ring, the generator names and the term order, but certainly the class of the polynomial ring will not be part of the pickle.

However, if we do want to serialise a naked parent or element class, we have the following problems:

Currently, C.parent_class is pickled by getattr, (C,"parent_class"). The pickling data (hence, C) is part of the cache key of a dynamic class. With that, the parent class of different categories C1 and C2 can't be the same.

I see three approaches to get rid of it.

  1. Remove the pickling data from the cache key of dynamic classes
  2. Make pickling of C.parent_class just rely on the default way of pickling a dynamic class
  3. Work around the cache of dynamic classes, but still use getattr,(C,"parent_class") for pickling.

I think 1. is not gonna happen. It would break a lot of code, I suppose.

I had tested 2. and 3. while working on #11900. Both would work, but there are different conerns concerning long-term stability.

  1. means:

    The pickle of a parent class will only depend on the category graph as it was on the time of pickling. If the category graph changes between pickling and unpickling the parent class, you would get a different class.

  2. would be a bit more stable.

    The idea is:

    (i) In the lazy attribute parent_class(), the dynamic class is first created without providing the reduction data (as in approach 2.). (ii) Before returning that dynamic class, it is tested whether the reduction data is still none. If it is, the getattr, (C,"parent_class") thingy is inserted.

    Consequence: Algebras(QQ).parent_class could, for example, be unpickled as Algebras(GF(2)).parent_class - which is not a big problem, since we want them to be the same. However, if in a distant future we want them to be different again, we'd be in trouble...

I suggest that I create patches for both 2. and 3., and then people can tell what they think about it. The method resolution will then be taken care of by another patch.

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

A problem may be seen in pickling. Before explaining the problem, let me remark that I don't see a big concern for "pickling a parent class":

True: all parents ought to be pickled "by construction" rather than by "class + internal data", in order to encapsulate as much as possible of the data structure. This probably ought to be true as well for elements. I don't know how far we are from this.

A good thing to do at this point would be to search through the sage pickle jar for how many parent_class's and element_class's are pickled there. And why. I don't know how complicated it is to do this search though.

Among the three propositions, I like 3 best. I have trouble evaluating how big the risks are to get stuck in the future. It does not seem too big.

Thanks Simon for investigating this!

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,7 +1,2 @@
-At #11900 and [sage-combinat-devel](, as well as in some comments in sage/categories/, the idea was discussed to make
+At #11900 and [sage-combinat-devel](, as well as in some comments in sage/categories/, the idea was discussed to make, for example, `Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class==Algebras(GF(5)).parent_class` - hence, make the parent/element classes as independent from the base of a category as possible.

-* `C.all_super_categories()` consistent with `C.parent_class.mro()` and `C.element_class.mro()`.
-* `Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class==Algebras(GF(5)).parent_class` - hence, make the parent/element classes as independent from the base of a category as possible.
-I think it should be fine to have both in one ticket.
simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

I suggest that I create patches for both 2. and 3., and then people can tell what they think about it. The method resolution will then be taken care of by another patch.

I just argued myself into splitting the ticket: This here will be for the base ring independent parent/element classes, and another one will be for method resolution order.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @nthiery:

A good thing to do at this point would be to search through the sage pickle jar for how many parent_class's and element_class's are pickled there.

Old pickles will not break, I believe. Let P3 = Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class and PQ = Algebras(QQ).parent_class. Here are a few scenarios:

1. P3 and PQ have been created and pickled with an old version of Sage

In the old version of Sage, P3!=PQ. They are pickled by construction. Hence, after applying my yet-to-be-submitted patches, they are unpickled as Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class and Algebras(QQ).parent_class - which is the same class after applying the patch.

Conclusion: An old pickle will not break, with either approach 2. or 3. The worst what could happen is P3!=PQ before pickling and P3==PQ after unpickling. But the defining property P3==Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class and PQ==Algebras(QQ).parent_class is preserved.

2. P3 and PQ are created and pickled according to approach 2. from above

Of course, P3==PQ at the time of pickling. The pickle will only depend on the parent classes of the super categories of Algebras(GF(3)) and Algebras(QQ). If there was a change in the super categories between pickling and unpickling, we would have P3!=Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class after unpickling.

Conclusion: A new pickle of P3 and PQ can be unpickled after a change in the category graph, but a change in the category graph will destroy the defining property P3==Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class.

3. P3 and PQ are created and pickled according to approach 3. from above

Of course, P3==PQ at the time of pickling. PQ and P3 will both be pickled by construction. In particular, a change in the category graph would not matter, as long as the super categories of Algebras(QQ) and Algebras(GF(3)) still coincide (up to the base ring) after the change in the category graph.

A problem would arise if, in a distant future, the super categories of Algebras(QQ) and Algebras(GF(3)) would become essentially different. Say, some algebra person finds that vector spaces over fraction fields should have their own category, different from the usual category of vector spaces. Then, Algebras(QQ).parent_class!=Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class. In particular, after such change, unpickling P3 or PQ would result in either PQ!=Algebras(QQ).parent_class or P3!=Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class.

Conclusion: A new pickle of P3 and PQ can be unpickled after a change in the category graph. Most changes in the category graph will preserve the defining property P3==Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class and PQ==Algebras(QQ).parent_class after unpickling. However, if the super categories will depend on the base ring in a different way as it is now, then either P3 or PQ will lose the defining property after unpickling, while the other will keep the defining property - and we don't know which of the two will break.

It seems to me that approach 3. is less fragile than 2. But I believe that in applications (hence, for pickling parents) both should be fine. So, I'll prepare patches for both approaches.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Use default pickling for parent/element classes, making them base ring independent.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac11935_use_default_pickling.patch.gz

The patch that I just attached implements approach 2., hence, it uses the default pickling of dynamic classes. By consequence, the parent class of a category C will only depend on C.ParentMethods and on the parent classes of the super categories of C, but it will only depend on the base ring of C if the base ring changes the super categories (which holds for algebras, e.g.).

Note the effect on the computation time for elliptic curves. With sage-4.7.2.alpha3 plus #11900, we have

sage: %time L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD()
CPU times: user 3.97 s, sys: 0.07 s, total: 4.04 s
Wall time: 4.18 s

but with the new patch on top of it, we have

sage: %time L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD()
CPU times: user 3.11 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 3.17 s
Wall time: 3.31 s
simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Author: Simon King

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction.patch.gz

Use a weak form of "pickling by construction" for parent and element classes of categories

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

The second patch is posted as well. It implements approach 3. Hence, the parent_class lazy attribute works around the cache of dynamic classes (by not providing unpickling information when the class is created), inserting the unpickling information only when the class has not been found in cache.

By consequence, when first creating Algebras(QQ).parent_class, then its cache key as a dynamic class only comprises the parent classes of the super categories. Before returning it, the unpickling data (by construction) is added. When Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class is created later, it is found in the cache of dynamic classes and immediately returned. The class returned will thus be unpickled as Algebras(QQ).parent_class.

Similar to the first patch, it considerably speeds up the elliptic curve computations:

sage: %time L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD()
CPU times: user 3.05 s, sys: 0.07 s, total: 3.12 s
Wall time: 3.27 s

Apply only one of the two patches, at your choice!

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

Replying to @nthiery:

A good thing to do at this point would be to search through the sage pickle jar for how many parent_class's and element_class's are pickled there.

Old pickles will not break, I believe.

This is my belief too! Sorry if I have been unclear, but that was not the point of my suggestion. What I wanted to know whether currently most parents and elements were pickled by construction or by "class + data". If they already are pickled by construction, then how C.parent_class and C.element_class are pickled is mostly irrelevant, now and in the future, since it is seldom used.

Thanks in any cases for you detailed analysis!

It seems to me that approach 3. is less fragile than 2.


Let's see if someone else has some preference between the two implementations.

Cheers, Nicolas

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @nthiery:

What I wanted to know whether currently most parents and elements were pickled by construction or by "class + data".

I see. If I am not mistaken, if it is pickled by "class+data", then copy_reg._reconstructor is called at unpickling. Perhaps it is possible to modify _reconstructor, so that it writes data to some log file. In that way, we could find out how often it is actually used.

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

Replying to @nthiery:

What I wanted to know whether currently most parents and elements were pickled by construction or by "class + data".

I see. If I am not mistaken, if it is pickled by "class+data", then copy_reg._reconstructor is called at unpickling. Perhaps it is possible to modify _reconstructor, so that it writes data to some log file. In that way, we could find out how often it is actually used.

Yup. Or run explain_pickle on all pickles, and grep for element_class / parent_class.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @nthiery:

Yup. Or run explain_pickle on all pickles, and grep for element_class / parent_class.

I don't know about explain_pickle. Where can I find it?

I am now running sage -testall -long with the _reconstructor log. So far, only ZODB.fsIndex.fsIndex and matplotlib.font_manager.FontEntry use it, but we will see if there's more.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

sage -testall -long succeeded (with the second patch applied, but it would probably work with thee first one as well), and copy_reg._reconstructor was only used on <class 'matplotlib.font_manager.FontEntry'>, <class 'ZODB.fsIndex.fsIndex'> and <class 'sage.misc.explain_pickle.EmptyNewstyleClass'>.

Hence, it indicates that "pickling by class and data" does not occur for parents. But, to be on the safe side, one should inspect the pickle jar using explain_pickle.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Changed dependencies from #11900 to #9138, #11900

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

sage -testall -long passes for either patch. So, unless we will find bad surprises in the pickle jar, both approaches should be fine. I am slightly in favour of approah 3.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 At #11900 and [sage-combinat-devel](, as well as in some comments in sage/categories/, the idea was discussed to make, for example, `Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class==Algebras(GF(5)).parent_class` - hence, make the parent/element classes as independent from the base of a category as possible.

+Apply only one of the two patches, at your choice!
simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I decided to make this ticket depend on #11943, for two reasons: Firstly, it is rather clear that #11943 is a good idea, while I am less sure here (it is good for speed, but may under very particular circumstances break new pickles). Secondly, #11943 seems less invasive than the patch here.

I think that the "potentially breaking new pickles in a distant future" aspect is less urgent with the "weak pickling by construction" approach. Hence, I have only updated the second patch, the first can now be disregarded.

Apply trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction_rel11943.patch

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Changed dependencies from #9138, #11900 to #9138 #11900 #11943

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 At #11900 and [sage-combinat-devel](, as well as in some comments in sage/categories/, the idea was discussed to make, for example, `Algebras(GF(3)).parent_class==Algebras(GF(5)).parent_class` - hence, make the parent/element classes as independent from the base of a category as possible.

-Apply only one of the two patches, at your choice!
+Apply [attachment: trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction_rel11943.patch](
simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Work Issues: Fix doctest in covariant functorial construction

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

For some reason, #11935 together with #11943 result in one doctest error, namely in the "FooBars" test of sage/categories/ So, it needs work.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

For some reason, #11935 together with #11943 result in one doctest error, namely in the "FooBars" test of sage/categories/ So, it needs work.

Here is the problem:

sage: from sage.categories.covariant_functorial_construction import CovariantConstructionCategory
sage: class FooBars(CovariantConstructionCategory):
...       _functor_category = 'FooBars_function'
sage: def FooBars_function(X): return FooBars(X)
sage: C = FooBars(ModulesWithBasis(QQ))
sage: import __main__; __main__.FooBars_function = FooBars_function
sage: __main__.FooBars = FooBars
sage: Category.FooBars_function = FooBars_function

Now, requesting C.parent_class results in a complaint regarding "duplicate base class FooBars.parent_class". Indeed, with the patch from here, we have

sage: CA = FooBars(AdditiveMagmas())
sage: CM = FooBars(Magmas())
sage: CA.parent_class == CM.parent_class

even though we have

sage: Magmas().parent_class is AdditiveMagmas().parent_class

So, I was overdoing it: With my patch, the parent class not only becomes independent of a base ring, but also it becomes independent of the base category of a covariant functorial construction - and this is not what we want.

The point is that CA and CM above have the same super categories, namely FooBars(Sets()). But with my patch, parent classes are the same if both the super categories and the ParentMethods are the same. The ParentMethods are different for Magmas() and AdditiveMagmas(), but they are the same for FooBars(Magmas()) and FooBars(AdditiveMagmas()).

I wonder how this should be solved.

One possibility is that sage.categories.covariant_functorial_constructions overrides the parent_class and element_class lazy attributes that are defined in sage.categories.category.

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Hi Simon!

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

So, I was overdoing it: With my patch, the parent class not only becomes independent of a base ring, but also it becomes independent of the base category of a covariant functorial construction - and this is not what we want.

The point is that CA and CM above have the same super categories, namely FooBars(Sets()). But with my patch, parent classes are the same if both the super categories and the ParentMethods are the same. The ParentMethods are different for Magmas() and AdditiveMagmas(), but they are the same for FooBars(Magmas()) and FooBars(AdditiveMagmas()).

I wonder how this should be solved.

One possibility is that sage.categories.covariant_functorial_constructions overrides the parent_class and element_class lazy attributes that are defined in sage.categories.category.

Ah ah, interesting challenge!

So, the question is whether we want to put in the specifications:

Constraint (C1): above any category in the category hierarchy, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between categories and their parent class. In particular, C.all_super_categories() and C.parent_class.mro() should exactly match.

For C(...) a parametrized categories, let me call (O) the optimization of having C(...).parent_class depend only on C.ParentMethods and the parent class of the super categories of C(...).

If we want (C1), then we indeed have to be careful with parametrized categories. In particular, it seems to me (I haven't written a proof though :-)) that optimization (O) can only be used for a parametrized category C(...) if it is further guaranteed that:

Constraint (C2): no parent is simultaneously in two instances C(A) and C(B) of C.

(C2) seems reasonable for a Category_over_base_ring (a parent should have a unique distinguished base ring). Maybe it would make sense as well for a Category_over_base. Your example above shows that we don't want it in general, and in particular not for covariant constructions.

This calls for Category to not implement (O) by default, and Category_over_base_ring to override parent_class and element_class to implement (O).

Another option would be to drop (C1) altogether: it seems like a nice optimization to reduce the number of classes in the mro whenever possible (e.g. when categories do not provide ParentMethods). But then we face an interesting poset/lattice problem, namely whether the C3 algorithm is (can be made) compatible with taking certain subposets.

This is quite related to the kind of optimizations I do in #10963, so I'd love to have a brainstorm about that; but we'd better have it face to face when you come over. In any cases, I vote for imposing (C1) in this ticket, and think about removing this constraint, if at all possible, in a later ticket. Both for not making this ticket even more complicated and reducing conflicts with #10963.

Cheers, Nicolas

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Hi Nicolas,

Replying to @nthiery:

If we want (C1), then we indeed have to be careful with parametrized categories. In particular, it seems to me (I haven't written a proof though :-)) that optimization (O) can only be used for a parametrized category C(...) if it is further guaranteed that:

Constraint (C2): no parent is simultaneously in two instances C(A) and C(B) of C.

(C2) seems reasonable for a Category_over_base_ring (a parent should have a unique distinguished base ring). Maybe it would make sense as well for a Category_over_base.

That would indeed be a possibility. My first reaction was "The problem arose in covariant functorial construction, thus, use (O) by default, but let covariant functorial constructions override it with the non-optimised approach".

But after all, the subject of this ticket is "Make parent/element classes independent of base rings". So, your suggestion fits 100% into the scope of this ticket.

However, it is not all that easy. For example, by #9138, the category of a univariate polynomial ring is a JOIN of a category with base (namely commutative algebras) and a base free category (Euclidean domains or so). The join category has a base() method, due to one of the patches at #11900, but it does not inherit from sage.categories.category_types.Category_over_base.

In other words:

If we use optimisation (O) only on sage.categories.category_types.Category_over_base then we would not see any speedup in elliptic curve computations.

Here are a few scenarios:

  1. Use (O) by default, but do not use it on covariant functorial constructions. The question is whether this is consistent.
  2. Do not use (O) by default, but use it on Category_over_base. Problem: We would not see a speed-up.
  3. Do not use (O) by default, but use it on every category that has a base method. That includes Category_over_base, but also (by #11900) any category that is sub-category of a category with base.

The problem with the third approach is: Testing whether the category is sub-category of a category with base is expensive. Thus, it is possible that the regression (due to this test) is bigger than the speed-up obtained from optimisation (O).

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Milestone sage-4.7.3 deleted

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I think the following could be a solution:

  1. Do not use optimization for Category.parent_class. Hence, the default is the good old "pickle by construction" approach.
  2. Add a specialised JoinCategory.parent_class that uses default pickling of a dynamic class (which means: The class is uniquely determined by the base classes). Rationale: A join category is uniquely determined by its super categories, and thus it is consequent if the parent class of a join category is uniquely determined by the parent classes of its super categories.
  3. Add a specialised Category_over_base.parent_class using the optimization (O) discussed above, in the "weak pickling by construction" abbroach. Rationale: It's the purpose of this ticket to make the parent class independent of the base ring, and "weak pickling by construction" seems the most stable option.

Apparently, the problem with functorial constructions would vanish - they use the non-optimized old parent_class. But we would get a speed-up where we need it: Polynomial rings belong to a join category, and one super category of that join category is a Category_over_base.

Of course, the same should be done with the element_class.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

  1. Add a specialised Category_over_base.parent_class using the optimization (O) discussed above, in the "weak pickling by construction" approach.

... and to Bimodules as well. They have two bases, but they do not inherit from 'Category_over_base'.

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

I think the following could be a solution:

  1. Do not use optimization for Category.parent_class. Hence, the default is the good old "pickle by construction" approach.
  2. Add a specialised JoinCategory.parent_class that uses default pickling of a dynamic class (which means: The class is uniquely determined by the base classes). Rationale: A join category is uniquely determined by its super categories, and thus it is consequent if the parent class of a join category is uniquely determined by the parent classes of its super categories.
  3. Add a specialised Category_over_base.parent_class using the optimization (O) discussed above, in the "weak pickling by construction" abbroach. Rationale: It's the purpose of this ticket to make the parent class independent of the base ring, and "weak pickling by construction" seems the most stable option.

Apparently, the problem with functorial constructions would vanish - they use the non-optimized old parent_class. But we would get a speed-up where we need it: Polynomial rings belong to a join category, and one super category of that join category is a Category_over_base.

Of course, the same should be done with the element_class.

This sounds very good.

Just a suggestion: in Category, you may want to put a lazy attribute _parent_class_from_base_classes, so that the categories that want the optimization (like Modules or Bimodules) can just do parent_class = _parent_class_from_base_classes (same for element_class of course)


simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @nthiery:

Just a suggestion: in Category, you may want to put a lazy attribute _parent_class_from_base_classes, so that the categories that want the optimization (like Modules or Bimodules) can just do parent_class = _parent_class_from_base_classes (same for element_class of course)

Excellent idea!

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

The patch is not yet ready for publication, but in L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD() I see a speedup of nearly 25% compared with #11900+#11943!

So, according to your suggestion, I add a _parent_class_from_bases and _element_class_from_bases to Category, and use it for categories over base and for bimodules.

However, there is a slight problem: You can not simply define parent_class = _parent_class_from_bases if you want to have a real lazy attribute. Namely, parent_class would believe that its name is _parent_class_from_bases:

sage: class Foo(object):
....:     @lazy_attribute
....:     def _bar(self):
....:         return 5
....:     bar = _bar
sage: f = Foo

In particular, it is not as fast as it should be. With the not-submitted patch:

sage: C = Modules(GF(3),dispatch=False)
sage: %timeit p = C.parent_class
625 loops, best of 3: 69.4 µs per loop
sage: %timeit p = C._parent_class_from_bases
625 loops, best of 3: 440 ns per loop

But it might be possible to work around.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Concerning lazy attributes: I wonder whether one could add a method rename(name) to a lazy attribute. That method would return a copy of the original lazy attribute, but with a new name.

Then, the example above would become

sage: class Foo(object):
....:     @lazy_attribute
....:     def _bar(self):
....:         return 5
....:     bar = _bar.rename("bar")
sage: f = Foo
simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I created #11999 for the possibility to rename lazy attributes, and make it a dependency.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Changed dependencies from #9138 #11900 #11943 to #9138 #11900 #11943 #11999

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Changed work issues from Fix doctest in covariant functorial construction to none

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago


The current patch preserves the default parent_class and element_class for categories. In particular, there is no problem with the covariant functorial constructions.

According to Nicolas' idea, I added a _parent_class_from_bases and _element_class_from_bases. They use the "weak pickling-by-construction" approach discussed above, because that seems to minimize the probability of breaking new pickles in a distant future. Just to emphasize: Old pickles will still work.

These two new lazy attributes override parent_class and element_class for Category_over_base (which was made possible by #11999). By consequence, the parent classes of all vector spaces (over different base fields) coincide. The parent classes of algebras over fields coincide, but differ from the parent class of algebras over a non-field.

Moreover, the parent class of a join category only depends on the parent classes of its super categories. Here, I use the default pickling of dynamic classes.

Rationale for using the default pickling in the case of join categories:

With the new patch, all long tests pass. Moreover, I have the following timing:

sage: %time L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD()
CPU times: user 2.95 s, sys: 0.08 s, total: 3.03 s
Wall time: 3.20 s

That is a speed-up of about 20% compared with unpatched sage-4.7.2.alpha2!

Apply trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction_rel11943.patch

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

Concerning lazy attributes: I wonder whether one could add a method rename(name) to a lazy attribute. That method would return a copy of the original lazy attribute, but with a new name.

Then, the example above would become

sage: class Foo(object):
....:     @lazy_attribute
....:     def _bar(self):
....:         return 5
....:     bar = _bar.rename("bar")
sage: f = Foo

For what's its worth, a potential variant:

sage: class Foo(object):
....:     @lazy_attribute(name="bar")
....:     def _bar(self):
....:         return 5
....:     bar = _bar.rename("bar")
sage: f = Foo

In our use case, we want the lazy attribute parent_class_from_bases to be called parent_class whenever it's used by subclasses of Category.

Cheers, Nicolas

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

With the new patch, all long tests pass. Moreover, I have the following timing:

sage: %time L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD()
CPU times: user 2.95 s, sys: 0.08 s, total: 3.03 s
Wall time: 3.20 s

That is a speed-up of about 20% compared with unpatched sage-4.7.2.alpha2!


simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @nthiery:

For what's its worth, a potential variant:

sage: class Foo(object):
....:     @lazy_attribute(name="bar")

You mean: Add an optional argument "name" to the lazy attribute? I was thinking about that, too.

Using it means that (in the example above) f._bar would result in assigning f.__dict__["bar"] = 5 (note: "bar", not "_bar", even though the lazy attribute is called requested as "_bar").

So, when we do

def _parent_class_from_bases(self):
    return bla

then the following would happen, where C is a category:

If you think this should be added, I can easily do so on #11999.

nthiery commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

You mean: Add an optional argument "name" to the lazy attribute? I was thinking about that, too.


Using it means that (in the example above) f._bar would result in assigning f.__dict__["bar"] = 5 (note: "bar", not "_bar", even though the lazy attribute is called requested as "_bar").

Hmm, this smells indeed. I am not sure. At this point, I am wondering if we don't want instead to introduce a new subclass:

    class CategoryWithClassesFromBases(Category):  # TODO: find a better name

with the two optimized parent_class / element_class (and possibly in the future morphism_class / category_class), and have:

    class Category_over_base_ring(CategoryWithClassesFromBases): ...
    class JoinCategory(CategoryWithClassesFromBases): ...

Sorry, I should have though about this option earlier ...

Cheers, Nicolas

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Hi Nicolas,

Replying to @nthiery:

Replying to @simon-king-jena: class CategoryWithClassesFromBases(Category): # TODO: find a better name

Perhaps CategoryEnsemble? The name is short and refers to the fact that the members of an ensemble (such as all categories of algebras over fields) are sufficiently similar that they share important features (such as their parent class).

Or (slightly longer) CategoryWithParameters? Again, if you have parameters (such as one or two base rings) then still certain important features may not depend on the parameters. Or ParametrizedCategory, but I think you prefer if the name starts with the word "Category", isn't it?

class JoinCategory(CategoryWithClassesFromBases): ...

I think join categories should have their own parent class. Reason:

The parent/element classes of a category ensemble are pickled by a weak form of "pickling by construction": If C1,C2,... belong to an ensemble of categories that share their parent class, then that class will be pickled as getattr(C,'parent_class'), where C is any member of the ensemble.

But I think that JoinCategory should not use that "pickling by weak construction". Reason: For JoinCategory, the "pickling by weak construction" is equivalent to the default pickling of dynamic classes (which is: the class is determined by name, bases, and potentially a new class such as ParentMethods, which is empty in the case of a JoinCategory). Hence, it would be a waste of time to construct the pickle data for the JoinCategory while they are created.

I will certainly test both approaches. But if I remember correctly what I did yesterday, the difference between "pickling by weak construction" or "default pickling" for join categories was 6% in the infamous elliptic curve benchmark.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Changed dependencies from #9138 #11900 #11943 #11999 to #9138 #11900 #11943

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I have updated my patch according to what we have discussed.

Using the new class, the patch becomes independent of #11999. Of course, I still think that #11999 is a nice addition, but your suggestion to use a sub-class is better.

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

I will certainly test both approaches. But if I remember correctly what I did yesterday, the difference between "pickling by weak construction" or "default pickling" for join categories was 6% in the infamous elliptic curve benchmark.

Here I was mistaken: With the new patch, the benchmark becomes

sage: %time L = EllipticCurve('960d1').prove_BSD()
CPU times: user 2.87 s, sys: 0.05 s, total: 2.92 s
Wall time: 3.10 s

and this is as fast as by using default pickling for parent classes of join categories.

Apply trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction_rel11943.patch

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Sorry, it seems that I had forgotten to hg qrefresh. Now, the patch is really updated...

Apply trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction_rel11943.patch

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Gosh, where is my brain? The previous patch did still contain references to the _parent_class_from_bases. It is now removed. But I think I need a break.

Apply trac11935_weak_pickling_by_construction_rel11943.patch

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Some suggestion of Nicolas: The creation of the parent_class and of the element_class follow the same logic: We have the corresponding classes of the super categories, take them as bases, and add some methods that are available in the attribute ParentMethods or ElementMethods.

So, it seems reasonable to write a new method that implements that logic. Then, parent_class and element_class would both simply call that method. Originally, we suggested the name _make_member_class for that method, because it creates a class for some member (object, element of object, or in future morphism) of the category.

But meanwhile I prefer the name _make_named_class, because the parameter is indeed a name. So, roughly like this:

class Category:
      def _make_named_class(self, name, methods_holder):
          the default logic

      def parent_class(self):
          return self._make_named_class("parent_class", "ParentMethods")
      def element_class(self):
          return self._make_named_class("element_class", "ElementMethods")

Then, CategoryWithParameters only needs to override one thing, namely _make_named_class.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Work Issues: introduce _make_named_class

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac11935_named_class.patch.gz

Refactor parent/element class creation: Use _make_named_class