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is_planar(set_pos=True) doesn't work with small graphs #12134

Closed 15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 closed 12 years ago

15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago
sage: graphs.PathGraph(2).is_planar(set_pos=True)
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NotImplementedError: _triangulate() only accepts graphs with more than 2
vertices as input.

It is interesting that _triangulate raises NotImplementedError. The usual definition of a triangulation says something like "maximal planar graph", so it seems like PathGraph(2) is already triangulated, but if you ask Mathematica or OEIS, they don't accept this: according to this source there aren't any triangulated graphs on two vertices, so _triangulate should scream "This can't be done" and is_planar should avoid use _triangulate in this scenario, because there is no doubt that PathGraph(2) is planar.

The error is only present when set_pos=True. Also, notice that

sage: graphs.PathGraph(1).is_planar(set_pos=True)


CC: @jasongrout

Component: graph theory

Author: Lukáš Lánský

Reviewer: Nathann Cohen

Merged: sage-5.0.beta2

Issue created by migration from

15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago
sage: graphs.PathGraph(3).is_planar(set_pos=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    exec compile(u'open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("Z3JhcGhzLlBhdGhHcmFwaCgzKS5pc19wbGFuYXIoc2V0X3Bvcz1UcnVlKQ=="),globals())+"\\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>

  File "/tmp/tmpcidEK0/", line 3, in <module>
    exec compile(u'graphs.PathGraph(_sage_const_3 ).is_planar(set_pos=True)
  File "", line 1, in <module>

  File "/sagenb/sage_install/sage-4.7.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 2572, in is_planar
    planar = is_planar(G,kuratowski=kuratowski,set_pos=set_pos,set_embedding=set_embedding)
  File "planarity.pyx", line 143, in sage.graphs.planarity.is_planar (sage/graphs/planarity.c:1574)
  File "/sagenb/sage_install/sage-4.7.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 2760, in set_planar_positions
    self.layout(layout = "planar", save_pos = True, test = test, **layout_options)
  File "/sagenb/sage_install/sage-4.7.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 12753, in layout
    pos = getattr(self, "layout_%s"%layout)(dim = dim, **options)
  File "/sagenb/sage_install/sage-4.7.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 2859, in layout_planar
    extra_edges = _triangulate( G, G._embedding)
  File "/sagenb/sage_install/sage-4.7.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 67, in _triangulate
    if len(g.neighbors(vertex_list[0]) == 2):          # figure our which of the vertices already has two neighbors
TypeError: object of type 'bool' has no len()

Ufff... For longer paths it seems fine. This error is also dependent on set_pos=True.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

(cc me)

15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac_12134_typo_fix.patch.gz

15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago

The patch resolves P_3 error -- it was merely a typo. The main problem is independent of this and I'll try to fix it later this week.

15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac_12134_is_planar_special_cases.patch.gz

OK, that should be it. Please apply both patches. This should also solve #10139.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

Reviewer: Nathann Cohen

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -15,3 +15,8 @@
 sage: graphs.PathGraph(1).is_planar(set_pos=True)

+ +Apply: + attachment: trac_12134_typo_fix.patch + attachment: trac_12134_is_planar_special_cases.patch +* attachment: trac_12134_reviewer.patch

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

Helloooooooo !!

A good patch, with a several things to fix:

I added a reviewer's patch to this ticket that does precisely that, so if you can agree with its changes you can set this ticket to positively reviewed ! :-)

Thank you for your patch !


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

Arg... I forgot about those %#$)@#(*%&& loops on edges. Sorry about my remark on your second call to is_connected, I updated my patch so that it sticks to your version on this point... Anyway, it's only a graph on 2 nodes :-p


15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago

Thanks for these remarks. I'll look into the other patches I sent and correct similar errors. :-)

If we suppose that the function planarity.is_planar is only accessed by generic_graph.is_planar, then there shouldn't be any loops at this moment, because the generic_graph function makes a graph simple first. I'm not sure if that's true, but I must admit I didn't wrote the code with this in mind -- I just didn't notice that disconected case was handled by previous change. :-)

I plan to work with this more. For example, it seems to me that teaching _triangulate how to handle disconnected cases shouldn't be very hard, as allowing embedding of multigraphs. I guess this can be usefull for #6236.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

If we suppose that the function planarity.is_planar is only accessed by generic_graph.is_planar, then there shouldn't be any loops at this moment, because the generic_graph function makes a graph simple first. I'm not sure if that's true, but I must admit I didn't wrote the code with this in mind -- I just didn't notice that disconected case was handled by previous change. :-)

Hmmmm... Well, anyway that's not such a horrible problem :-)`

I plan to work with this more. For example, it seems to me that teaching _triangulate how to handle disconnected cases shouldn't be very hard, as allowing embedding of multigraphs. I guess this can be usefull for #6236.

+1 for the idea, and +1 for your relationship with Sage's source code. The lad knows a lot of stuff I do not know myself, but its education is still lacking on many points.

By the way, you should add your name to the "Authors" field of the ticket, lest the guy above (the release manager) .set the ticket back to "needs_work"


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

My God... I remember when "milestone 5.0" meant "whishlist" :-D


15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago

Author: Lukáš Lánský

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

I get a doctest error:

sage -t  -force_lib devel/sage/sage/graphs/planarity.pyx
File "/mnt/usb1/scratch/jdemeyer/merger/sage-5.0.beta1/devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/planarity.pyx", line 68:
    sage: for i,g in enumerate(atlas_graphs):
          if (not g.is_connected() or i==Integer(0)):
              _ = g.is_planar(set_embedding=True, set_pos=True)
              print "There is something wrong here !"
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/mnt/usb1/scratch/jdemeyer/merger/sage-5.0.beta1/local/bin/", line 1231, in run_one_test
        self.run_one_example(test, example, filename, compileflags)
      File "/mnt/usb1/scratch/jdemeyer/merger/sage-5.0.beta1/local/bin/", line 38, in run_one_example
        OrigDocTestRunner.run_one_example(self, test, example, filename, compileflags)
      File "/mnt/usb1/scratch/jdemeyer/merger/sage-5.0.beta1/local/bin/", line 1172, in run_one_example
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File "<doctest __main__.example_1[6]>", line 1, in <module>
        for i,g in enumerate(atlas_graphs):###line 68:
    sage: for i,g in enumerate(atlas_graphs):
    NameError: name 'atlas_graphs' is not defined
6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac_12134_reviewer.patch.gz

Arggggggg.... Patch updated :-/

The missing variable was declared with a "# long time" flag, so the doctest was running with the -long flag and we missed it O_o

I set the whole thing to "long" in the end.

Lukasz can you give it another look ?


15606e31-f165-4fa5-94d5-bd9bfb0e1636 commented 12 years ago

Sorry, I should have noticed this. :-( Now it seems OK and tests show no error.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Merged: sage-5.0.beta2