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list_plot3d plots extraneous points at z=0 and doesn't take color or rgbcolor as keywords #12798

Open ppurka opened 12 years ago

ppurka commented 12 years ago
  1. list_plot3d plots extra points at the horizontal x-y plane. This seems to stem from the default value of 0.0 that is assigned in the code. See this post.

  2. This function also does not take in color or rgbcolor as keywords. Rest of the plot commands including plot, list_plot, plot3d do take in these keywords.

First attached patch fixes both these problems, second one fixes more doc and clarifies output.

Apply attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch, attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.3.patch and attachment: trac_12798-dont_pass_nan_to_ParametricSurface.patch to devel/sage.

CC: @kcrisman

Component: graphics

Keywords: list_plot3d, sd40.5

Author: Punarbasu Purkayastha, Karl-Dieter Crisman

Reviewer: Karl-Dieter Crisman, Punarbasu Purkayastha, Jeroen Demeyer

Issue created by migration from

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
 1. `list_plot3d` plots extra points at the horizontal x-y plane. This seems to stem from the default value of 0.0 that is assigned in the code. See [this post](

 2. This function also does not take in `color` or `rgbcolor` as keywords. Rest of the plot commands including `plot`, `list_plot`, `plot3d` do take in these keywords.
+Attached patch fixes both these problems.
+Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
ppurka commented 12 years ago

Author: Punarbasu Purkayastha

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Changed keywords from list_plot3d to list_plot3d, sd40.5

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

I like this idea, but have a couple questions.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Replying to @kcrisman:

I like this idea, but have a couple questions.

  • The way you have it set up currently has color etc. overriding texture. Should we be explicit about that? Is it even desirable? (Maybe it is, I just want to ask, as I am not sure.)

Actually, color and the other keywords will never override texture. color will be used only when texture is not present, and color is present. As it is setup, if texture is provided, then the others should be ignored. Actually, maybe we should do this explicitly and remove the other keywords if they are present. Something like

if texture == 'automatic':
    if 'color' in kwds:
        texture = kwds.pop('color')
        if 'rgbcolor' in kwds:
            del kwds['rgbcolor']
texture = rgbcolor(texture)
if 'color' in kwds:
    del kwds['color']

Does that sound reasonable?

  • Do you have any idea what the original default 0.0 was supposed to have done in the past (say, for an empty plot)? I'm not suggesting you know, and I did read your very sensible post, but I'm just curious for any ideas you may have.

I have no idea why this was done. Was it some bug in matplotlib earlier? Was it just an oversight? For an empty plot, I suppose you would not want there to be plot points at 0.0!

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Reviewer: Karl-Dieter Crisman

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

I like this idea, but have a couple questions.

  • The way you have it set up currently has color etc. overriding texture. Should we be explicit about that? Is it even desirable? (Maybe it is, I just want to ask, as I am not sure.)

Actually, color and the other keywords will never override texture. color will be used only when texture is not present, and color is present.

Sorry for the inaccuracy, of course that is what I meant.

As it is setup, if texture is provided, then the others should be ignored. Actually, maybe we should do this explicitly and remove the other keywords if they are present. Something like

if texture == 'automatic':
    if 'color' in kwds:
        texture = kwds.pop('color')
        if 'rgbcolor' in kwds:
            del kwds['rgbcolor']
texture = rgbcolor(texture)
if 'color' in kwds:
    del kwds['color']

Does that sound reasonable?

Yes, as long as we document it. We do similar things lots of other places.

  • Do you have any idea what the original default 0.0 was supposed to have done in the past (say, for an empty plot)? I'm not suggesting you know, and I did read your very sensible post, but I'm just curious for any ideas you may have.

I have no idea why this was done. Was it some bug in matplotlib earlier? Was it just an oversight? For an empty plot, I suppose you would not want there to be plot points at 0.0!

Hmm, looking at your plots from the post, I think I know. The idea was probably to have the list_plot cause a list to be plotted and then have the plot be zero elsewhere. Then there is the weird interpolation thing going on. Anyway, this makes things interpretable, though I'm not sure the original was really that useful, due to the output. I wonder who has used this in the past...

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Updated the patch.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Okay, I think this idea is okay. William says to defer to what Mathematica appears to do, since this is where the function was inspired, many years ago.

There will be holes in the surface corresponding to array elements that do not represent explicit height values.

And see here, the second example - clearly not continued beyond the three points given.

But I can't get it to work.

sage:  list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], color='black')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], color='black', rgbcolor='#0f0')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], rgbcolor='#0f0')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], rgbcolor='#fff')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)], rgbcolor='#fff')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)], rgbcolor='#00f')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)], color='black')

None of these really seemed to look like what I wanted, or even sometimes to have anything plot. Am I using this incorrectly?

ppurka commented 12 years ago
sage:  list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], color='black')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], color='black', rgbcolor='#0f0')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], rgbcolor='#0f0')

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4)], rgbcolor='#fff')

There seems to be a problem with the colors here. This is a bug that is present even without my patch. It seems like the texture is not passed onto the final function which plots the line.

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)], rgbcolor='#fff', num_points=100)

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)], rgbcolor='#00f', num_points=100)

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)], color='black', num_points=100)

Can you check these with the additional arguments num_points=100 or higher numbers? It seems there are not enough interpolation points and so the plot is either missing or very jagged with a small value of num_points. With the default value of f.default_value = 0.0 (as it was earlier), you do get a plot but the plot is completely incorrect and useless also.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Apply to devel/sage

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch.gz

Ok. I updated the patch to fix the color in 3D lines.

The other problem with interpolation and num_points is something that I don't know how to fix. Giving a high value of num_points gives a very good and accurate plot, but is also very slow. I have added some notes regarding this in the documentation of list_plot3d.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Great, color works now - nice catch.

It turns out that the documentation for what this function actually does is insanely bad. I'm going to upload a patch clarifying what it actually does, which is not intuitive at all.

As for the issue you are seeing, I think it's very interesting. Notice that the box that comes up does have the right dimensions to incorporate all three points, even when you don't specify num_points!

Here is what is going on - I've printed out the vals. All those nan guys will lead to not much of a plot.

sage: sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)],interpolation_type='linear')
[[ -1.00000000e+00              nan              nan              nan               nan              nan]
 [             nan   6.66133815e-16              nan              nan               nan              nan]
 [             nan              nan              nan              nan               nan              nan]
 [             nan              nan              nan   2.00000000e+00               nan              nan]
 [             nan              nan              nan              nan               nan              nan]
 [             nan              nan              nan              nan               nan              nan]]

So you pick your poison here. Either you get something that does have the right points, but then also has everything else be extended by zero, or you don't do that, but the algorithm fails in certain cases. This will happen whenever the "box" in question is a lot bigger than the projection of the actual points to the xy-plane.

sage: sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)]) # bad
sage: sage: list_plot3d([(0,5,1), (5,5,4), (-1,-5,-1)]) # good

I'm good with your work. If you like my changes, sign off as a reviewer and we'll get this in.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Patchbot: Apply trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch and trac_12798-more-doc.patch.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Changed author from Punarbasu Purkayastha to Punarbasu Purkayastha, Karl-Dieter Crisman

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

 2. This function also does not take in `color` or `rgbcolor` as keywords. Rest of the plot commands including `plot`, `list_plot`, `plot3d` do take in these keywords.

-Attached patch fixes both these problems.
+First attached patch fixes both these problems, second one fixes more doc and clarifies output.

-Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
+Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( and [attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
ppurka commented 12 years ago

only added #long time to last example

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Changed reviewer from Karl-Dieter Crisman to Karl-Dieter Crisman, Punarbasu Purkayastha

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch.gz

Your patch looks good. The documentation was indeed lacking. I added just one small comment (# long time) in the last example in your patch. Positive review from me.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 First attached patch fixes both these problems, second one fixes more doc and clarifies output.

-Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( and [attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
+Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( and [attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Merged: sage-5.1.beta4

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

This might have caused #13135.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

This might have caused #13135.

I suppose it's possible. I don't understand why

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)],num_points=400) # long time

doesn't, then. Maybe the interpolation type? It's only


that seems at all conceivable as a culprit. Weird.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

It seems giving interpolation type as nn for list of 3-tuples (with more than 3 points in the list) is the same as giving no interpolation type.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Changed merged from sage-5.1.beta4 to none

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Unmerging due to #13135 (and the potential resource leak).

ppurka commented 12 years ago

The resource leak seems to be a general problem with doctesting of 3d plots. This ticket simply exposes the defect.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Replying to @ppurka:

The resource leak seems to be a general problem with doctesting of 3d plots. This ticket simply exposes the defect.

So you think that the massive slowdown is caused by the few added doctests here, not by the changes in code in this ticket? That could be tested.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

Replying to @ppurka:

The resource leak seems to be a general problem with doctesting of 3d plots. This ticket simply exposes the defect.

So you think that the massive slowdown is caused by the few added doctests here, not by the changes in code in this ticket? That could be tested.

Yes. It will be good to test if num_points=400 in the same doctest command without this patch still leads to the massive slowdown. I can't test it since it is apparently only visible on the solaris arch. The command that is desired to be doctested is

sage: list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)],num_points=400) # long time

There is one workaround (even with the resource leak) and that is to decrease the value of num_points in the current patch.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Replying to @ppurka:

Yes. It will be good to test if num_points=400 in the same doctest command without this patch still leads to the massive slowdown.

On Solaris SPARC, sage-5.1.beta0:

sage: time list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)],num_points=400)

Time: CPU 23.91 s, Wall: 34.13 s

same machine, sage-5.1.beta3 + this patch:

sage: time list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)],num_points=400)

Time: CPU 39.62 s, Wall: 50.75 s

So, there is a slowdown. But perhaps more importantly, the time to doctest the file increased by much more than this. So I'm guessing with this patch, the time to doctest is much more than the sum of the times of the individual commands.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

This is befuddling. The main time consuming doctest that is added is the num_points=400 one. And here are the doctest times. The starting point is sage-5.2.alpha0 with these patches added, on an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz ubuntu 12.04.

  1. First, with f.default_value = 0.0 missing from the file (this is the change introduced by the patches in this ticket).
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -b >& /dev/null 
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -t -long sage/plot/plot3d/ 
sage -t -long "devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/"
     [13.5 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 13.5 seconds
  1. Second test with f.default_value = 0.0. Note that at this point, the extra examples introduced by the patches in this ticket are still there in the file.
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -b >& /dev/null 
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -t -long sage/plot/plot3d/ 
sage -t -long "devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/"
     [16.3 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 16.3 seconds
  1. Third, with f.default_value = float('inf'), and otherwise the patches in this ticket are still applied, i.e., the extra examples are still present.
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -b >& /dev/null 
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -t -long sage/plot/plot3d/ 
sage -t -long "devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/"
     [12.8 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 12.8 seconds
  1. Finally, with all the patches unapplied. This is vanilla sage-5.2.alpha0 and hence the examples introduced by the patches in this ticket are not present.
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» hg qpop -a
popping trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch
popping trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch
popping trac_9774-doctests.patch
popping trac_9774-mathjax-try5.patch
patch queue now empty
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -b >& /dev/null 
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -t -long sage/plot/plot3d/ 
sage -t -long "devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/"
     [6.3 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 6.3 seconds

Note that correct plots are generated only by 1. and 3. At least on this machine, both 1. and 3. are faster than the code already present in vanilla sage-5.2.alpha0. It is only the example with num_points=400 that introduces the slowdown.

So, I am attaching an updated patch which reduces the num_points. Here is the time taken for this new one. Notice that the time taken is lower than the vanilla sage-5.2.alpha0, even though the number of examples doctested has increased.

...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» hg qpush trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch
applying trac_9774-mathjax-try5.patch                             
applying trac_9774-doctests.patch
applying trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch
applying trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch
now at: trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» hg qref
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -b >& /dev/null 
...age-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage» ../../sage -t -long sage/plot/plot3d/ 
sage -t -long "devel/sage-main/sage/plot/plot3d/"
     [4.4 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 4.4 seconds
jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Replying to @ppurka:

This is befuddling.

Thank you, wiktionary :-)

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.3.patch.gz

apply to devel/sage

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 First attached patch fixes both these problems, second one fixes more doc and clarifies output.

-Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( and [attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.2.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
+Apply [attachment: trac_12798-fix_extraneous_points_and_kwds_in_list_plot3d.patch]( and [attachment: trac_12798-more-doc.3.patch]( to `devel/sage`.
ppurka commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

Replying to @ppurka:

This is befuddling.

Thank you, wiktionary :-)

It was befuddling when I started writing out that comment. By the time (about 1 hour) I reached the end of that comment, I had changed my opinion and things became less muddled.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

It's less bad, but far from good:

buildbot@mark:~/mark/sage-5.1.beta3$ ./sage -t devel/sage/sage/plot/plot3d/
sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/plot/plot3d/"
         [448.8 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 449.2 seconds

Without the patch, it is something like 30 seconds.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

I'm going to split the patches into a "change functionality" and "add doctests" part.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Attachment: 12798_change.patch.gz

Attachment: 12798_doc.patch.gz

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

I can absolutely confirm that the slowdown on Solaris SPARC is caused by attachment: 12798_change.patch, not by the added doctests.

ppurka commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

I can absolutely confirm that the slowdown on Solaris SPARC is caused by attachment: 12798_change.patch, not by the added doctests.

It is confusing alright. I am getting speedups on intel but you are getting slowdowns on sparc. Sorry for bothering you so much. Can you do the following test since you have access to the sparc:

  1. Change line 467 and 488 of attachment: 12798_change.patch with the following version and check if it is still slow.
f.default_value = float('inf')

This is the only alternative solution I have for the incorrect plots otherwise generated.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

I disagree with the analysis as 'needs work'. I understand that this is annoying, but ppurka is right that this makes something mathematically correct, or at least more so. " plots extraneous points at z=0" - we shouldn't be plotting extraneous points. And how many people are going to be plotting 3d list plots on Sparc? Very unlikely.

There probably is some Numpy internal that causes the interpolations to be very slow without a default value - at least, I wouldn't be surprised. It would be worth having someone who understands numpy (not me, unfortunately) generate a "native example".

That said, it seems like there must be some compromise that we can reach here for this ticket. Is it possible to add even more # long time flags to get it under a minute on mark? Also note that if it's 30 seconds without the patch, that's five times as long as the six seconds above - so mark would not exactly be a "typical" machine to be talking about timings on. That's sort of like on my old PPC machine - I'm happy as long as some SAGE_TIMEOUT_LONG value works :)

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Replying to @ppurka:

f.default_value = float('inf')

I'm afraid this doesn't really help (it might be just a little bit faster, but still massively slower than before).

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Replying to @kcrisman:

Also note that if it's 30 seconds without the patch, that's five times as long as the six seconds above - so mark would not exactly be a "typical" machine to be talking about timings on.

That wasn't my point. My point was that the patch on this ticket multiplies the time (without even adding new doctests!) by a factor 12.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

Also note that if it's 30 seconds without the patch, that's five times as long as the six seconds above - so mark would not exactly be a "typical" machine to be talking about timings on.

That wasn't my point. My point was that the patch on this ticket multiplies the time (without even adding new doctests!) by a factor 12.

I understand that. I suppose we have somewhat orthogonal points. My point is that we have often, in the past, lived with slowdowns if it meant correctness could be achieved. (Though in this case there may have been some good reason to have the zero points, but it was never documented so we don't know why.) Especially since there is a much smaller chance that anyone will ever use this function on a Sparc machine, and it's not actually breaking anything, it seems to be less of an issue to me. I'm really not convinced why it's important to have every file test fully in less than six minutes anyway; it seems quite arbitrary. But that is just my opinion :)

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Unrelated, but while looking in this file I saw some confusing comments concerning the Delaunay call, I fixed them at #13167. Could any of you review that?

kcrisman commented 12 years ago


ppurka commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

Replying to @kcrisman:

Also note that if it's 30 seconds without the patch, that's five times as long as the six seconds above - so mark would not exactly be a "typical" machine to be talking about timings on.

That wasn't my point. My point was that the patch on this ticket multiplies the time (without even adding new doctests!) by a factor 12.

That's the weird part. One point of comment:23 was to establish that there is a speedup on intel cpu, though not by a large margin.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

How does a doctest "plot" an object? I mean, what really happens when doctesting

sage: plot(foo)

Because the slow part is the actual plotting, not the computation of the object.

kcrisman commented 12 years ago

That is a good question. You can check it out in the code, there is some stuff in or with DOCTEST_MODE. Computing the plot objects is very fast, you are right. And plot3d of course is even different from that.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

I guess the method sage.plot.plot3d.parametric_surface.ParametricSurface.triangulate() should be fixed not to add any faces of which the coordinates are not all finite numbers. However, I'm having a hard time understanding that method.

Because now we are sending a list of faces to be plotted full of NaNs:

sage: G = list_plot3d([(0,0,1), (2,3,4), (-1,-1,-1)],num_points=100)
sage: G.triangulate()
sage: G.face_list()
[...[(1.9696971120698907, 2.71717269474511, nan), (1.9696971120698907, 2.757576737669652, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.757576737669652, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.71717269474511, nan)], [(1.9696971120698907, 2.757576737669652, nan), (1.9696971120698907, 2.7979807805941936, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.7979807805941936, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.757576737669652, nan)], [(1.9696971120698907, 2.7979807805941936, nan), (1.9696971120698907, 2.8383848235187354, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.8383848235187354, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.7979807805941936, nan)], [(1.9696971120698907, 2.8383848235187354, nan), (1.9696971120698907, 2.8787888664432773, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.8787888664432773, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.8383848235187354, nan)], [(1.9696971120698907, 2.8787888664432773, nan), (1.9696971120698907, 2.919192909367819, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.919192909367819, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.8787888664432773, nan)], [(1.9696971120698907, 2.919192909367819, nan), (1.9696971120698907, 2.959596952292361, 3.9494949494949494), (2.000000142649374, 2.959596952292361, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.919192909367819, nan)], [(1.9696971120698907, 2.959596952292361, 3.9494949494949494), (1.9696971120698907, 3.000000995216903, nan), (2.000000142649374, 3.000000995216903, nan), (2.000000142649374, 2.959596952292361, nan)]]

I think this is a true bug (and this might even have been the reason for the old default_value).