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interact -- interactive functions in the notebook (moved to #2449) #1322

Closed jasongrout closed 16 years ago

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

This ticket is a total mess, so I've made a new clean #2449.

See mailing list discussions at


Also, from Robert Miller (to Jason Grout):

> I was brainstorming about something like widgets a while ago, before
> the notebook underwent its sea change. We (>= you and I) should make
> this a coding sprint at SD7.

CC: @jasongrout @mwhansen @TimothyClemans

Component: notebook

Issue created by migration from

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

Test to see if CC feature is working.

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

See also the thread:

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

Extremely rough cut of initial functionality for interactive widgets in the notebook.

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

Attachment: menu-widget.patch.gz

There are several problems with the way things are done in menu-widget.patch:

The menu select box is the tip of the iceberg here. It'd be nice to have fancy sliders and things like that using javascript.

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

Oh, and one more thing: we currently have to import the function:

sage: from import menu
sage: menu('f',[sin,cos,tan]).show()

(a menu is shown.  pick a value for f)

sage: plot(f(x),0,2*pi).show()

(the plot of f(x) (with the selected f) is shown.)
jasongrout commented 16 years ago

It appears that the warning about a nonexistant cell comes from the line

            s = encode_list([cell.next_id(), 'no_new_cell', str(id)])

in sage/server/notebook/

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

In addition to applying the first patch above, you need to create an empty file in sage/server/notebook/widgets/

williamstein commented 16 years ago

See also #1613....

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Here is a trivial example. You must change 155 to an actual existing blank output cell.

def manipulate():
    print r""" 
function manip(id, cmd) {
   var cell_input = get_cell(id);
   cell_input.value = cmd; = "none";
   evaluate_cell(id, 0);
    <input type="button" value="sin(x)" onclick="manip(155, 'plot(sin,-1,1)')">
    <input type="button" value="cos(x)" onclick="manip(155, 'plot(cos,-1,1)')">
    <input type="button" value="tan(x)" onclick="manip(155, 'plot(tan,-1,1)')">
    <input type="button" value="sin(x^2)" onclick="manip(155, 'plot(sin(x^2),-1,1)')">
jasongrout commented 16 years ago

More stuff:

print r"""
function manip(id,cmd, variable, value) {
    var cell_input = get_cell(id);
    cell_input.value = variable+"="+value+"\n"+cmd; = "none";
    evaluate_cell(id, 0);


def menu(cmd, variable, options):
    ret = """<select name='' onchange='manip(%d,"%s", "%s", this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)'>"""%(__SAGE_NOTEBOOK_CELL_ID__+1,cmd,variable)
    for option in options:
        ret += "<option value='%s'>%s</option>"%(repr(option), repr(option))
    ret += "</select>"
    return ret

def manipulate(cmd, variables):
    for key,val in variables.items():
        controls += menu(cmd, key, val)
    print "<html>"+controls+"</html>"


manipulate('plot(f(x),(x,0,3))', {'f':[sin,cos,tan]})
jasongrout commented 16 years ago

with "manipulate.patch", here is a trivial example. You must change the CELL_ID to the id of an existing cell. That cell will be overwritten.

manipulate("factor(y)", {'y': TextBox(100)}, CELL_ID)

manipulate("factor(y)", {'y': Menu([2, 4, 6, 8])}, CELL_ID)

manipulate("factor(y)", {'y': ButtonGroup([2, 4, 6, 8])}, CELL_ID)

manipulate("factor(y)", {'y': CheckBox(checked=10, unchecked=20)}, CELL_ID)

manipulate("factor(py)", {'p': TextBox(100), 'y': Menu([(x-1),x^2-2x+1])}, CELL_ID)

(Note to self: fix the bug of printing the menu using str instead of repr, so x^2 looks like 2x)

jasongrout commented 16 years ago

Attachment: manipulate.patch.gz

A different very rough cut of functionality.

ba94b9bb-195b-4422-a5e2-176920eaa163 commented 16 years ago

Wow, this is a lot of fun!

Here's another, more interesting example. (This uses a CELL_ID of zero, so the first cell in your notebook will be overwritten.)

x = polygen(ZZ)
coeff_range = ButtonGroup([-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4])
manipulate("p = a*x^4 + b*x^3 + c*x^2 + d*x + e; show(plot(p, -4, 4)); show(p); p.roots(ring=RR)", 
           {'a': coeff_range,
            'b': coeff_range,
            'c': coeff_range,
            'd': coeff_range,
            'e': coeff_range}, 0)

Just judging from the functionality, I'd be willing to give a positive review once these two issues were addressed. (I haven't read the code yet, though.)

  1. Having to specify a CELL_ID is lame.

  2. The API of specifying a dictionary is bad. In the above example, the controls don't appear in the expected order (a,b,c,d,e); but that can't be fixed in manipulate, because it doesn't know what order you used when you typed the dictionary literal. Instead, manipulate should take a list of pairs.

Wishlist items:

  1. Slider bars would be nice.

  2. Widgets should be labeled with the variable name they control.

  3. The syntax is pretty ugly. I haven't thought of a way to fix that without some sort of preparser; here's a first suggestion for a preparser-based syntax:

x : Menu([2,4,6,8])
y : Menu([1,10,100,1000])

For extra bonus points, this could work in conjunction with %pari/%magma/etc.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Attachment: manipulate-take3.patch.gz

this is independent of the patches above -- it's standalone -- see comments below for how to use.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

This patch manipulate-take3.patch is a completely totally different approach to the whole manipulate thing. It is just a prototype!!! It's not supposed to work perfectly, in particular, you must enter a number first and press return to see anything. Anyway, here are some example inputs (each should be entered in its own cell):

def myfactor(n):
    print jsmath(factor(n))

def polys(m):
    R = QQ['x']
    f = R.random_element(m)
    print "f = ", jsmath(f)
    print "real roots = ", f.real_roots()

def ellcurve(label):
    E = EllipticCurve(label)
    show("E conductor = %s"%E.conductor())

def pl(n):
    show(plot3d(x^n-y^n, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)))
300dc0f9-16bb-4ab3-b547-c11ee4df10df commented 16 years ago

I love the new code by William.

Here is my first example using it:

def gcd_steps(numbers):
    a, b = numbers
    w = a
    y = b
    while True:
        x, z = divmod(w, y)
        print '%d = %d * %d + %d' % (w, x, y, z)
        if not z:
        w = y
        y = z
williamstein commented 16 years ago

Attachment: manipulate-take3_part2.patch.gz

part 2 of manipulate with decorators; this is usable again (probably) better docs; but there are several things to do soon and I'm too tired.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Here is the patch that adds full jquery and uijquery support to sage. apply it against the extcode repo.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Examples of how to use the version as of now:

def foo(f=text_box("sin(x)"), L=slider(-5,0), U=slider(0,5)):
    return plot(f,L,U)
def bar(a,b=slider([1..10])):
    return a+b
def ec(a,b):
    E = EllipticCurve([a,b])
    html("<h1>Data about an Elliptic Curve</h1>")
    print E.cremona_label()
williamstein commented 16 years ago

this requires that you also install the extcode patch that gives jquery support.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Attachment: manipulate_take3_part3.patch.gz

Examples as of manipulate_take3_part3.patch

def factor_example(n=range(2,1000)):
    F = factor(n)
    html("<h1 align=center><font color='darkblue' size=+4>factor(%s) = %s</font></h1>"%(n, F))

def foo(f, xmax=[0,0.1,..20]):
    show(plot(f, -1, xmax))

def pl(n=[0..30], xmin=[-5..0], xmax=[0..10]):
    print n, xmin, xmax
    f = sin(n*x); g = cos(n*x)
    show(plot(f,xmin,xmax) + plot(g,xmin,xmax,color='red'), figsize=[5,2], xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)

def pl(n=[100,200,..,10^4]):
    html("<h1 align=center>Primes up to %s</h1>"%n)
    show(plot(prime_pi, 1, n) + plot(x/(log(x)-1), 0.1, n, color='red'))

def a3dplot(a=[1..10], b=[1..10]):
    f = x^a + y^b
    show(plot3d(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)))
williamstein commented 16 years ago

HI: I've put a bundle at

since people were having trouble applying the plain text patches.


williamstein commented 16 years ago

To get this to work, install jquery as follows:


and unpack it in SAGE_ROOT

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Oops, actually extract

in SAGE_ROOT/data/

Sorry for all the trouble.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Attachment: manipulate_take3_part4.patch.gz

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Attachment: manipulate_take3_part5.patch.gz

Attachment: manipulate.hg.gz

this is a new better version

williamstein commented 16 years ago

I am now posting the hg bundle for people who want to try this out here:

williamstein commented 16 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+This ticket is a total mess, so I've made a new clean #2449.
 See mailing list discussions at 
