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[with patch, with 2 positive reviews] xgcd suboptimal output #1482

Closed nbruin closed 16 years ago

nbruin commented 16 years ago

I was expecting xgcd(x,y) to produce u,v of minimal absolute value such that ux+vy=gcd(x,y). However, presently it doesn't in the edge case where x divides y or vice versa (i.e., where (u,v)=(1,0) or (u,v)=(0,1) would be valid)

sage: xgcd(2,4)
(2, -1, 1)
sage: xgcd(4,2)
(2, 1, -1)
sage: xgcd(12,2)
(2, 1, -5)

This is not a bug in the strictest sense of the word, since the documentation does not promise u,v to be minimal, but for a lot of users minimal (u,v) would be the expected behaviour.

As far as I can see, this is directly the answer of mpz_gcdext. Possible solutions:

Component: basic arithmetic

Issue created by migration from

e13df781-8644-42aa-9d66-1e8d332e25bb commented 16 years ago

I've started investigating. The issue is that since we included the fast gcd code of Niels Möller (see #424), the behaviour of mpn_gcdext has changed slightly, and the changes flows onto mpz_gcdext. Note that this is not a bug in the code, since neither the mpz nor mpn documentation claim any minimality condition on the cofactors.

Here is some mpn-level code which produces different answers under GMP 4.2.1 and the patched version:

   mp_limb_t s1p = 4;
   mp_limb_t s2p = 2;
   mp_limb_t r2p[2];
   mp_size_t r2n;
   mp_limb_t r1p[2];
   mp_size_t r1n;

   r1n = mpn_gcdext(r1p, r2p, &r2n, &s1p, 1, &s2p, 1);

   printf("first cofactor = %ld\n", (long)(r2p[0]) * ((r2n > 0) ? 1 : -1));

Vanilla GMP 4.2.1 prints -1, patched GMP prints 1.

I plan to fix this as follows. I think it would be good for Sage to guarantee minimality. I'm going to make the xgcd function call mpz_gcdext, then check for the "obvious" non-minimality issues and make corrections for those, and finally fall back on a (slower) but guaranteed algorithm if that doesn't work. Hopefully the latter should never actually be called, since it will need to divide by something somewhere.

williamstein commented 16 years ago

From Nils

I don't think anybody should care about the signs. Given the close
connection between continued fractions and Euclid's algorithm (which
does guarantee minimality), I guess you could try and see what signs
would be given back by a continued fractions approach.

It actually looks like they had a very good reason for departing from
returning minimal solutions in GMP's xgcd. It is nice to have an
option for minimality, but it should perhaps not be the default. The
way I ran into this problem was that I tested for one of the
parameters to be zero to detect if the gcd is equal to one of the
inputs. This example shows you're better off doing that by testing for
equality on the GCD and the inputs.

The "bug" should perhaps be the failure of the documentation to point
out that minimality is not guaranteed (people will naively expect
Euclid's algorithm)
e13df781-8644-42aa-9d66-1e8d332e25bb commented 16 years ago

Earlier comments in the above thread:

e13df781-8644-42aa-9d66-1e8d332e25bb commented 16 years ago

Attachment: 1482.hg.gz

robertwb commented 16 years ago


This looks good, and good documentation too.

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

Merged in 2.9.2.rc1.