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Implement hyperbolic Cartan types #15974

Open tscrim opened 10 years ago

tscrim commented 10 years ago

They are a important class of indeterminate Cartan types. They will be given in terms of the table given in Classification of hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams, root lengths, and Weyl group orbits by Carbone, Chung, Cobbs, McRae, Nandi, Naqvi, and Penta (, as well as in some of the other notations specified in the aforementioned paper.

CC: @sagetrac-sage-combinat @nthiery @anneschilling @bsalisbury1 @dwbump @jplab @sagetrac-vripoll

Component: combinatorics

Keywords: hyperbolic root systems, coxeter

Author: Travis Scrimshaw

Branch/Commit: public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974 @ be1375d

Issue created by migration from

tscrim commented 10 years ago

Description changed:

fchapoton commented 10 years ago

Changed keywords from hyperbolic root systems to hyperbolic root systems, coxeter

tscrim commented 10 years ago

Commit: cd15134

tscrim commented 10 years ago

Branch: public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974

tscrim commented 10 years ago

Current WIP version (I'm not guaranteeing anything to really work, nor for the structure to not change).

Last 10 new commits:

59c49b4Refactoring hyperbolic types and added Lorentzian types.
a920566More work on Lorentzian Cartan types.
ca06d90Moved type E Lorentzian to separate file, started rank 3 hyperbolic types.
9a07193More work on hyperbolic root systems.
d65fb76Merge branch 'develop' into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
c655d51Implemented marked Cartan types and refactored common code.
80684beFixed last doctests and added to full coverage.
612db21Fixed last failing doctest.
964d8acMerge branch 'public/combinat/root_systems/marked_types-15948' into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
cd15134Merge branch 'develop' into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
tscrim commented 10 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1 +1 @@
-They are a important class of indeterminate Cartan types. They will be given in terms of the table given in *Classification of hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams, root lengths, and Weyl group orbits* by Carbone, Chung, Cobbs, McRae, Nandi, Naqvi, and Penta, as well as in some of the other notations specified in the aforementioned paper.
+They are a important class of indeterminate Cartan types. They will be given in terms of the table given in *Classification of hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams, root lengths, and Weyl group orbits* by Carbone, Chung, Cobbs, McRae, Nandi, Naqvi, and Penta (, as well as in some of the other notations specified in the aforementioned paper.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 10 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

ae6d01cMerge branch 'develop' into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 10 years ago

Changed commit from cd15134 to ae6d01c

nthiery commented 10 years ago

Hi Travis!

Just a quick suggestion for less duplication in the code and a better isolation of the "database" part. Make:

if index == 1:
    dd = CartanType_Rank3Cycle._construct_dynkin_diagram((1,1,2))
elif index == 2:
    dd = CartanType_Rank3Cycle._construct_dynkin_diagram((1,1,-22))
elif index == 3:
   dd = CartanType_Rank3Cycle._construct_dynkin_diagram((1,1,3))

Into, at the start of the file and with a more specific name than data if possible:

    data = (None, (1,1,2), (1,1,-22), (1,1,3), ...)

And in the constructor:

    dd = CartanType_Rank3Cycle._construct_dynkin_diagram(data[i])

Cheers, Nicolas

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 10 years ago

Changed commit from ae6d01c to d170a57

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 10 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

a807b5fMerge branch 'public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974' of into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
8748c79Merge branch 'develop' into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
d170a57Replaced Lorentzian with hyperbolic.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

be1375dMerge branch 'public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974' of into public/combinat/root_systems/hyperbolic-15974
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from d170a57 to be1375d