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Add CM detection for elliptic curves over number fields #16764

Closed JohnCremona closed 9 years ago

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Elliptic curves over the rationals have mathods has_cm() and cm_discriminant(). We extend these to curves over number fields, and add a function has_rational_cm() to indicate the the curve has CM which is defined over its base field (i.e. the CM discriminant is a square in that field), which is always False over QQ.

Component: elliptic curves

Keywords: complex multiplication

Author: John Cremona

Branch: 4aea367

Reviewer: Marco Streng, Chris Wuthrich

Issue created by migration from

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Branch: u/cremona/ticket/16764

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Commit: 8dff296

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

New commits:

552f37aWork in progress on CM and isogeny classes for EC/NF
5ea36bfMerge branch 'develop' into isogs-ecnf
8dff296#16764: CM detection over number fields
JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

The changes in belong to #16743, not here, and should be ignored. I'll fix this.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

caf41e6#16764 revert changes to which belong in #16743
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 8dff296 to caf41e6

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Replying to @JohnCremona:

The changes in belong to #16743, not here, and should be ignored. I'll fix this.

Done. This probably counts as rewriting history, too bad. #16743 will depend on this anyway.

fchapoton commented 9 years ago


Lines after a .. NOTE:: should be indented by 4 spaces (not 3).

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Replying to @fchapoton:


Lines after a .. NOTE:: should be indented by 4 spaces (not 3).

Are you sure? See I was aligning the following text under the n of "note".

fchapoton commented 9 years ago

Oh, well. I was trusting

but I wonder now who is right.

mstreng commented 9 years ago

While you're at it, could you change the wording in the first line of the documentation of has_cm for elliptic curves over the rationals to be less ambiguous?

I've seen Complex Multiplication to mean over the base field and to mean over the algebraic closure, so "Returns True iff this elliptic curve has Complex Multiplication." is ambiguous. It could be "Returns True iff this elliptic curve has Complex Multiplication over the algebraic closure." or "Returns True iff this elliptic curve has a CM j-invariant." as in the number field case.

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Replying to @mstreng:

While you're at it, could you change the wording in the first line of the documentation of has_cm for elliptic curves over the rationals to be less ambiguous?

I've seen Complex Multiplication to mean over the base field and to mean over the algebraic closure, so "Returns True iff this elliptic curve has Complex Multiplication." is ambiguous. It could be "Returns True iff this elliptic curve has Complex Multiplication over the algebraic closure." or "Returns True iff this elliptic curve has a CM j-invariant." as in the number field case.

Good point! Thanks. A suitable change for a reviewer's patch (as they used to be called)?

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

I will follow Marco's suggestion about the documentation for has_cm, and also add a field parameter to has_rational_cm (defaulting to the base_field) as William had suggested.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

8e203afMerge branch 'develop' into cm
3cacdb2#16764: adjustments after review
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from caf41e6 to 3cacdb2

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Done as above; also merged 6.3.rc1 into the branch.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

7852e0fMerge branch 'develop' into cm
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 3cacdb2 to 7852e0f

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

I hope that merging in the develop branch (as at version 6.4.beta1) will make this easier to review and not harder!

mstreng commented 9 years ago

Reviewer: Marco Streng

mstreng commented 9 years ago

The documentation has three references to "the j-invariant of an immaginary quadratic order", which is either a whole Galois orbit or one specific complex number. In all those places it should be "a j-invariant of an imaginary quadratic order". I'm writing a reviewer patch that corrects this.

mstreng commented 9 years ago

Changed branch from u/cremona/ticket/16764 to u/mstreng/ticket/16764

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Thanks, Marco. If that's the only thing you found I am delighted!

At some point a better implementation of the basic function (detecting whether an algebraic integer is a CM j-invariant) would be good, but the one there is fine for small degrees which is likely to be all that is needed most of the time.

New commits:

4aea367Reviewer patch for ticket 16764 with minor documentation fixes.
JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 7852e0f to 4aea367

mstreng commented 9 years ago

Hi John. If you agree with my reviewer patch, you can set the ticket to postive_review.

New commits:

4aea367Reviewer patch for ticket 16764 with minor documentation fixes.
mstreng commented 9 years ago

Oops, I haven't set up my editor properly on this machine. Let me remove the tab character first...

mstreng commented 9 years ago

Replying to @mstreng:

Oops, I haven't set up my editor properly on this machine. Let me remove the tab character first...

Never mind, the tab character is in some kind of xcode temp file, not in the actual source code.

chriswuthrich commented 9 years ago

All tests pass for me, the documentation builds nicely (I can see a tab character). So this all looks fine to me.

chriswuthrich commented 9 years ago

Changed reviewer from Marco Streng to Marco Streng, Chris Wuthrich

vbraun commented 9 years ago

Changed branch from u/mstreng/ticket/16764 to 4aea367

jdemeyer commented 9 years ago

What's the intention of the code

    D = self._CMD
    if D:
        return D
        raise ValueError("%s does not have CM"%self)

which is obviously equivalent to

    D = self._CMD
    if D:
        return D

I assume you meant something like

    D = self._CMD
except AttributeError:
    if D:
        return D
        raise ValueError("%s does not have CM"%self)

Apart from this issue, you really should never use except: since that catches also KeyboardInterrupt.

jdemeyer commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 4aea367 to none

mstreng commented 9 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

Apart from this issue, you really should never use except: since that catches also KeyboardInterrupt.

You are right. Could you reopen this ticket? This should not be merged into a stable version without fixing that code.

jdemeyer commented 9 years ago

I will fix it in #17076.

JohnCremona commented 9 years ago

Apologies, of course I meant to write "except AttributeError". I do know the rules.

To make absolutely sure: the field _CMD stores 0 if it has already been determined that E does not have CM, and in this case the method cm_discriminant raises an error -- not my choice but for compatibility with curves over Q. (I would have preferred to return 0 which is easy for other coed to check).

I'll be happy to review #17076 (though I seem to have forfeited my right to give any code a trustworthy review with this lapse).