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symbolic sums of roots #16816

Open kcrisman opened 10 years ago

kcrisman commented 10 years ago

See this sage-devel discussion, where it is pointed out that both Maxima and Sympy can return solutions to integrals using a symbolic sum of roots, e.g.

sage: f=1/(x^4+x^3+1)
sage: fm=f._maxima_()
sage: fm.integrate()
sage: fs=f._sympy_()
sage: fs.integrate()
RootSum(229*_t**4 + 6*_t**2 + _t + 1, Lambda(_t, _t*log(-37785*_t**3/3547 - 5496*_t**2/3547 + 12979*_t/3547 + x + 691/3547)))

(Thanks to mmarco for this.)

Perhaps this shouldn't be the default return for integrals but it certainly could be useful.

Component: calculus

Issue created by migration from

miguelmarco commented 10 years ago

The object itself can be created in pynac using algebraic numbers. The problem is to handle it then. I posted an example in the sage-devel discussion.