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sandpile revisions #18618

Closed bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d closed 9 years ago

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Summary of changes from version 2.3 to 2.4 June 11, 2015

  1. Eliminated dependence on 4ti2, substituting the use of Polyhedron methods. Thus, no optional packages are necessary.
  2. Fixed bug in Sandpile.init so that now multigraphs are handled correctly.
  3. Created sandpiles to handle examples of Sandpiles in analogy with graphs, simplicial_complexes, and polytopes. In the process, we implemented a much faster way of producing the sandpile grid graph.
  4. Added support for open and closed sandpile Markov chains.
  5. Added support for Weierstrass points.
  6. Implemented the Cori-Le Borgne algorithm for computing ranks of divisors on complete graphs.







Component: graph theory

Keywords: sandpile

Author: David Perkinson

Branch: 249b647

Reviewer: Qiaoyu Yang, Kaui Yu

Issue created by migration from

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Changed keywords from none to sandpile

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Author: David Perkinson

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Revisions to sandpiles to be posted soon.

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Branch: u/dperkinson/sandpile_revisions

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Attachment: summary_of_revisions.txt

Summary of revisions

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

New commits:

9e022d8Revisions to sandpiles
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Commit: 9e022d8

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1 +1,67 @@
+Summary of changes from version 2.3 to 2.4
+June 11, 2015

+1. Eliminated dependence on 4ti2, substituing the use of Polyhedron methods.  Thus, no optional packages are necessary.
+2. Fixed bug in Sandpile.__init__ so that now multigraphs are handled correctly.
+3. Created `sandpiles` to handle examples of Sandpiles in analogy with `graphs`, `simplicial_complexes`, and `polytopes`.  In the process, we implemented a much faster way of producing the sandpile grid graph.
+4. Added support for open and closed sandpile Markov chains.
+5. Added support for Weierstrass points.
+6. Implemented the Cori-Le Borgne algorithm for computing ranks of divisors on complete graphs.
+* avalanche_polynomial      -- the avalance polynomial
+* genus                     -- genus of the sandpile graph (undirected case only)
+* group_gens                -- minimal set of generators for the sandpile group
+* help                      -- list of Sandpile-specific methods
+* jacobian_representatives  -- representatives for elements of the Jacobian group
+* markov_chain              -- open and closed sandpile Markov chain
+* picard_representatives    -- representatives for elements of the Picard group
+* smith_form                -- Smith normal from for transpose of the Laplacian
+* stable_configs            -- iterator for all stable configurations
+* stationary_density        -- the stationary density for the closed sandpile Markov chain
+* tutte_polynomial          -- Tutte polynomial of underlying graph (undirected case only)
+* burst_size                -- statistic for sandpile Markov chain
+* help                      -- list of SandpileConfig methods
+* help                      -- list of SandpileDivisor methods
+* is_linearly_equivalent    -- Is the divisor linearly equivalent to a given divisor?
+* is_q_reduced              -- Is the divisor q-reduced (q=sink)
+* is_weierstrass_pt         -- Is the given vertex a Weierstrass pt for the divisor?
+* polytope                  -- polytope determining the complete linear system
+* polytope_integer_pts      -- integer points inside the divisor's polytope
+* q_reduced                 -- linearly equiv. q-reduced divisor
+* rank                      -- the rank of the divisor
+* simulate_threshold        -- simulate closed sandpile Markov chain until threshold
+* stabilize                 -- stabilize, if possible
+* weierstrass_gap_seq       -- the Weierstrass gap sequence for the given vertex
+* weierstrass_pts           -- all Weierstrass points (vertices) for the divisor
+* weierstrass_rank_seq      -- the rank sequence at a Weierstrass point
+* SandpileDivisor.linear_system -- uses 4ti2.  Replaced by SandpileDivisor.polytope.
+* SandpileDivisor.r_of_D -- uses 4ti2.  Replaced by SandpileDivisor.rank.
+* sandlib method -- replaced by `sandpiles`
+* complete_sandpile -- replaced by sandpiles.Complete
+* grid_sandpile -- replaced by sandpiles.Grid
+* triangle_sandpile -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
+* aztec_sandpile -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
+* random_digraph -- Duplicates methods from graphs and digraphs, more or less.
+* random_DAG -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
+* random_tree -- Duplicates method from graphs and digraphs, more or less.
+* glue_graphs -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
+* admissible_partitions -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
+* firing_vector -- Replaced by SandpileDivisor.is_linearly_equivalent.
+* min_cycles -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
+* The `sink` argument to Sandpile.__init__ now defaults to the first vertex.
+* A SandpileConfig or SandpileDivisor may now be multiplied by an integer.
+* Sped up `__add__` method for SandpileConfig and SandpileDivisor.
+* Enhanced string representation of a Sandpile (via `_repr_` and the `name` method).
+* Recurrents for complete graphs and cycle graphs are computed more quickly.
+* The stabilization code for SandpilConfig has been made more efficient.
+* Added optional probability distribution arguments to `add_random` methods.
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Summary of changes from version 2.3 to 2.4
 June 11, 2015

-1. Eliminated dependence on 4ti2, substituing the use of Polyhedron methods.  Thus, no optional packages are necessary.
+1. Eliminated dependence on 4ti2, substituting the use of Polyhedron methods.  Thus, no optional packages are necessary.
 2. Fixed bug in Sandpile.__init__ so that now multigraphs are handled correctly.
 3. Created `sandpiles` to handle examples of Sandpiles in analogy with `graphs`, `simplicial_complexes`, and `polytopes`.  In the process, we implemented a much faster way of producing the sandpile grid graph.
 4. Added support for open and closed sandpile Markov chains.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 * burst_size                -- statistic for sandpile Markov chain
 * help                      -- list of SandpileConfig methods

 * help                      -- list of SandpileDivisor methods
 * is_linearly_equivalent    -- Is the divisor linearly equivalent to a given divisor?
 * is_q_reduced              -- Is the divisor q-reduced (q=sink)
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 6. Implemented the Cori-Le Borgne algorithm for computing ranks of divisors on complete graphs.

 * avalanche_polynomial      -- the avalance polynomial
 * genus                     -- genus of the sandpile graph (undirected case only)
 * group_gens                -- minimal set of generators for the sandpile group
@@ -22,11 +23,11 @@
 * stationary_density        -- the stationary density for the closed sandpile Markov chain
 * tutte_polynomial          -- Tutte polynomial of underlying graph (undirected case only)

 * burst_size                -- statistic for sandpile Markov chain
 * help                      -- list of SandpileConfig methods

 * help                      -- list of SandpileDivisor methods
 * is_linearly_equivalent    -- Is the divisor linearly equivalent to a given divisor?
 * is_q_reduced              -- Is the divisor q-reduced (q=sink)
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -64,5 +64,5 @@
 * Sped up `__add__` method for SandpileConfig and SandpileDivisor.
 * Enhanced string representation of a Sandpile (via `_repr_` and the `name` method).
 * Recurrents for complete graphs and cycle graphs are computed more quickly.
-* The stabilization code for SandpilConfig has been made more efficient.
+* The stabilization code for SandpileConfig has been made more efficient.
 * Added optional probability distribution arguments to `add_random` methods.
jdemeyer commented 9 years ago

Doctest formatting is incorrect:

Sandpiles can be created from Graphs and DiGraphs.

sage: g = DiGraph({0:{1:2,2:4}, 1:{1:3,2:1}, 2:{1:7}}, weighted=True)

should be

Sandpiles can be created from Graphs and DiGraphs::

    sage: g = DiGraph({0:{1:2,2:4}, 1:{1:3,2:1}, 2:{1:7}}, weighted=True)

(and there are a few more formatting errors like this)

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

1c2361fRevised doctest formatting.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 9e022d8 to 1c2361f

videlec commented 9 years ago


From the patchbot

Building reference manual, first pass.

Warning: Missing title for sage.misc.six
Error building the documentation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vincent/sage_patchbot/src/doc/common/", line 1626, in <module>
    getattr(get_builder(name), type)()
  File "/home/vincent/sage_patchbot/src/doc/common/", line 292, in _wrapper
    getattr(get_builder(document), 'inventory')(*args, **kwds)
  File "/home/vincent/sage_patchbot/src/doc/common/", line 503, in _wrapper
  File "/home/vincent/sage_patchbot/local/lib/python/multiprocessing/", line 558, in get
    raise self._value
OSError: [dynamics ] /home/vincent/sage_patchbot/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/sandpiles/ of sage.sandpiles.sandpile:8: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.

make: *** [doc-html] Error 1
('Apply', '--', 6, 'seconds')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vincent/sage_patchbot/local/bin/patchbot/", line 871, in test_a_ticket
  File "/home/vincent/sage_patchbot/local/bin/patchbot/", line 143, in do_or_die
    raise exn_class("{} {}".format(res, cmd))
Exception: 512 $MAKE
2015-06-11 19:01:41 +0200
(25, 'seconds')

If you see something red or yellow on the patchbot little ball (on the right top of the ticket description) then something is bad. You can then click on it to see what it is.

tscrim commented 9 years ago

Some quick comments:


- ``foo`` -- the bar
- ``param`` -- (default: 5) an integer we do something with that is typically
  the value 5, mainly I'm blabbing on to make this a longer line
- ``opt`` -- (optional) some optional argument
.. NOTE::

    This is a note. Everything should be one level further indented than before.
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

How does one run patchbot and view the errors? (The only testing tool I have been using is sage -t, which showed that all tests passed.)

tscrim commented 9 years ago

As Vincent said:

If you see something red or yellow on the patchbot little ball (on the right top of the ticket description) then something is bad. You can then click on it to see what it is.

It's located next to the opened/last modifed data. Once you click the red circle, you should look at the (short) log for the patchbot data. Once the documentation builds (you should check this, the easiest way to do so is run make docbuild from the $SAGE_ROOT directory or sage -docbuild all html from anywhere) and push those changes, a patchbot will (eventually) come around and test the branch on this ticket again.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

9b10bf5Revised docstring. Automated help methods.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 1c2361f to 9b10bf5

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

I have just pushed changes in response to the (very helpful) comments above. The INPUT sections of the docstrings are all standardized now, as are the NOTE, WARNING, etc., sections. SandpileExamples has the "new-class" style. The help functions are now automated rather than hard-wired, as advised.

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

tscrim commented 9 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

I have just pushed changes in response to the (very helpful) comments above. The INPUT sections of the docstrings are all standardized now, as are the NOTE, WARNING, etc., sections. SandpileExamples has the "new-class" style. The help functions are now automated rather than hard-wired, as advised.

Looks good. This could potentially be used as a model for other parts of Sage.

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

I have just pushed changes in response to the (very helpful) comments above. The INPUT sections of the docstrings are all standardized now, as are the NOTE, WARNING, etc., sections. SandpileExamples has the "new-class" style. The help functions are now automated rather than hard-wired, as advised.

Looks good. This could potentially be used as a model for other parts of Sage.

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

Just to be completely clear: suppose, for example, that I have a docstring with None listed under INPUT and integer listed under OUTPUT. Then I should remove the INPUT section, leaving the OUTPUT section, right?

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

I am new to git, so I could use some guidance here. I have been working in a directory called git-trac-command. The output from "git branch" shows two branches: master and t/18618/sandpile_revisions, with an asterisk next to the latter. After my initial git push command, I have modified files in another, separate, copy of sage. When I done making and testing the revisions, I copy the relevant modified files (,, etc.) to git-trac-command/src/sage/sandpiles. I then run ./sage -br, git add NEW FILES, git commit, and git trac push.

What is the sequence of commands I should enter to resolve the current conflict? Also, what should I have done originally to have avoided the conflict?

Thanks very much for your time and advice!

tscrim commented 9 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

Just to be completely clear: suppose, for example, that I have a docstring with None listed under INPUT and integer listed under OUTPUT. Then I should remove the INPUT section, leaving the OUTPUT section, right?

Yes, that is correct.

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

I am new to git, so I could use some guidance here. I have been working in a directory called git-trac-command. The output from "git branch" shows two branches: master and t/18618/sandpile_revisions, with an asterisk next to the latter. After my initial git push command, I have modified files in another, separate, copy of sage. When I done making and testing the revisions, I copy the relevant modified files (,, etc.) to git-trac-command/src/sage/sandpiles. I then run ./sage -br, git add NEW FILES, git commit, and git trac push.

What is the sequence of commands I should enter to resolve the current conflict? Also, what should I have done originally to have avoided the conflict?

Thanks very much for your time and advice!

What you'll need to do is the following:

$ git fetch <remote_name> develop:develop
$ git checkout t/18618/sandpile_revisions     # If you aren't already in that branch
$ git merge develop

    Do the rebasing

$ git commit
$ make           # In the $SAGE_ROOT directory. This will take a *long* time
$ git trac push

where <remote_name> is likely origin (possibly trac).

For rebuilding Sage with the make, you might want to do these beforehand to help speed it up:

$ make doc-clean
$ export MAKE='make -jn'

where n is the number of processors on your computer. If it happens to fail during the doc-building part at the end, don't worry about it.

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

Just to be completely clear: suppose, for example, that I have a docstring with None listed under INPUT and integer listed under OUTPUT. Then I should remove the INPUT section, leaving the OUTPUT section, right?

Yes, that is correct.

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

I am new to git, so I could use some guidance here. I have been working in a directory called git-trac-command. The output from "git branch" shows two branches: master and t/18618/sandpile_revisions, with an asterisk next to the latter. After my initial git push command, I have modified files in another, separate, copy of sage. When I done making and testing the revisions, I copy the relevant modified files (,, etc.) to git-trac-command/src/sage/sandpiles. I then run ./sage -br, git add NEW FILES, git commit, and git trac push.

What is the sequence of commands I should enter to resolve the current conflict? Also, what should I have done originally to have avoided the conflict?

Thanks very much for your time and advice!

What you'll need to do is the following:

$ git fetch <remote_name> develop:develop
$ git checkout t/18618/sandpile_revisions     # If you aren't already in that branch
$ git merge develop

    Do the rebasing

$ git commit
$ make           # In the $SAGE_ROOT directory. This will take a *long* time
$ git trac push

where <remote_name> is likely origin (possibly trac).

Running "git merge develop" leads to the error:

Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

For rebuilding Sage with the make, you might want to do these beforehand to help speed it up:

$ make doc-clean
$ export MAKE='make -jn'

where n is the number of processors on your computer. If it happens to fail during the doc-building part at the end, don't worry about it.

tscrim commented 9 years ago

That was what I expected. You need to handle the rebase. You will have to go and edit the file and look for <<<<<< and then ===== and then >>>>>> (or something like that), these are the merge conflicts. You'll then make the files how you want them to be. You can also try git mergetool, but IMO the default mergetool isn't that good.

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

Just to be completely clear: suppose, for example, that I have a docstring with None listed under INPUT and integer listed under OUTPUT. Then I should remove the INPUT section, leaving the OUTPUT section, right?

Yes, that is correct.

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

I am new to git, so I could use some guidance here. I have been working in a directory called git-trac-command. The output from "git branch" shows two branches: master and t/18618/sandpile_revisions, with an asterisk next to the latter. After my initial git push command, I have modified files in another, separate, copy of sage. When I done making and testing the revisions, I copy the relevant modified files (,, etc.) to git-trac-command/src/sage/sandpiles. I then run ./sage -br, git add NEW FILES, git commit, and git trac push.

What is the sequence of commands I should enter to resolve the current conflict? Also, what should I have done originally to have avoided the conflict?

Thanks very much for your time and advice!

What you'll need to do is the following:

$ git fetch <remote_name> develop:develop
$ git checkout t/18618/sandpile_revisions     # If you aren't already in that branch
$ git merge develop

    Do the rebasing

$ git commit
$ make           # In the $SAGE_ROOT directory. This will take a *long* time
$ git trac push

where <remote_name> is likely origin (possibly trac).

Running "git merge develop" leads to the error:

Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

For rebuilding Sage with the make, you might want to do these beforehand to help speed it up:

$ make doc-clean
$ export MAKE='make -jn'

where n is the number of processors on your computer. If it happens to fail during the doc-building part at the end, don't worry about it.

Oops. Entered "make doc clean" by accident. Advice?

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

Just to be completely clear: suppose, for example, that I have a docstring with None listed under INPUT and integer listed under OUTPUT. Then I should remove the INPUT section, leaving the OUTPUT section, right?

Yes, that is correct.

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

I am new to git, so I could use some guidance here. I have been working in a directory called git-trac-command. The output from "git branch" shows two branches: master and t/18618/sandpile_revisions, with an asterisk next to the latter. After my initial git push command, I have modified files in another, separate, copy of sage. When I done making and testing the revisions, I copy the relevant modified files (,, etc.) to git-trac-command/src/sage/sandpiles. I then run ./sage -br, git add NEW FILES, git commit, and git trac push.

What is the sequence of commands I should enter to resolve the current conflict? Also, what should I have done originally to have avoided the conflict?

Thanks very much for your time and advice!

What you'll need to do is the following:

$ git fetch <remote_name> develop:develop
$ git checkout t/18618/sandpile_revisions     # If you aren't already in that branch
$ git merge develop

    Do the rebasing

$ git commit
$ make           # In the $SAGE_ROOT directory. This will take a *long* time
$ git trac push

where <remote_name> is likely origin (possibly trac).

Running "git merge develop" leads to the error:

Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

For rebuilding Sage with the make, you might want to do these beforehand to help speed it up:

$ make doc-clean
$ export MAKE='make -jn'

where n is the number of processors on your computer. If it happens to fail during the doc-building part at the end, don't worry about it.

Oops. Entered "make doc clean" by accident. Advice?

I just hit ctrl-C, then entered "make distclean" and proceeded as suggested above. Hope that works. Thanks again for your help.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 9b10bf5 to 481dd23

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

481dd23fixed conflict
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @sagetrac-dperkinson:

Should I remove every instance of INPUT for which there is no input (None) and, separately, every instance of OUTPUT for which there is no output (None)? The documentation for developers at states that every function must have an INPUT and OUTPUT statement, and further that this "is not optional".

tries to put politics aside These add clutter to the docstring and are a very good exception to the rule. So yes, please remove them.

Just to be completely clear: suppose, for example, that I have a docstring with None listed under INPUT and integer listed under OUTPUT. Then I should remove the INPUT section, leaving the OUTPUT section, right?

Yes, that is correct.

At any rate, for this new version, with my local version of Sage, all tests passed for "sage -t", and the html and pdf documentation built without problems.

However there is currently a merge conflict with the latest beta. So you'll need to rebase it.

I am new to git, so I could use some guidance here. I have been working in a directory called git-trac-command. The output from "git branch" shows two branches: master and t/18618/sandpile_revisions, with an asterisk next to the latter. After my initial git push command, I have modified files in another, separate, copy of sage. When I done making and testing the revisions, I copy the relevant modified files (,, etc.) to git-trac-command/src/sage/sandpiles. I then run ./sage -br, git add NEW FILES, git commit, and git trac push.

What is the sequence of commands I should enter to resolve the current conflict? Also, what should I have done originally to have avoided the conflict?

Thanks very much for your time and advice!

What you'll need to do is the following:

$ git fetch <remote_name> develop:develop
$ git checkout t/18618/sandpile_revisions     # If you aren't already in that branch
$ git merge develop

    Do the rebasing

$ git commit
$ make           # In the $SAGE_ROOT directory. This will take a *long* time
$ git trac push

where <remote_name> is likely origin (possibly trac).

Running "git merge develop" leads to the error:

Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

For rebuilding Sage with the make, you might want to do these beforehand to help speed it up:

$ make doc-clean
$ export MAKE='make -jn'

where n is the number of processors on your computer. If it happens to fail during the doc-building part at the end, don't worry about it.

Oops. Entered "make doc clean" by accident. Advice?

I just hit ctrl-C, then entered "make distclean" and proceeded as suggested above. Hope that works. Thanks again for your help.

Done. Hope that worked.

tscrim commented 9 years ago

Yes, that worked. Next is to fix the doctests as noted by the patchbot.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

fc12fc2Made the sandpiles thematic tutorial and sandpiles version 2.4 play well together.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 481dd23 to fc12fc2

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
 * triangle_sandpile -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
 * aztec_sandpile -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
 * random_digraph -- Duplicates methods from graphs and digraphs, more or less.
-* random_DAG -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
 * random_tree -- Duplicates method from graphs and digraphs, more or less.
 * glue_graphs -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
 * admissible_partitions -- Not used much.  Will still be able to import.
bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

The function random_DAG is used elsewhere in sage (sage/graphs/graph_decompositions/vertex_separation.pyx). So I will hold off deprecating it. It might be a good idea to add random_DAG to the graph examples, e.g., graphs.random_DAG.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from fc12fc2 to ce36ebe

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

ce36ebeRemove "INPUT: None" and "OUTPUT: None" in docstrings.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

01df8d1Added SandpileDivisor.weierstrass_div method.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from ce36ebe to 01df8d1

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 * rank                      -- the rank of the divisor
 * simulate_threshold        -- simulate closed sandpile Markov chain until threshold
 * stabilize                 -- stabilize, if possible
+* weierstrass_div           -- the Weierstrass divisor
 * weierstrass_gap_seq       -- the Weierstrass gap sequence for the given vertex
 * weierstrass_pts           -- all Weierstrass points (vertices) for the divisor
 * weierstrass_rank_seq      -- the rank sequence at a Weierstrass point
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 01df8d1 to 543a7b1

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

543a7b1Lazy-importing sandpiles (from sandpiles.examples)
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

1852cccUpdated a few left-over old-style continuation markers.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 9 years ago

Changed commit from 543a7b1 to 1852ccc

bc92013b-9220-40da-a45f-06c52942e68d commented 9 years ago

Reviewer: Qiaoyu Yang, Kaui Yu

dimpase commented 9 years ago

Please set up a git branch on trac to review, so that one can get changes in out git fetch/git merge.

dimpase commented 9 years ago

oops, sorry, it's OK, in fact.

dimpase commented 9 years ago

for some reason I have the following conflict when I try to merge the changes into Sage 6.8.beta8:

<<<<<<< HEAD
            processed_g = {}
            for k in g.keys():
                temp = {}
                for vertex in g[k]:
                    temp[vertex] = 1
                processed_g[k] = temp
            g = processed_g
        elif isinstance(g, Graph):
            processed_g = {}
            for v in g.vertices():
                edges = {}
                for n in g.neighbors(v):
                    if (isinstance(g.edge_label(v,n), int)
                            and g.edge_label(v,n) >= 0):
                        edges[n] = g.edge_label(v,n)
                        edges[n] = 1
                processed_g[v] = edges
            g = processed_g
        elif isinstance(g, DiGraph):
            processed_g = {}
            for v in g.vertices():
                edges = {}
                for n in g.neighbors_out(v):
                    if (isinstance(g.edge_label(v,n), int)
                            and g.edge_label(v,n) >= 0):
                        edges[n] = g.edge_label(v,n)
                        edges[n] = 1
                processed_g[v] = edges
            processed_g = {i:dict(Counter(g[i])) for i in g}
>>>>>>> trac/u/dperkinson/sandpile_revisions

in src/sage/sandpiles/; i.e. you want to replace everything between <<<<< HEAD and ======== with the stuff after ======. Is this correct?

(It would be great if you do the rebase yourself, but if you don't know how, please say so).