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FiniteStateMachine.transposition(): multi-letter input not handeled correctly. #19453

Closed cheuberg closed 8 years ago

cheuberg commented 8 years ago

The following behaviour is not intended:

sage: A = Automaton([(0, 1, [1, 0])],
....:     initial_states=[0],
....:     final_states=[1])
sage: A([1, 0])
sage: A.transposition()([0, 1])

CC: @sagetrac-skropf @dkrenn

Component: finite state machines

Author: Clemens Heuberger

Branch/Commit: 3a75d03

Reviewer: Sara Kropf

Issue created by migration from

cheuberg commented 8 years ago

Branch: u/cheuberg/fsm/transposition

cheuberg commented 8 years ago

Commit: 3a75d03

cheuberg commented 8 years ago

New commits:

7ab7b37Trac #19453: FiniteStateMachine.transposition(): multi-letter input not handeled correctly
3a75d03Trac #19453: also transpose output
c50b3d32-6cb1-4b90-a060-6a332e54ef6a commented 8 years ago

Reviewer: Sara Kropf

c50b3d32-6cb1-4b90-a060-6a332e54ef6a commented 8 years ago

This is fine. Positive review.

vbraun commented 8 years ago

Changed branch from u/cheuberg/fsm/transposition to 3a75d03