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Add is_cayley_graph #19586

Closed jaanos closed 8 years ago

jaanos commented 8 years ago

This ticket adds a method is_cayley to GenericGraph. This method checks whether a graph or digraph (which may or may not be connected) is a Cayley graph. If requested, it also returns a permutation group, a mapping from vertices to group elements, and a generating set of the Cayley graph.

A method has_regular_subgroup has also been added to PermutationGroup_generic. It determines whether the group has a regular subgroup, and returns it if requested.

CC: @nathanncohen @dimpase

Component: graph theory

Keywords: Cayley graphs groups

Author: Janoš Vidali

Branch: c6680e7

Reviewer: Nathann Cohen

Issue created by migration from

jaanos commented 8 years ago

Branch: u/jaanos/add_is_cayley_graph

jaanos commented 8 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1 +1 @@
+This ticket adds a method `is_cayley_graph` to `GenericGraph`. This method checks whether a graph or digraph (which may or may not be connected) is a Cayley graph. If a certificate is requested, it also returns a permutation group and a generator set which generate this graph.
jaanos commented 8 years ago

Author: Janoš Vidali

jaanos commented 8 years ago

Changed keywords from none to Cayley graphs groups

jaanos commented 8 years ago

I should point out some questions and issues I have with this before it goes into review.

gap = A._gap_().parent()
C ="""
        x -> Order(Representative(x)) = %d
            and IsTransitive(Representative(x), [1..%d]));
""" % (A._gap_().name(), n, n))
c = (gap.eval('%s = fail' % != 'true')
if c and certificate:
    G = A.subgroup(gap_group=C.Representative())

Now, I guess that maybe this doesn't really belong in But maybe we could have a method in PermutationGroup_generic which checks for the existence of such a group (and have it returned if requested)?

New commits:

9fc9824Initial documentation for is_cayley_graph()
86c766fImplement is_cayley_graph for connected graphs
60142d0Add tests for is_cayley_graph
0f925f6Implement is_cayley_graph for disconnected graphs
fbff6b8Add note regarding optional packages
jaanos commented 8 years ago

Commit: fbff6b8

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago


I should point out some questions and issues I have with this before it goes into review.

I will try t answer them.

  • Should the method be called is_cayley_graph, or just is_cayley?

We have 'is_perfect', 'is_chordal', 'is_cartesian_product', so I'd vote for 'is_cayley'.

Now, I guess that maybe this doesn't really belong in But maybe we could have a method in PermutationGroup_generic which checks for the existence of such a group (and have it returned if requested)?

Do you know how such a function could be named? Having 'nice and natural name' for this function would rule out the alternative of having a 'hidden helper function' for this code.

  • I should probably check whether the function works correctly with graphs with loops and multigraphs (my instinct says yes for the former and no for the latter).

You are not 'forced' to make it work in those cases. If it is complicated or if you do not want to deal with those cases, you should look at 'scream_if_not_simple'. It happens very often throughout the graph/ code.

  • Can we have Unicode characters in the docstrings?

We can, and you can add this directive to the top of the file if you need to. Now, I am not really a big fan of adding a name every time one adds a function. That's just me, and perhaps some others. We already have 'git blame' to figure out who wrote a function, and having in each function the names of all people who ever touched it could quickly grow out of hands. And I personally don't see the added value, and I personally don't want to see Sage's source code turn out into a way to advertise its developers.

I added 'personally' everywhere to insist that it is my view, and that other developers have different opinions. By our customs, you are totally allowed to add your name in an author block if you want to.

Thanks for adding this function,


jaanos commented 8 years ago


  • Should the method be called is_cayley_graph, or just is_cayley?

We have 'is_perfect', 'is_chordal', 'is_cartesian_product', so I'd vote for 'is_cayley'.

OK, will change.

Now, I guess that maybe this doesn't really belong in But maybe we could have a method in PermutationGroup_generic which checks for the existence of such a group (and have it returned if requested)?

Do you know how such a function could be named? Having 'nice and natural name' for this function would rule out the alternative of having a 'hidden helper function' for this code.

Maybe has_transitive_subgroup(order = None, certificate = False)? By default, it would just tell whether the group itself is transitive; otherwise, a subgroup of given order would be looked for (and returned if certificate is True).

  • I should probably check whether the function works correctly with graphs with loops and multigraphs (my instinct says yes for the former and no for the latter).

You are not 'forced' to make it work in those cases. If it is complicated or if you do not want to deal with those cases, you should look at 'scream_if_not_simple'. It happens very often throughout the graph/ code.

I don't think it will be too complicated, I just haven't thought about it when coding. But thanks for the info, it is certainly useful to know about this option.

  • Can we have Unicode characters in the docstrings?

We can, and you can add this directive to the top of the file if you need to. Now, I am not really a big fan of adding a name every time one adds a function. That's just me, and perhaps some others. We already have 'git blame' to figure out who wrote a function, and having in each function the names of all people who ever touched it could quickly grow out of hands. And I personally don't see the added value, and I personally don't want to see Sage's source code turn out into a way to advertise its developers.

I added 'personally' everywhere to insist that it is my view, and that other developers have different opinions. By our customs, you are totally allowed to add your name in an author block if you want to.

OK, I will remove my name (indeed, I had copied the docstring of one of your functions, so the author field was there) - I am certainly not claiming to have invented this algorithm:)

Thanks for adding this function,

No problem!


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago


Maybe has_transitive_subgroup(order = None, certificate = False)? By default, it would just tell whether the group itself is transitive; otherwise, a subgroup of given order would be looked for (and returned if certificate is True).

+1 to that.

OK, I will remove my name (indeed, I had copied the docstring of one of your functions, so the author field was there) - I am certainly not claiming to have invented this algorithm:)

Oh. Well, then it probably sounds very hypocritical of me to say that when you copy/pasted a function which contained my own name in an author field O_o

I cannot tell which function it was, but I really do try to keep this to a minimum (at least when it comes to my own name).


7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from fbff6b8 to fa2d1d7

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

2d896a7Rename is_cayley_graph to is_cayley
05fe69bRemove author
fa2d1d7Return the proper generating set for multigraphs
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

2315138Include fast GAP code
e4e7142Merge branch 'is_cayley_graph' into is_cayley_graph-gap
ddcf055Fix checking for existence of an appropriate subgroup
857a989Merge branch 'is_cayley_graph' into is_cayley_graph-gap
a92bc60Initial documentation for has_transitive_subgroup()
3ee5be2Write method has_transitive_subgroup
10b83caRewrite is_cayley using has_transitive_subgroup
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from fa2d1d7 to 10b83ca

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 10b83ca to 2e14f69

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

2e14f69Add examples for has_transitive_subgroup
jaanos commented 8 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-This ticket adds a method `is_cayley_graph` to `GenericGraph`. This method checks whether a graph or digraph (which may or may not be connected) is a Cayley graph. If a certificate is requested, it also returns a permutation group and a generator set which generate this graph.
+This ticket adds a method `is_cayley` to `GenericGraph`. This method checks whether a graph or digraph (which may or may not be connected) is a Cayley graph. If a certificate is requested, it also returns a permutation group and a generator set which generate this graph.
+A method `has_transitive_subgroup` has also been added to `PermutationGroup_generic`. For a given order, it determines whether the group has a subgroup of this order, and returns it if requested. If no order is given, it is taken to be the order of the group itself (i.e., the method then simply tells whether the group is transitive).
jaanos commented 8 years ago

OK, I think I have addressed all the issues. If this is OK, I guess we can also make more direct calls to GAP in the methods conjugacy_classes_subgroups and subgroups (in another ticket, of course).

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago

Dima, I add you to this ticket just in case you might have some time to look at PermutationGroup.has_transitive_subgroup.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago

Hello Janoš,

I wonder about the 'is_connected' case in your algorithm. Does it really make a different in the running times? I thought that perhaps the 'isomorphism_group' implementations already handled that, in which cas it may not make any significant difference and so we could do without this specific block of code?


jaanos commented 8 years ago


Testing with the example in the docstring (5*Paley(9)) confirms that there is a big difference in running times. The reason is of course that disconnected vertex-transitive graphs will have a very large group of automorphisms, and GAP will take very long to compute the lattice of subgroups. So, in most cases it will be cheaper to do the check for a connected component, and then inflate the certificate if requested (what the method actually does is return the direct product of the group for a connected component and a cyclic group).


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago

Oh, of course. Sorry for this question: I had first thought that you were optimizing the computation of automorphism_group, but of course you were optimizing the call to conjugacy_classes_subgroups.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago
adj = [y if v == x else x for x, y, z in self.edge_iterator(v)]

Are you looking for Graph.neighbors ?


jaanos commented 8 years ago


Are you looking for Graph.neighbors ?

I had this, but changed to edge_iterator since neighbors does not list a vertex multiple times if there are multiple edges to it (so maybe this is something that should be changed?). Also, this covers digraphs without needing an additional if.


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago


I am impressed with your code: not a single line seems out of place. Could you add a comment around this call to 'edge_iterator', to say that you mean to deal with all (out-)neighbors with multiplicity?

Could you also add a doctest (possibly in a 'TESTS:' section) for those directed/multigraph cases?

I believe that the graph part of your code is good to go, but I would like to have Dima's input for the 'gap'-specific code.



jaanos commented 8 years ago


I am impressed with your code: not a single line seems out of place. Could you add a comment around this call to 'edge_iterator', to say that you mean to deal with all (out-)neighbors with multiplicity?

Thanks! Will do, just a bit later (currently I'm trying various solutions for #19585).

Could you also add a doctest (possibly in a 'TESTS:' section) for those directed/multigraph cases?

Sure. By the way, do we have any easily-constructible multigraphs/graphs with loops ready? Otherwise there'd be a few lines of code just to construct the graph.

Also, cayley_graph on a group will not return multiedges or loops, even when the generators contain repeated elements or the identity and simple is set to False. So maybe this is something that should be changed.


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago


Thanks! Will do, just a bit later (currently I'm trying various solutions for #19585).


Sure. By the way, do we have any easily-constructible multigraphs/graphs with loops ready? Otherwise there'd be a few lines of code just to construct the graph.

The only ones I know are the directed GNP:

sage: digraphs.RandomDirectedGNP(5,.2,loops=True)
RandomDirectedGNP(5,0.200000000000000): Looped digraph on 5 vertices

Also, cayley_graph on a group will not return multiedges or loops, even when the generators contain repeated elements or the identity and simple is set to False. So maybe this is something that should be changed.

If you have a use for something like that, of course.


7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 2e14f69 to 95dfa64

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

95dfa64Add a doctest and some comments
jaanos commented 8 years ago


OK, I added the comment and the doctest.

The only ones I know are the directed GNP:

Thanks, but of course these won't help here. I've used an augmented Paley(9) graph instead.

Also, cayley_graph on a group will not return multiedges or loops, even when the generators contain repeated elements or the identity and simple is set to False. So maybe this is something that should be changed.

If you have a use for something like that, of course.

Not really, except possibly for doctesting (and consistency).


dimpase commented 8 years ago

I'd investigate whether being more careful with computing subgroups might help. Perhaps you can use some lower level GAP calls to find a lattice of transitive subgroups, which ought to be much smaller.

Or you can compute maximal subgroup classes (cf. GAP's ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups), and recurse on these which are transitive.

jaanos commented 8 years ago


Thanks, will look into it. It seems that it could be done without too much trouble using MaximalSubgroupClassReps.


jaanos commented 8 years ago

Hello again!

Sorry about the inactivity, I have been pretty busy. Also, I was probably too quick to judge that a more low-level GAP procedure could be done without too much trouble.

Would it be OK to accept this as is, and then possibly improve the search for transitive subgroups in another ticket?


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago

Sorry about the inactivity, I have been pretty busy. Also, I was probably too quick to judge that a more low-level GAP procedure could be done without too much trouble.

Would it be OK to accept this as is, and then possibly improve the search for transitive subgroups in another ticket?

No, all the code has to be reviewed. I expect it to be as clean as the part I reviewed, yet somebody has to do check it. I cannot tell about the code, but the name 'has_transitive_subgroup', for instance, sounds misleading. It does not mention any kind of 'order', so by just lookig at the function's name you would not understand how it could return anything different from .is_transitive. That's also the kind of things a reviewer should look at, besides the GAP technicalities.


jaanos commented 8 years ago


No, all the code has to be reviewed. I expect it to be as clean as the part I reviewed, yet somebody has to do check it. I cannot tell about the code, but the name 'has_transitive_subgroup', for instance, sounds misleading. It does not mention any kind of 'order', so by just lookig at the function's name you would not understand how it could return anything different from .is_transitive. That's also the kind of things a reviewer should look at, besides the GAP technicalities.

Yes, I understand it has to be reviewed - I was just saying that maybe we don't try to optimize the GAP code within this ticket (if that's acceptable, of course).

As for the function name, do you have any suggestions? Maybe something like has_transitive_subgroup_of_order?


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago

Yes, I understand it has to be reviewed - I was just saying that maybe we don't try to optimize the GAP code within this ticket (if that's acceptable, of course).

Oh, I see. Well, then I cannot answer the question as I do nto understand what the gap code does.

As for the function name, do you have any suggestions? Maybe something like has_transitive_subgroup_of_order?

Nothing better than that, and the name is so ugly that it might as well be a hidden 'helper' function :-/

Isn't there a group-theoretic notion that would 'mean the same'? :-/


dimpase commented 8 years ago

Replying to @nathanncohen:

Yes, I understand it has to be reviewed - I was just saying that maybe we don't try to optimize the GAP code within this ticket (if that's acceptable, of course).

Oh, I see. Well, then I cannot answer the question as I do nto understand what the gap code does.

As for the function name, do you have any suggestions? Maybe something like has_transitive_subgroup_of_order?

How about naming it transitive_subgroup, and simplifying the interface,so that it either returns a subgroup of ordern(the parameter) orNone`, and no pairs...

dimpase commented 8 years ago

as well, I'd propose to remove certificate business totally, and rename the main function caley_graph_group(): it would return a group if one exists, or None if there is no such group; indeed, the extra cost of returning a group is zero, compared to the overall complexity of the task at hand.

jaanos commented 8 years ago


Hmm, I would still like to have an is_cayley method for graphs. But I agree about having a method transitive_subgroup for permutation groups. Still, I'm a bit worried about cases when we have a large graph with a relatively small automorphism group (say, twice the order of the graph) - then finding an appropriate subgroup will be fast, but actually returning it (so a Sage subgroup can be built) may make a non-negligible contribution to the running time (since reading GAP output can be slow). So I propose:

This way, transitive_subgroup can call the helper function, and then avoid actually reading the GAP subgroup if it is told not to return it.

What do you think?


7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 95dfa64 to 4aaf301

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

4aaf301Rename has_transitive_subgroup to transitive_subgroup and add helper function
jaanos commented 8 years ago

I have implemented the ideas from the previous comment. I have marked both transitive_subgroup and _transitive_subgroup_gap as cached, although currently it seems that this will not affect the (re)running times of is_cayley, as the automorphism group of a graph is not cached. Is this something that should be changed (in another ticket, of course), or should I just remove caching for the two methods?

dimpase commented 8 years ago

Replying to @jaanos:

Hmm, I would still like to have an is_cayley method for graphs.

sure, such a method can just check whether cayley_graph_group() is None.

But I agree about having a method transitive_subgroup for permutation groups. Still, I'm a bit > worried about cases when we have a large graph with a relatively small automorphism group (say, twice the order of the graph) - then finding an appropriate subgroup will be fast, but actually returning it (so a Sage subgroup can be built) may make a non-negligible contribution to the running time (since reading GAP output can be slow).

as a switch to libgap will happen sooner or later, optimising for not reading GAP output does not seem to be that important.

So I propose:

  • we have a transitive_subgroup method, which by default returns a transitive subgroup of given order,
  • transitive_subgroup may be explicitly told not to return the group (by setting, say, return_group to False),
  • we add a helper method (say, _transitive_subgroup_gap) which returns a GAP object containing the subgroup (we could make the result cached, so if one first asks whether a graph is Cayley and then wants to know the group, it needn't be recomputed).

This way, transitive_subgroup can call the helper function, and then avoid actually reading the GAP subgroup if it is told not to return it.

What do you think?

this ceritainly looks better, but again, I don't like the counter-intuitive parameters of is_cayley() and weird sort of output (a pair) that you currently have. In particular the latter.

jaanos commented 8 years ago


as a switch to libgap will happen sooner or later, optimising for not reading GAP output does not seem to be that important.

I see. But should I do anything about it at this point?

this ceritainly looks better, but again, I don't like the counter-intuitive parameters of is_cayley() and weird sort of output (a pair) that you currently have. In particular the latter.

I have modelled both input and output of is_cayley after methods such as is_chordal and is_circulant. I guess we could be even more specific and have the function return only the group or only the generators if requested - or maybe cayley_graph_group could do that, and is_cayley would then simply call cayley_graph_group without requesting either.


dimpase commented 8 years ago

Replying to @jaanos:


as a switch to libgap will happen sooner or later, optimising for not reading GAP output does not seem to be that important.

I see. But should I do anything about it at this point?

this ceritainly looks better, but again, I don't like the counter-intuitive parameters of is_cayley() and weird sort of output (a pair) that you currently have. In particular the latter.

I have modelled both input and output of is_cayley after methods such as is_chordal and is_circulant.

not all silly designs in Sage should be copied... Looks like someone didn't know, or forgot, about None

I guess we could be even more specific and have the function return only the group or only the generators if requested - or maybe cayley_graph_group could do that,

only the generators? Why? it's one quick function call away from the group, why would you do this in library code? In particular, as you are computing the group, not its generators, in the first place.

and is_cayley would then simply call cayley_graph_group without requesting either.e.


jaanos commented 8 years ago


not all silly designs in Sage should be copied... Looks like someone didn't know, or forgot, about None

I don't know, it seems pretty reasonable to me to have an is_property method with the option to return a certificate for either having or not having this property. Now, I don't know of any way to provide an easy-to-check certificate of non-Cayleyness, but if one is eventually found, it can be returned alongside the boolean telling whether a graph is a Cayley graph - so the user doesn't need to check what kind of certificate the function returned.

As for the certificate of Cayleyness, I am thinking that a better option would be to return a map from vertices to group elements (which the current function already computes when computing the generators) - now it can be easily checked that the elements form a group, and that the generating set is well defined (instead of having to compute an isomorphism between the graph and the Cayley graph built from the group and generating set). Actually computing the group (and returning it alongside the generating set and the map, if requested) would then be delegated to cayley_graph_group, as you proposed.

only the generators? Why? it's one quick function call away from the group, why would you do this in library code? In particular, as you are computing the group, not its generators, in the first place.

Well, I think if we're giving the user the choice of what they want returned, it would be unreasonable to forbid a certain choice just because we see no use for it.


dimpase commented 8 years ago

Replying to @jaanos:

only the generators? Why? it's one quick function call away from the group, why would you do this in library code? In particular, as you are computing the group, not its generators, in the first place.

Well, I think if we're giving the user the choice of what they want returned, it would be unreasonable to forbid a certain choice just because we see no use for it.

it's an unreasonable code bloat to include a special function for anything that is a trivial one-liner; e.g. if you start returning the generators, you might be tempted to add a function that only returns the number of generators, etc etc :-)

And you are not depriving the user from getting what he wants in any way by not providing an option for any trivial one-liner applied to the return value, not at all..

IMHO it's also against the spirit of OOP to have an option in a function f to return either X or X.blah(); the user can call .blah() on the answer he gets himself; and X is already created in f, there is no performance gain in returning X.blah() instead of X.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 8 years ago

IMHO it's also against the spirit of OOP to have an option in a function f to return either X or X.blah(); the user can call .blah() on the answer he gets himself; and X is already created in f, there is no performance gain in returning X.blah() instead of X.

Are we sure that a permuation group defined from a set of generators returns the very same set of generators when you call .gen()? Or could they be simplified/reduced if Gap believe that another representation is better?


dimpase commented 8 years ago

Replying to @nathanncohen:

IMHO it's also against the spirit of OOP to have an option in a function f to return either X or X.blah(); the user can call .blah() on the answer he gets himself; and X is already created in f, there is no performance gain in returning X.blah() instead of X.

Are we sure that a permuation group defined from a set of generators returns the very same set of generators when you call .gen()? Or could they be simplified/reduced if Gap believe that another representation is better?

In GAP GeneratorsOfGroup need not return the original list of generators used to define the group in the first place.

  39.2-2 GroupByGenerators

  ‣ GroupByGenerators( gens ) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── operation
  ‣ GroupByGenerators( gens, id ) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── operation

  GroupByGenerators  returns  the group G generated by the list gens. If a second argument id is present
  then this is stored as the identity element of the group.

  The   value   of   the  attribute  GeneratorsOfGroup  (39.2-4)  of  G  need  not  be  equal  to  gens.
  GroupByGenerators is the underlying operation called by Group (39.2-1).

I don't know how to recover the original generators from Group; it could very well be that they get lost, by design.

If one needs to keep the original ones, he can use GroupWithGenerators.

jaanos commented 8 years ago

Perhaps I was not being precise enough: I was talking about the generating set of the Cayley graph, not about the generators of the group.

So, a user may want any of the following (where computing each relies on the previous):

  1. whether there exists a transitive subgroup of the automorphism group with the same order as the graph,
  2. one such group,
  3. a map from vertices to group elements,
  4. a (multi)set of group elements that acts as the generating set for the Cayley graph.

Now, going from step 2 to steps 3 and 4 surely is not hard (4 lines of code), but it is not something that can be done with a simple method call, and step 4 it is certainly not something that can be computed from the group itself.

Anyway, I was probably wrong that the map would be a better certificate than the group, as the former is clearly easily computable from the latter.

By the way, what we're actually looking for here is a regular subgroup, so that's what the group method should be called (and we can also simplify the GAP call).


dimpase commented 8 years ago

Replying to @jaanos:

Perhaps I was not being precise enough: I was talking about the generating set of the Cayley graph, not about the generators of the group.

well, how about having a proper digraphs.CayleyGraph() constructor? (one can use GRAPE package of GAP, which is going to be re-released under GPL) e.g.

gap> LoadPackage("grape");
gap> C:=CayleyGraph(SymmetricGroup(4),[(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]);
rec( adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 7 ] ], group := Group([ (1,10,17,19)(2,9,18,20)(3,12,14,21)(4,11,13,22)
  (5,7,16,23)(6,8,15,24), (1,7)(2,8)(3,9)(4,10)(5,11)(6,12)(13,15)(14,16)(17,18)(19,21)(20,22)
  (23,24) ]), isGraph := true, isSimple := true, 
  names := [ (), (3,4), (2,3), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (2,4), (1,2), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3), (1,2,3,4), 
      (1,2,4,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,2), (1,3,4,2), (1,3), (1,3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,3,2,4), (1,4,3,2), 
      (1,4,2), (1,4,3), (1,4), (1,4,2,3), (1,4)(2,3) ], order := 24, representatives := [ 1 ], 
  schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2 ] )