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Information set decoding for linear codes #20138

Closed 1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 closed 6 years ago

1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

This ticket proposes an implementation of Lee-Brickell algorithm refinement for the information set decoding.

It depends on #19653 for the reimplementation of C.random_element.

Depends on #19653

CC: @jlavauzelle

Component: coding theory

Author: David Lucas, Johan Rosenkilde, Yann Laigle-Chapuy

Branch/Commit: eb2efb3

Reviewer: Yann Laigle-Chapuy

Issue created by migration from

1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

Branch: u/dlucas/information_set_decoding

1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

Commit: 645e329

1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

I pushed the first version of the code for this ticket.

New commits:

884d8abNew decoder, InformationSetDecoder
351b30cSet this new decoder in other code families and in the catalog
645e329Fixed broken doctests
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

6292df9window_size and number_errors are now class arguments
e72a5abRewrote `_repr_` and `_latex_` methods, fixed a typo
f2c074cdecode_to_code now iterates over the whole range of provided errors
0e1391dAdded *args to Decoder/Encoder-related methods in AbstractLinearCode
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 645e329 to 0e1391d

1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

Author: David Lucas

1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

I made some changes:

This is now open for review.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

8192769Updated to 7.1beta6 and fixed conflicts
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 0e1391d to 8192769

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 8192769 to 924be79

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

465cd56Merge branch 'develop' into information_set_decoding
59de997Added information set decoder to Hamming codes
924be79Minor changes to the information set decoder
1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

I updated this ticket to latest beta, fixed broken doctests, and did minor changes to the decoder (I refined its types and rewrote a line in the documentation). It's still open for review.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 924be79 to 93066b1

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

62468b9Updated to latest beta and fixed conflict
93066b1Fixed silly copy-paste mistake in ISD's decoder_type
1861b8a9-77f0-4f35-8431-8514a75b40d1 commented 8 years ago

I updated this ticket to 7.3b2, and fixed a bug. Still open for review.



2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Here are my two cents:

all in all, here is how I would do it (notations from the article you cite):

import itertools
def LeeBrickell(r, C, w, p):
    G = C.generator_matrix()
    n = C.length()
    k = C.dimension()
    Fstar = list(C.base_ring())[1:]
    while True:
        # step 1.
        I = sample(range(n), k)
        Gi = G.matrix_from_columns(I)
            Gi_inv = Gi.inverse()
        except ZeroDivisionError:
        G = Gi_inv * G
        #step 2.
        y = r - vector([r[i] for i in I]) * G
        g = G.rows()
        #step 3.
        for A in itertools.combinations(range(k), p):
            for m in itertools.product(Fstar, repeat=p):
                e = y - sum(m[i]*g[A[i]] for i in range(p))
                if e.hamming_weight() == w:
                    return r - e
2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Reviewer: Yann Laigle-Chapuy

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

You should also check if the resulting word is in the code (it might not be the case if you try to decode beyond the minimal distance).

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

In case you want to optimize this a bit, you can replace the itertools enumerations with sage.combinat.gray_codes stuff (and if the field is GF(2) get rid of the itertools.product).

This is probably better kept for another ticket.

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Changed branch from u/dlucas/information_set_decoding to u/jsrn/information_set_decoding

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Changed author from David Lucas to David Lucas, Johan Rosenkilde

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

I've picked up this patch again: I've rebased it and polished it off but so far haven't changed the algorithm. This is not up for review yet!

Thanks, Yann, for your excellent suggestions which is the next thing I'll look into. I'm sorry you didn't get any response for so long.

I've changed the following things so far:

My next step is to look at Yann's suggestion for improving the algorithm and it's efficiency.

New commits:

3b41dd5Rebase on 8.0.beta8. Roll back mods outside and thematic tutorial
0f8bdb3Went over documentation and simplified calling convention
57cf6b6Fixed Golay code Finite Field printing
cf556abFix doctests
d021e1bRemove `AbstractLinearCode.decode` which has been deprecated 18 months
43c229cHelpful error messages for encoder/decoder construction with args
25b2b93decoder types: for new decoder, remove "unique", and fix some descriptions
johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from 93066b1 to 25b2b93

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

No problem for the delay, I'm far from following this closely :)

A side remark though: _registered_decoders is a dict and decoders_available returns its keys, so the ordering is not reliable for doctests. I would advocate always returning a sorted list as it's not a time critical method.

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

No problem for the delay, I'm far from following this closely :)

A side remark though: _registered_decoders is a dict and decoders_available returns its keys, so the ordering is not reliable for doctests. I would advocate always returning a sorted list as it's not a time critical method.

Good point - I'll fix this while we're at it.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

7551c47Sort all doc-tests for decoders/encoders_available
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from 25b2b93 to 7551c47

jlavauzelle commented 7 years ago

Hi Johan,

I had a quick look at this ticket. For the moment, I didn't review the algorithm but I have a few remarks on the rest of the code.

While running doctests, I obtained 3 errors:

In fact, you seem to have removed the type unique from every decoder_type; is this because you consider that a decoder is a unique decoder as long as it isn't claimed not to be like that?

Besides, I have a more stuctural remak. Starting from Prange algorithm, there are many variants of the information set decoding algorithm (Lee-Brickell, birthday decoding, Stern-Dumer, MMT, BJMM), the last ones being quite recent. The name InformationSetDecoder implicitly assumes we're planning to implement only one of them (Lee-Brickell). The question is: if someone wants to implement another variant, what should he do? I think there are two solutions:

  1. the class InformationSetDecoder will contain all the implemented variants of Prange algorithm (that is, for the moment only Lee-Brickell). If another algorithm apears in Sage, then it will be callable through an optional argument of the constructor, e.g. __init__(algo="LeeBrickell", **kwargs).

  2. We define a class per algorithm, and InformationSetDecoder is a pointer to LeeBrickellISD.

In my humble opinion the second one is better (it is what we did for the various decoders of GRS codes), but I do not have time to rework the code during the following weeks.


2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Replying to @johanrosenkilde:

  • Change the doc-tests to use a specific code (Golay) instead of random ones.

It would be good to continue to test also non-binary codes (because we can!)

  • Fixed various errors in sage/coding that came up: some bad printing in Golay codes, removed old deprecated method LinearCode.decode.

I understand it's easier, but isn't it best practice to have self contained tickets?

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Hi Julien,

Thanks for the feedback.

Replying to @jlavauzelle:

While running doctests, I obtained 3 errors:

Thanks, stupid mistakes. I'll fix it presently.

In fact, you seem to have removed the type unique from every decoder_type; is this because you consider that a decoder is a unique decoder as long as it isn't claimed not to be like that?

Yes. This finally became clear in #20001 when the types were documented better, though it was forgotten in #20001 to actually go over all decoders again and fix their types.

Besides, I have a more stuctural remak.

That's a good point. I would leave it to posterity to decide this. My own opinion is that a single class with an algorithm flag is sufficient, since all the decoders have exactly the same overall behaviour (same types) and only differ in speed, in some sense. Several of the decoders for GRS codes are of very different type.

If someone comes along and implements, say Stern-Dumer, the choice can easily be made at that point.

Replying to ylchapuy:

    Change the doc-tests to use a specific code (Golay) instead of random ones. 

It would be good to continue to test also non-binary codes (because we can!)

Good point!

    Fixed various errors in sage/coding that came up: some bad printing in Golay codes, removed old deprecated method LinearCode.decode. 

I understand it's easier, but isn't it best practice to have self contained tickets?

Yes it's best practice. My experience with the trac ticket-and-review system, however, is that if best practice is followed completely, then trivial mistakes will never get fixed. I'm tired of coming across small mistakes here and there while editing codes and not being able to fix them, and then deal with ticket dependencies etc. My impression is that many of the very active developers on SageMath do the same.

Removing the deprecated function is perhaps debatable, though.

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Regarding the algorithm, it really should be corrected. Try e.g.:

sage: C = codes.random_linear_code(GF(3), 24, 10)
sage: c = C.random_element()
sage: Chan = channels.StaticErrorRateChannel(C.ambient_space(), 4)
sage: y = Chan(c)
sage: %time LeeBrickell(y, C, 4, 2) == c
CPU times: user 16 ms, sys: 4 ms, total: 20 ms
Wall time: 20.5 ms
sage: D = C.decoder("InformationSet", 4)
sage: %time D.decode_to_code(y)
<... still waiting ... >
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

0bb6785Fix doc-test failures
46b0907Doc-test for non-binary information set decoding (currently fails)
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from 7551c47 to 46b0907

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Yep, the algorithm is broken which I've now seen trying it on a GF(3) Golay code. I've pushed the example, but this is obviously still needs work.

As I mentioned earlier, going over the algorithm was next order of business anyway.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

a81785aUse ylchapuy's implementation of Lee-Brickell
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from 46b0907 to a81785a

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

I've replaced the algorithm with Yann's implementation from Comment 10, with only trivial modifications. This one works on the GF(3) doctest. I still want to do more testing and timing, so this is not up for review yet.

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Note that I opened #23244 because I plan to implement Stern-Dumer.

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

That's awesome!

I'm currently working on calibrating the window parameter - I find this an integral part of the Lee--Brickell algorithm because it has a huge effect on the average running time (and a user would have no idea how to set it). Unfortunately, it's a bit hit and miss when I have time to work on this, but I'll try to get it wrapped up.

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Replying to @johanrosenkilde:

That's awesome!

I'm currently working on calibrating the window parameter - I find this an integral part of the Lee--Brickell algorithm because it has a huge effect on the average running time (and a user would have no idea how to set it). Unfortunately, it's a bit hit and miss when I have time to work on this, but I'll try to get it wrapped up.

First, I don't understand why you changed p to win. There is no notion of window here to me. Every paper I saw call this parameter p and I think it would be better to stick to it, as w is used for the weight of the expected error.

I'll use the notation n,k for the length and dimension, w for the weight of the error and p for the parameter of the algorithm.

Regarding the choice of this p parameter, first the analysis is usually made for constant error weight correction (when tau is a singleton) because it's easier. I'll do that too. Moreover analysis is usually done with a fixed p (I mean no loop as in you line 5303), see e.g. for the binary case. But I think it's worth doing the loop.

The expected cost C is C_I / P_I where C_I is the cost of one iteration (from line 5289) and P_I the probability of success of this iteration (the iterations are independant because we choose I at random, so P_I is a constant). C_IisG + x * VwithGthe cost of step 1 and 2 (mostly a Gaussian elimination),xthe number of error vectorewe compute andVthe cost to compute each of them (this depends on the associatedp` in the current implementation but could be made constant if we later use e.g. gray codes to compute the sum).

Each vector e we compute increases P_I by a small amount E which depends on the current p, (the bigger the p, the smaller the gain).

Overall the cost function is piecewise defined:

C(x) = (G + x*V) / (P(p) + x*E(p)) with P(p) the success probability if we stop before p [i.e P(p) = sum_{i=0}^{p-1} E(i) * binomial(k,i)*(q-1)**i]

The sign of the derivative depends only on G*E(p) - V*P(p). G and V are implementation dependant but you can estimate them, E and P can be computed.

You could do this computation when you construct the decoder to choose p (it will be fast because p will never get bigger than 3 I think).

I did my best but I'm not certain my explanations are crystal clear! Does this makes sense to you?

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

First, I don't understand why you changed p to win. There is no notion of window here to me. Every paper I saw call this parameter p and I think it would be better to stick to it, as w is used for the weight of the expected error.

I think that a name is more evocative than a letter, in spite of tradition in mathematics text. "Window" was the word David used in the original implementation, and I couldn't come up with a substantially better word. It also has a nice, clear 3-letter abbreviation. Using w for error weight is not more traditional than e.g. e, t or tau in the greater decoding literature. I changed it since it visually collides with win, so I used tau in my implementation. I believe it crops up elsewhere in sage/coding since I commonly use this this.

I'll use the notation n,k for the length and dimension, w for the weight of the error and p for the parameter of the algorithm. ...

Thanks. I already implemented all of this a few days ago, exactly using the equations you write. Where I left it then was at the estimates of E and P which have to be devilishly precise: I've got E down well, but the code simplification I did when estimating P turned out to be too coarse (I believed it depended mostly only on the cost of scaling and summing vectors, but apparently the hamming_weight and loop structures add something). Testing this takes time because I need to run the decoder many times on a non-trivial code to be sure things work. I'll post my test code here as well, which might be useful for ou in #23244.

I'll look at it again now and push what I have in any case.

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Replying to @johanrosenkilde:

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

First, I don't understand why you changed p to win. There is no notion of window here to me. Every paper I saw call this parameter p and I think it would be better to stick to it, as w is used for the weight of the expected error.

I think that a name is more evocative than a letter, in spite of tradition in mathematics text.

as a parameter yes

"Window" was the word David used in the original implementation, and I couldn't come up with a substantially better word.

Can you explain me what window this would be? I really don't get it.

I propose partial_weight, this is the number of error positions we expect in our information set (and is abbreviated as p).

It also has a nice, clear 3-letter abbreviation. Using w for error weight is not more traditional than e.g. e, t or tau in the greater decoding literature. I changed it since it visually collides with win, so I used tau in my implementation. I believe it crops up elsewhere in sage/coding since I commonly use this this.

You cite a paper in the doctest. I always find it nicer to use the same notations in the implementation as in the paper, it makes life easier for anyone trying to understand what your code does.

But in the end I guess it's your call, I won't fight about this.

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Replying to @johanrosenkilde:

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

I'll use the notation n,k for the length and dimension, w for the weight of the error and p for the parameter of the algorithm. ...

Thanks. I already implemented all of this a few days ago, exactly using the equations you write. Where I left it then was at the estimates of E and P which have to be devilishly precise: I've got E down well, but the code simplification I did when estimating P turned out to be too coarse (I believed it depended mostly only on the cost of scaling and summing vectors, but apparently the hamming_weight and loop structures add something).

E(p) should be binomial(n-k, w-p) / (binomial(n,w) * (q-1)**p) and I wrote the formula for P(p).

I guess you mean estimating G and V. They don't need to be that precise. If they're a bit wrong, the final cost estimate will only be a bit wrong, nothing catastrophic should happen.

Testing this takes time because I need to run the decoder many times on a non-trivial code to be sure things work. I'll post my test code here as well, which might be useful for ou in #23244.

I don't want to push you, I only like to write down my thoughts, you may ignore them. I know this takes time and we all have other things to do!

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

I propose partial_weight, this is the number of error positions we expect in our information set (and is abbreviated as p).

You cite a paper in the doctest. I always find it nicer to use the same notations in the implementation as in the paper, it makes life easier for anyone trying to understand what your code does.

That's a valid reason. The cited paper is not the original contribution and the notation looked ad hoc to me, so I didn't heed it in this instance. But I'm not well-versed in ISD literature, and if you say the parameter is often p that's a stronger argument. Did you come up with the partial_weight or did you see that somewhere? It sounds bland to me, but it does share the p.

2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Replying to @johanrosenkilde:

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

I propose partial_weight, this is the number of error positions we expect in our information set (and is abbreviated as p).

You cite a paper in the doctest. I always find it nicer to use the same notations in the implementation as in the paper, it makes life easier for anyone trying to understand what your code does.

That's a valid reason. The cited paper is not the original contribution and the notation looked ad hoc to me, so I didn't heed it in this instance. But I'm not well-versed in ISD literature, and if you say the parameter is often p that's a stronger argument.

It's not used in the original publication (there it's j) but it's used at least since Stern's paper in 1989, in all the papers proposing improvements (and so is w for the expected weight of the error).

Did you come up with the partial_weight or did you see that somewhere? It sounds bland to me, but it does share the p.

I just came up with this, but I agree it's not particularly good. I don't know any wordy definition of this parameter.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from a81785a to 476369c

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

d6f69b8Rename number_errors() method to decoding_interval() and decoding_radius() method
a074919Calibrate window parameter, take 1
7ab7277Calibrate window parameter, take 2
476369cRename window to search_size, win -> p, w -> p or pi
johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

I've pushed an attempt at writing the calibration of the search size parameter (which I call it now, abbreviated p). I monkey'd around for a very long while thinking it didn't work, but I must have confused myself terribly, because when I tried to clean everything up in order to write this report on my progress, it suddenly doesn't seem too bad. I believe one gotcha that confounded me was the inclusion of a rho factor: the fraction of size-k-positions that are information sets.

Anyway, here are some timings:

[24, 12, 8] Extended Golay code over GF(2)
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 0.00294093602195062 0.00370841026306
    p=1 0.000733640004873450    0.00105549812317
    p=2 0.000779351222057502    0.000777833461761
    p=3 0.00202210000281411 0.00085108757019

[12, 6, 6] Extended Golay code over GF(3)
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 0.00107591199443414 0.00152409553528
    p=1 0.000475508233346987    0.000670518875122
    p=2 0.000837919998575671    0.000634233951569

[255, 231] BCH Code over GF(2) with designed distance 7
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 8.27393653065493    10.0903596711
    p=1 0.303782262811033   0.38420484066
    p=2 0.613038331151469   0.627587425709
    p=3 13.5825719377659    6.28117632627

[255, 139] BCH Code over GF(2) with designed distance 31
        Estimated       Actual

[255, 47] BCH Code over GF(2) with designed distance 81
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 7.08824734720053    6.80084561825
    p=1 0.730343868369564   0.871155004501
    p=2 0.776726300346984   0.963895459175
    p=3 3.16273106617629    4.46240173101
    p=4 14.6264398618229    16.1132382083

[80, 56] BCH Code over GF(3) with designed distance 9
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 0.652945537606786   0.400583426952
    p=1 0.104725869935881   0.0847134900093
    p=2 0.651413542048857   0.519779400826
    p=3 11.2044949381990    5.3165213418

[80, 15] BCH Code over GF(3) with designed distance 41
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 0.0524764488533255  0.0787803530693
    p=1 0.0235392606723455  0.0252663660049
    p=2 0.0786084509854239  0.0758757901192
    p=3 0.340890763500404   0.248177850246
    p=4 1.46166863051819    0.734001851082
    p=5 5.69338143224234    1.27127592802
    p=6 19.6762218536446    2.85639382839

[124, 94] BCH Code over GF(5) with designed distance 13
        Estimated       Actual
    p=0 51.8959970988144    (25.518362093 last time, skipped here)
    p=1 8.16363820890485    13.5431237435

Here follows some of my test code:

def test_decoder(D, reps=100):
    r"""Return the time it takes to run the decoder on average, with maximal
    number of errors."""
    C = D.code()
    tau = D.decoding_radius()
    Chan = channels.StaticErrorRateChannel(C.ambient_space(), tau)
    tsum = 0
    for i in range(reps):
        c = C.random_element()
        r = Chan(c)
        before = time.clock()
        cout = D.decode_to_code(r)
        after = time.clock()
        assert c == cout , "decoding error"
        tsum += after - before
    return tsum/reps

from sage.coding.linear_code import LinearCodeInformationSetDecoder

test_codes = [
    ( 3, codes.GolayCode(GF(2))),
    ( 2, codes.GolayCode(GF(3))),
    ( 3, codes.BCHCode(GF(2), 2^8-1, 7)),
    (15, codes.BCHCode(GF(2), 2^8-1, 31)),
    (40, codes.BCHCode(GF(2), 2^8-1, 81)),
    ( 4, codes.BCHCode(GF(3), 3^4-1, 9)),
    (20, codes.BCHCode(GF(3), 3^4-1, 41)),
    ( 6, codes.BCHCode(GF(5), 5^3-1, 13))

for (tau, C) in test_codes:
    print C
    D = LinearCodeInformationSetDecoder(C, tau)
    estimates = D._calibrate_search_size()
    print "\t\tEstimated\t\tActual"
    for p in range(0,tau+1):
        if estimates[p] < 30:
            D._search_size = p
            avg = test_decoder(D, reps=5)
            avg = "skipped"
        print "\tp=%s\t%s\t%s" % (p, estimates[p], avg)

def test_iters(D):
    r"""Return the avg number of iterations taken by the decoder, including
    those where a non-information set is picked.
    This requires debug code inserted to count `self._iters` in the decoder.
    N = 101
    iters = []
    for i in range(N):
        test_decoder(D, reps=1)
    print median(iters) , 1. * sum(iters) / N

def infoset_density(C, reps=1000):
    r"""Estimate density of information sets"""
    s = 0
    G = C.generator_matrix()
    n, k = C.length(), C.dimension()
    for N in range(reps):
        I = sample(range(n), k)
        Gi = G.matrix_from_columns(I)
            Gi_inv = Gi.inverse()
            s += 1
        except ZeroDivisionError:
    return 1. * s / (N+1)

for _,C in test_codes:
    print "%s\t%s" % (C, infoset_density(C))

New commits:

d6f69b8Rename number_errors() method to decoding_interval() and decoding_radius() method
a074919Calibrate window parameter, take 1
7ab7277Calibrate window parameter, take 2
476369cRename window to search_size, win -> p, w -> p or pi
2c00b582-cfe9-43b9-8124-fec470060704 commented 7 years ago

Great, I'll take a closer loop later. Here are some preliminary remarks:

johanrosenkilde commented 7 years ago

I updated the timings after a longer run with more iterations.

Replying to @sagetrac-ylchapuy:

Great, I'll take a closer loop later. Here are some preliminary remarks:

  • you shouldn't worry about rho, consider as an iteration only those with a valid information set. It's already what you measure with time_information_set_steps, though I would take the mean and not the median here.

I disagree: it changes the balance between the inversion step (done always) and the search step (done a rho fraction of the time). Perhaps it's not paramount, but I've already implemented it, and it makes debugging nice since the number of iterations matches extremely well.

  • beware, _search_size is initialized to None which leads to trouble. You should just leave it uninitialized.

Thanks, that's a bug: I put the call to calibration in search_size() which is only called if _search_size is unset.