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Galois conjugates for elements in extension of p-adics #20266

Open chriswuthrich opened 8 years ago

chriswuthrich commented 8 years ago

It would be nice to have Galois conjugates for elements in finite extensions of Q_p.


sage: R.<X> = Qp(3,20)[]
sage: K.<t> = Qp(3,20).extension(X^2-3)
sage: t.galois_conjugates()

should return [t,-t].

It is also not clear if the minimal polynomial of t is best over the field K, so x-t, rather than over the base field Q_p, i.e. x^2-3.

CC: @roed314

Component: padics

Keywords: padicIMA, padicBordeaux

Issue created by migration from

roed314 commented 5 years ago

Changed keywords from none to padicIMA

roed314 commented 4 years ago

Changed keywords from padicIMA to padicIMA, padicBordeaux