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Not all empty schemes are created equal #20511

Open kedlaya opened 8 years ago

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

In this example, both schemes are empty, so they should be equal as subschemes of P^2. However...

sage: P2.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(2, QQ)
sage: P2.subscheme([x,y^2,z]) == P2.subscheme([x,y,z])

While I'm at it, an is_empty method would be nice. It could be defined as follows:

def self.is_empty():
   return (len(self.irreducible_components() == 0)

Depends on #21297

Component: algebraic geometry

Keywords: schemes, empty

Author: Kiran Kedlaya

Branch/Commit: u/kedlaya/not_all_empty_schemes_are_created_equal @ 8b00ed9

Issue created by migration from

nbruin commented 8 years ago

Projective scheme comparison should compare ideals saturated with respect to the irrelevant ideal:

sage: U=P2.subscheme([x,y,z])
sage: V=P2.subscheme([x,y^2,z])
sage: J=U.defining_ideal()
sage: U.defining_ideal().saturation(J)[0] == V.defining_ideal().saturation(J)[0] 

Similarly, the is_empty should do:

sage: one_ideal= J^0 #just get the ideal generated by 1
sage: U.defining_ideal().saturation(J)[0] == one_ideal

decomposing in irreducible components is a more expensive operation.

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Replying to @nbruin:

Projective scheme comparison should compare ideals saturated with respect to the irrelevant ideal:

sage: U=P2.subscheme([x,y,z])
sage: V=P2.subscheme([x,y^2,z])
sage: J=U.defining_ideal()
sage: U.defining_ideal().saturation(J)[0] == V.defining_ideal().saturation(J)[0] 

Agreed. I guess we don't want to transform the generating set at creation, so we can recover the generators as specified, but maybe we want to cache the saturation?

Similarly, the is_empty should do:

sage: one_ideal= J^0 #just get the ideal generated by 1
sage: U.defining_ideal().saturation(J)[0] == one_ideal

decomposing in irreducible components is a more expensive operation.

Agreed again.

nbruin commented 8 years ago

Also note that if we change equality we also have to change the hash, i.e., the hash should be the hash of the generators of the groebner basis of the saturation of the defining ideal. That'll probably shake out another few bugs out of the doctests.

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Commit: 433a479

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Branch: u/kedlaya/not_all_empty_schemes_are_created_equal

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Author: Kiran Kedlaya

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Speaking of shaking out bugs, here is a first attempt (minus the hash), which already runs into something further afield:

sage -t --warn-long 237.1 src/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/
File "src/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/", line 809, in sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.hyperelliptic_padic_field.HyperellipticCurve_padic_field.coleman_integral
Failed example:
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/doctest/", line 495, in _run
        self.compile_and_execute(example, compiler, test.globs)
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/doctest/", line 858, in compile_and_execute
        exec(compiled, globs)
      File "<doctest sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.hyperelliptic_padic_field.HyperellipticCurve_padic_field.coleman_integral[70]>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/", line 837, in coleman_integral
        basis_values = self.coleman_integrals_on_basis(P, Q, algorithm)
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/", line 621, in coleman_integrals_on_basis
        M_frob, forms = self._frob_calc = monsky_washnitzer.matrix_of_frobenius_hyperelliptic(self)
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/", line 1799, in matrix_of_frobenius_hyperelliptic
        S = SpecialHyperellipticQuotientRing(Q, extra_prec_ring, True)
      File "sage/misc/classcall_metaclass.pyx", line 330, in sage.misc.classcall_metaclass.ClasscallMetaclass.__call__ (/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/misc/classcall_m
        return cls.classcall(cls, *args, **kwds)
      File "sage/misc/cachefunc.pyx", line 1057, in sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedFunction.__call__ (/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/misc/cachefunc.c:5558)
        return self.cache[k]
      File "sage/misc/weak_dict.pyx", line 874, in sage.misc.weak_dict.WeakValueDictionary.__getitem__ (/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/misc/weak_dict.c:3905)
        cdef PyObject* wr = PyDict_GetItemWithError(self, k)
      File "sage/misc/weak_dict.pyx", line 150, in sage.misc.weak_dict.PyDict_GetItemWithError (/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/misc/weak_dict.c:1259)
        ep = mp.ma_lookup(mp, <PyObject*><void*>key, PyObject_Hash(key))
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/schemes/generic/", line 2299, in __eq__
        return(self.saturated_defining_ideal() == other.saturated_defining_ideal())
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/schemes/generic/", line 2280, in saturated_defining_ideal
        I3 = I1.saturation(I2)[0]
      File "/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/", line 2083, in saturation
        ideal, expo = sat(self, other)
      File "sage/libs/singular/function.pyx", line 1319, in sage.libs.singular.function.SingularFunction.__call__ (/projects/b8cc019c-1204-44b1-bea9-eb81c119388e/sage/src/build/cythonized/sage/libs/singular/functio
        raise TypeError("Cannot call Singular function '%s' with ring parameter of type '%s'"%(self._name,type(ring)))
    TypeError: Cannot call Singular function 'sat' with ring parameter of type '<class 'sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ring.MPolynomialRing_polydict_domain_with_category'>'

So it seems that there is something wrong with the definition of saturation in sage/rings/polynomial/

New commits:

433a479Correct equality testing for projective schemes
kedlaya commented 8 years ago

It might be that dealing with hashing will help with this. But hashing ideals itself need to be fixed; see #21297 (which itself has dependencies on hashing for polynomials).

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Dependencies: #21297

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 433a479 to 8b00ed9

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

8b00ed9Extra commit, not sure why