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Implement Zariski-VanKampen method to compute fundamental groups of complements of plane curves. #21045

Closed miguelmarco closed 7 years ago

miguelmarco commented 8 years ago

This ticket implements the computation of the fundamental group of the complement of a plane (affine or projective) curve over the rationals or number fields with an embedding in QQbar (in theory it could be done for more general fields, but most likely wouldn't be practical).

Some use examples:

sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ, 2)
sage: C = A.curve(y^2 - x^3 - x^2)
sage: C.fundamental_group() 
Finitely presented group < x0 |  >
sage: a = QQ[x](x^2+5).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
sage: a
sage: F = NumberField(a.minpoly(), 'a', embedding=a)
sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(F, 2)
sage: F.inject_variables()
Defining a
sage: C = P.curve(x^2 + a * y^2)
sage: C.fundamental_group() 
Finitely presented group < x0 |  >

It relies on version 2 of the SIROCCO library [1] that performs a certified root continuation method specifically tailored for this task.

This same ticket implements the inclusion of Sirocco as an optional package (so it must be installed in order for the functinality to be available). The tarball is available in [2].

CC: @sagetrac-gjorgenson @bhutz @sagetrac-caravantes @tscrim

Component: algebraic geometry

Author: Miguel Marco

Branch/Commit: d0b297e

Reviewer: Travis Scrimshaw

Issue created by migration from

miguelmarco commented 8 years ago

Attachment: libsirocco-1.1.tar.gz

The sirocco library.

slel commented 8 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 This ticket implements the computation of the fundamental group of the complement of a plane (affine or projective) curve over the rationals or number fields with an embedding in QQbar (in theory it could be done for more general fields, but most likely wouldn't be practical).

 It relies on the SIROCCO library [1] that performs a certified root continuation method specifically tailored for this task.
slel commented 8 years ago

Add link to Sirocco library in ticket description.

miguelmarco commented 8 years ago

Branch: u/mmarco/implement_zariski_vankampen_method_to_compute_fundamental_groups_of_complements_of_planecurves

miguelmarco commented 8 years ago

Author: Miguel Marco

miguelmarco commented 8 years ago

New commits:

20f7bb2Add sirocco package and zarisk-vankampen implementation
miguelmarco commented 8 years ago

Commit: 20f7bb2

cheuberg commented 7 years ago

This does no longer merge with current sage releases.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

6e26772Add sirocco package and zarisk-vankampen implementation
4562507Update to sirocco version 2.0
fc3f6b3Adapt optional extension to c++
97a7598Fixed imports
bb898e4Merge branch 'u/mmarco/implement_zariski_vankampen_method_to_compute_fundamental_groups_of_complements_of_plane_curves_' of git:// into t/21045/implement_zariski_vankampen_method_to_compute_fundamental_groups_of_complements_of_plane_curves_
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from 20f7bb2 to bb898e4

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,5 +1,33 @@
 This ticket implements the computation of the fundamental group of the complement of a plane (affine or projective) curve over the rationals or number fields with an embedding in QQbar (in theory it could be done for more general fields, but most likely wouldn't be practical).

-It relies on the SIROCCO library [1] that performs a certified root continuation method specifically tailored for this task.

+Some use examples:
+sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ, 2)
+sage: C = A.curve(y^2 - x^3 - x^2)
+sage: C.fundamental_group() 
+Finitely presented group < x0 |  >
+sage: a = QQ[x](x^2+5).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
+sage: a
+sage: F = NumberField(a.minpoly(), 'a', embedding=a)
+sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(F, 2)
+sage: F.inject_variables()
+Defining a
+sage: C = P.curve(x^2 + a * y^2)
+sage: C.fundamental_group() 
+Finitely presented group < x0 |  >
+It relies on version 2 of the SIROCCO library [1] that performs a certified root continuation method specifically tailored for this task.
+This same ticket implements the inclusion of Sirocco as an optional package (so it must be installed in order for the functinality to be available). The tarball is available in [2].
+- [1] ​
+- [2] ​
miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

I think it is ready for review.

Note that in order for the functionality to be available, the package sirocco 2 must be installed. The tarball must be downloaded and copied to the upstream directory.

Note also that currently the file name must be corrected (there is a superfluous underscore). I asked the webmaster to correct it.

tscrim commented 7 years ago

The quick comments:

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from bb898e4 to f3d12bc

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

f3d12bcSome review fixes.
miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the review.

Replying to @tscrim:

The quick comments:

  • For bullet points, you need to format them as:

    - a really long line continues
    at the same starting point

Fixed (I think I didn't miss anyone).

  • Is there a reason why contpath_mp and contpath are not cpdef? Subsequently, they could have a specified return type? For contpath_mp, you could fill in the list in a second for loop to avoid the list comprehension.

There is a reason for that: I didn't know about cpdef until now.

About the return type, it should be list[list[RealNumber]], but that doesn't seem to work. list[list] works though.

What is exactly the problem with list comprehension?

  • For contpath, do you want to force input types?

Done, but I don't see any advantage in doing so. If there is a speedup, it is negligible.

  • Error messages should start with a lower case.


  • Do you want to make a Cython file for speed?

I tried it, but got some error messages related to the use of parallel functions.

Anyways, I don't expect a significant speedup by compiling it: the bottlenecks are calls to external functions (mainly discriminant computation and contpath calls). The only part that could benefit from compilation is the braid reconstruction from the piecewise linear paths, but my experience shows that this time is very small compared to the computation of the paths themselves.

I could try to cythonize it, but would need some help.

  • You don't need to do this j = <int>i; the range will give you int, especially if you cdef int i.


  • res does not seem to be used in contpath_mp.


  • I think there are better ways to construct a new (unset) RealField (in contpath_mp), but I don't remember how to do so offhand. You should also create the parent outside of the for loop.

I tried several ways and this was the one that worked. If you remember a better way, please let me know.

  • fundamental_group appears twice in


tscrim commented 7 years ago

I can do a first attempt at cythonizing. Do you have a good test case that is not too slow nor too fast to do profiling on to see where the current bottlenecks are?

The reason I bring up the list comprehension is Cython cannot handle them in c(p)def (maybe just cpdef) functions.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from f3d12bc to e7796fb

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

e7796fbFixed some doctests, and bug when variables are not x,y
miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

I fixed some doctest and a bug that prevented it to work when the variables where not x and y.

About nontrivial examples to test, here are two:

This one is a good example of the power of sirocco: this group is computed in a few seconds, and as far as I know, it has never been computed before (even though the curve has been explicitely studied)

sage: F = NumberField(QQ[x]('x^2+1'), 'I', embedding = QQbar(I))
sage: F.inject_variables()
Defining I
sage: P.<x,y,z> = ProjectiveSpace(F,2)
sage: c = P.curve((4131/160000*I + 20493/640000)*x^4*y^2 + (-21883/240000*I - 243083/4320000)*x^3*y^3 + (4301/60000*I + 22393/1440000)*x^2*y^4 + (-729/50000*I - 145071/1600000)*x^4*y*z + (4391/400000*I + 92699/800000)*x^3*y^2*z + (20251/100000*I + 50513/900000)*x^2*y^3*z + (-4301/18750*I - 22393/450000)*x*y^4*z + (-72171/4000000*I + 767637/16000000)*x^4*z^2 + (121131/1000000*I + 147717/1000000)*x^3*y*z^2 + (-42633/125000*I - 169493/375000)*x^2*y^2*z^2 + (6341/62500*I + 97183/562500)*x*y^3*z^2 + (8602/46875*I + 22393/562500)*y^4*z^2 + (1323/250000*I - 167481/1000000)*x^3*z^3 + (-3621/62500*I + 47037/250000)*x^2*y*z^3 + (5189/15625*I + 24559/125000)*x*y^2*z^3 + (-14404/46875*I - 80002/421875)*y^3*z^3 + (189/5000*I + 81/625)*x^2*z^4 + (-177/1250*I - 339/1250)*x*y*z^4 + (68/625*I + 253/1875)*y^2*z^4)
sage: c.fundamental_group()
Finitely presented group < x2, x56 | x2^-1*x56*(x2^-1*x56^-1)^3*x2*x56*x2^-1*x56^-1, (x56^-1*x2^-1)^2*x56*x2*x56^2*x2^-1*x56^-1*x2*x56*x2*x56^-1, x56^-1*x2^-1*(x56*x2)^2*x56^-1*x2^-1*x56^-1*x2*x56^2*x2*x56^-1*x2^-1*x56^-1 >

This other one takes a couple of minutes in my laptop. It was the motivation for the writing of GAP3's VKCURVE package (which computes it in almost half an hour in the same computer):

sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ,2)
sage: c = A.curve(746496+3732480*x-3111936*x*y^2-93281756/27*x*y^4+58341596/27*x*y^6+7464960*x^2-384*y^2-9334272*x^2*y^2    +17556484/27*x^2*y^4+43196/27*x^2*y^6+7464576*x^3-756138248/81*x^3*y^2+192792964/81*x^3*y^4+16/81*x^3*y^6+3730944*x^4   -139967996/81*y^4-84021416/27*x^4*y^2+82088/27*x^4*y^4+744192*x^5+43192/27*x^5*y^2-1720/27*x^5*y^4 -124412/81*x^6   +777600800*y^6+95896/81*x^6*y^2-8/81*x^6*y^4-10364/27*x^7-4/27*x^7*y^2+4/27*x^8-8/81*y^8-4/27*x^8*y^2+4/81*x^9)
Finitely presented group < x0, x21, x29, x41, x54 | x29^-1*x54^-1*x29*x54*x29*x54^-1, x41^-1*x29*x41*x29*x41^-1*x29^-1, x29^-1*x0*x29*x0*x29^-1*x0^-1, x21*x29*x21^-1*x29^-1*x21^-1*x29, x41^-1*x0^-1*x41^-1*x0*x41*x0, x54^-1*x21^-1*x54^-1*x21*x54*x21, x41*x21*x41^-1*x21^-1*x41^-1*x21, x21*x0*x21*x0^-1*x21^-1*x0^-1, x41*x54*x41*x54^-1*x41^-1*x54^-1, x54^-1*x0^-1*x54^-1*x0*x54*x0, x41*x21*x29*x21^-1*x41^-1*x21*x29^-1*x21^-1, x41*x54*x41^-1*x29*x54^-1*x41^-1*x54*x29^-1, x21^-1*x0*x54*x0^-1*x21*x0*x54^-1*x0^-1, x0^-1*x41*x21*x41^-1*x0*x41*x21^-1*x41^-1, x21^-1*x0*x41*x0^-1*x21*x0*x41^-1*x0^-1, x21^-1*x54^-1*x0*x54*x21*x54^-1*x0^-1*x54, x29^-1*x54^-1*x0^-1*x54*x29*x54^-1*x0*x54, x29^-1*x0*x54*x0^-1*x29*x0*x54^-1*x0^-1, x29*x0^2*x29^-1*x54^-1*x29*x0^-2*x29^-1*x54, x29^-1*x41*x54*x21*x41^-1*x29*x41*x21^-1*x54^-1*x41^-1, x0*x54^-1*x41*x54*x0^-1*x29^-1*x21^-1*x54^-1*x41^-1*x54*x21*x29, x29^-1*x21^-1*x29*x0*x41*x54*x21*x29*x21^-1*x54^-1*x41^-1*x0^-1, x41^-1*x0^-1*x21*x29*x0*x41*x54*x21*x0^-1*x29^-1*x21^-1*x54^-1, x0^-1*x29^-1*x21*x54^-1*x29*x0*x29*x41*x54*x21^-1*x29*x41^-1*x54^-1*x41^-1, x41^-1*x54^-1*x29*x0^-1*x41*x54*x21*x29*x21*x41^-1*x0*x29^-1*x21^-1*x54^-1, x21^-1*x54^-1*x29*x21^-1*x41^-1*x0*x41*x54*x0*x41^-1*x0^-1*x21*x29^-1*x54, x54*x21*x29*x0*x29^-1*x54*x21^-1*x54^-1*x41^-1*x0^-1*x29^-1*x0*x41*x21^-1, x41*x54*x21*x29*x0*x21^-1*x29*x41*x21*x29^2*x21*x29^-1*x21^-1*x41^-2*x0^-1*x29^-1*x21^-1*x54^-1*x41^-1*x21^-1, x29*x21^-1*x0*x54^2*x41*x54*x21*x0*x29^-1*x41*x0^-1*x21^-1*x0^-2*x54^-1*x41^-1*x0^-1*x29^-1*x21^-1*x29*x0^-1*x21^2, x29*x41^-1*x0*x41*(x21*x54)^2*x0*x54*x21*x0*x29^-1*x21^-1*x41*x54^-1*x41^-1*x29^-1*(x29^-1*x0^-1)^2*x29^-1*x54^-1*x0^-1*x21 >

I did some tests cythonizing some of the functions in, and I could not observe any speedup at all. I don't think it will be worth the effort.

Are you sure about the list comprehension problem? It seems to work fine in this cpdef'ed function.

tscrim commented 7 years ago

Reviewer: Travis Scrimshaw

tscrim commented 7 years ago

Changed branch from u/mmarco/implement_zariski_vankampen_method_to_compute_fundamental_groups_of_complements_of_planecurves to public/topology/zariski_van_kampen_plane_curves-21045

tscrim commented 7 years ago

I've hit that list comprehension problem before. shrugs

From doing some profiling, I agree that there is no real gain from the extra Cythonization.

I made some changes to improve the Cython generated code, removed trailing whitespace, cleaned up the documentation and imports, and some other misc tweaks. So the code should be slight improvement in speed, but likely marginal. Mainly it is cleaner code.

If my changes look good, then you can set a positive review (unless you can add an doctest to the functions in libs/sirocco.pyx, but this is preferable).

New commits:

a170d3bMerge branch 'u/mmarco/implement_zariski_vankampen_method_to_compute_fundamental_groups_of_complements_of_plane_curves_' of git:// into public/topology/zariski_van_kampen_plane_curves-21045
c55db60Improving Cython code, removing whitespace, doc improvements.
tscrim commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from e7796fb to c55db60

miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the review!

vbraun commented 7 years ago

On 32-bit

sage -t --long src/sage/schemes/curves/
File "src/sage/schemes/curves/", line 196, in sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen.segments
Failed example:
    [(-2.84740787203333 - 2.84740787203333*I,
    -2.14285714285714 + 1.11022302462516e-16*I),
    (-2.84740787203333 + 2.84740787203333*I,
    -2.14285714285714 + 1.11022302462516e-16*I),
    (2.50000000000000 + 2.50000000000000*I,
    1.26513881334184 + 2.19128470333546*I),
    (2.50000000000000 + 2.50000000000000*I,
    2.50000000000000 - 2.50000000000000*I),
    (1.26513881334184 + 2.19128470333546*I, 0.000000000000000),
    (0.000000000000000, 1.26513881334184 - 2.19128470333546*I),
    (2.50000000000000 - 2.50000000000000*I,
    1.26513881334184 - 2.19128470333546*I),
    (-2.84740787203333 + 2.84740787203333*I,
    1.26513881334184 + 2.19128470333546*I),
    (-2.14285714285714 + 1.11022302462516e-16*I, 0.000000000000000),
    (-2.84740787203333 - 2.84740787203333*I,
    1.26513881334184 - 2.19128470333546*I)]
    [(-2.84740787203333 - 2.84740787203333*I,
      -2.14285714285714 + 8.65735434729675e-17*I),
     (-2.84740787203333 + 2.84740787203333*I,
      -2.14285714285714 + 8.65735434729675e-17*I),
     (2.50000000000000 + 2.50000000000000*I,
      1.26513881334184 + 2.19128470333546*I),
     (2.50000000000000 + 2.50000000000000*I,
      2.50000000000000 - 2.50000000000000*I),
     (1.26513881334184 + 2.19128470333546*I, 1.97324795392362e-17),
     (1.97324795392362e-17, 1.26513881334184 - 2.19128470333546*I),
     (2.50000000000000 - 2.50000000000000*I,
      1.26513881334184 - 2.19128470333546*I),
     (-2.84740787203333 + 2.84740787203333*I,
      1.26513881334184 + 2.19128470333546*I),
     (-2.14285714285714 + 8.65735434729675e-17*I, 1.97324795392362e-17),
     (-2.84740787203333 - 2.84740787203333*I,
      1.26513881334184 - 2.19128470333546*I)]
1 item had failures:
   1 of   6 in sage.schemes.curves.zariski_vankampen.segments
    [37 tests, 1 failure, 1.29 s]
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from c55db60 to d0b297e

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

f88a9dbFixed optional doctests
f502374Merge branch 'public/topology/zariski_van_kampen_plane_curves-21045' of git:// into t/21045/implement_zariski_vankampen_method_to_compute_fundamental_groups_of_complements_of_plane_curves_
d0b297eStablish numerical tolerance for doctests
miguelmarco commented 7 years ago

I guess that is a discrpancy on the rounding unit. Added some tolerance to the doctest.

vbraun commented 7 years ago

Changed branch from public/topology/zariski_van_kampen_plane_curves-21045 to d0b297e