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implement random planar bicubic graphs in a bijective way #21951

Closed fchapoton closed 7 years ago

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

using an algorithm of Schaeffer (bijection with blossoming trees)

CC: @kevindilks @dimpase @sagetrac-pportilla @dcoudert

Component: graph theory

Author: Frédéric Chapoton

Branch/Commit: e3da5b2

Reviewer: Dima Pasechnik

Issue created by migration from

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Branch: u/chapoton/21951

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

New commits:

5173db4implement a generator for random bicubic planar graphs (rooted maps)
fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Commit: 5173db4

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

looking for a referee...

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-using an algorithm of Schaeffer
+using an algorithm of Schaeffer (bijection with blossoming trees)
dimpase commented 7 years ago

Do you have a script to test it? I mean, the total number of such graphs is known for small values of n (cf. and so it's possible to run it many times and see whether you can get anywhere close to a uniform distribution.

By the way, there are few trailing spaces in the branch.

dcoudert commented 7 years ago

When looking at the diff of your branch here, it seems that it deletes file Please check...

dimpase commented 7 years ago

no, it's OK, it's a git viewer bug; I saw this few times. If you fetch the branch it's OK. It adds 2 lines to the file that is shown as deleted.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Changed commit from 5173db4 to e3da5b2

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 7 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

900fbe9Merge branch 'u/chapoton/21951' in 7.5.b6
e3da5b2trac 21951 remove trailing spaces
fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Hmm, this algorithm does not generate only 3-connected graphs.

It seems that the sequence of numbers is not in the OEIS:

sage: resu = {i: set() for i in range(1,6)}
sage: liste = []                           
....: for n in range(1,6):
....:     for k in range(6600):
....:         g = graphs.RandomBicubicPlanar(n)
....:         h = g.copy(immutable=True)
....:         resu[n].add(hash(h))
....:     liste.append(len(resu[n]))
sage: liste
[1, 3, 17, 103, 642]

Probably a better way to check would be to return also the root edge, so that the number of different possible outputs is given by Tutte's formula in A257.

dimpase commented 7 years ago

Replying to @fchapoton:

Hmm, this algorithm does not generate only 3-connected graphs.

Right - but you could drop ones that are not 3-connected, and also drop the marked (root) edge and count the results up to an isomorphism, and this would give you the OEIS sequence.

It seems that the sequence of numbers is not in the OEIS:

sage: resu = {i: set() for i in range(1,6)}
sage: liste = []                           
....: for n in range(1,6):
....:     for k in range(6600):
....:         g = graphs.RandomBicubicPlanar(n)
....:         h = g.copy(immutable=True)
....:         resu[n].add(hash(h))
....:     liste.append(len(resu[n]))
sage: liste
[1, 3, 17, 103, 642]

Probably a better way to check would be to return also the root edge, so that the number of different possible outputs is given by Tutte's formula in A257.

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

ping ?

dimpase commented 7 years ago

OK, can you say anything about the distribution of your random graphs? Asking the user to check the original article for this is a bit too much...

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Here is at least a way to check that it generates A000257: Number of rooted bicubic maps: a(n) = (8n-4)*a(n-1)/(n+2)

A procedure to faithfully encode the rooted map in a digraph:

def bicubic_dual_grand(g):
    G = DiGraph()
    for a, b, c in g.edges():
        ac = a + (c,)
        bc = b + (c,)
        G.add_edge((ac, bc))
        G.add_edge((bc, ac))
    for vert in g:
        if vert[0] == 'i':
            clef = (0, 1, 2)
            clef = (1, 0, 2)

        A, B, C = [vert + (c,) for c in clef]
        G.add_edge(A, B)
        G.add_edge(B, C)
        G.add_edge(C, A)

    op_root = [u for u in G.outgoing_edge_iterator(('n', -1, 0))
               if u[1][0] == 'i']
    return G


sage: resu = {i: set() for i in range(1,6)}
sage: liste = []                           
....: for n in range(1,6):
....:     for k in range(400*n):
....:         g = bicubic_dual_grand(graphs.RandomBicubicPlanar(n)).canonical_label()
....:         h = g.copy(immutable=True)
....:         resu[n].add(h)
....:     liste.append(len(resu[n]))
sage: liste

Checking uniformity should be doable similarly.

dimpase commented 7 years ago

I don't always get all the graphs; in some runs for n=6 I get one graph less, and for n=7 I got only 1230 (instead of 1584, according to OEIS). Here is one more run of your script in the range [1..8]:

sage: liste
[1, 3, 12, 56, 288, 1242, 2418]

I did not check, perhaps the non-uniformity is not in your branch, but somewhere else...

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Well, this is random generation, so probably you just need to run more times. The bound 400*n is quite arbitrary, and likely to be insufficient for n>=7. I do not know how many runs would be sufficient to get all of them with high probability.

dimpase commented 7 years ago

Replying to @fchapoton:

Well, this is random generation, so probably you just need to run more times. The bound 400*n is quite arbitrary, and likely to be insufficient for n>=7. I do not know how many runs would be sufficient to get all of them with high probability.

Increasing bound to 4000*n gives

[1, 3, 12, 56, 288, 1584, 8710]

OK, this looks reasonable. If there is anything regarding the distribution in the text you refer to, please add it to the docs. Otherwise it's good to go.

fchapoton commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your help.

As I have already explained in the doc, the distribution is uniform.

dimpase commented 7 years ago

Reviewer: Dima Pasechnik

dimpase commented 7 years ago

Happy NY!

vbraun commented 7 years ago

Changed branch from u/chapoton/21951 to e3da5b2