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Deprecate sorting of Graph vertices and edges by default #22349

Closed jdemeyer closed 1 year ago

jdemeyer commented 7 years ago

Why does Graph.vertices() need to sort the list of vertices? If the user wants a sorted list, they can always call sorted() anyway. The same for Graph.edges().

Sorting is broken badly now that #22029 is merged.

CC: @sagetrac-Stefan @jm58660 @jhpalmieri

Component: graph theory

Keywords: richcmp

Author: John Palmieri, David Coudert

Branch/Commit: fe93716

Reviewer: David Coudert, John Palmieri

Issue created by migration from

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/jdemeyer/graph_vertices___should_not_be_sorted to u/jhpalmieri/graph_vertices___should_not_be_sorted

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from aa0691f to b6b6c34

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Here is a start. This does what I proposed in comment:60, and all tests pass. I was not that careful in choosing sort=True or sort=False, and so I would not surprised if we could use sort=False in more places. Feel free to modify the branch.

New commits:

27a6483trac 22349: vertex sorting
b6b6c34trac 22349: edge sorting
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

The key changes are in graphs/

@@ -10972,15 +10974,20 @@ class GenericGraph(GenericGraph_pyx):
         for u in self._backend.iterator_nbrs(vertex):
             yield u

-    def vertices(self, sort=True, key=None, degree=None, vertex_property=None):
+    def vertices(self, sort=None, key=None, degree=None, vertex_property=None):
         Return a list of the vertices.


-        - ``sort`` -- boolean (default: ``True``); if ``True``, vertices are
+        - ``sort`` -- boolean (default: ``None``); if ``True``, vertices are
           sorted according to the default ordering

+          As of :trac:`22349`, this argument must be explicitly
+          specified (unless a ``key`` is given); otherwise a warning
+          is printed and ``sort=True`` is used. The default will
+          eventually be changed to ``False``.
         - ``key`` -- a function (default: ``None``); a function that takes a
           vertex as its one argument and returns a value that can be used for
           comparisons in the sorting algorithm (we must have ``sort=True``)


@@ -11065,9 +11072,23 @@ class GenericGraph(GenericGraph_pyx):
             Traceback (most recent call last):
             ValueError: sort keyword is False, yet a key function is given
+        Deprecation warning for ``sort=None`` (:trac:`22349`)::
+            sage: G = graphs.HouseGraph()
+            sage: G.vertices()
+            doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: parameter 'sort' will be set to False by default in the future
+            See for details.
+            [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+        if sort is None:
+            if key is None:
+                deprecation(22349, "parameter 'sort' will be set to False by default in the future")
+            sort = True
         if (not sort) and key:
             raise ValueError('sort keyword is False, yet a key function is given')
         if sort:
             return sorted(self.vertex_iterator(degree=degree, vertex_property=vertex_property), key=key)
         return list(self.vertex_iterator(degree=degree, vertex_property=vertex_property))

and similar for edges (although edges already printed a warning if None was used, but None was not the default, so it had to be called explicitly as g.edges(sort=None) to trigger the warning before).

dcoudert commented 2 years ago

I'm impressed !

I'm currently doing some tests and will push later some corrections.

dcoudert commented 2 years ago

I did a few changes in graphs and many tests. I have not detected any problem yet, but others may raise some issues.

This ticket highlights many places were the usage of graphs must be improved. I did some (minor) corrections in src/sage/schemes/curves/ as example, but more can be done in this file. Typically, it is better to use for u in G: than for u in G.vertices(sort=False):. The ordering of the vertices is the same, but we avoid building the list of vertices. Tests like u in G.vertices(sort=False) should be replaced by u in G. etc. In future tickets, we should address (very bad) code like this in src/sage/geometry/hyperplane_arrangement/

-        for e in G.edges():
-            i = G.vertices().index(e[0])
-            j = G.vertices().index(e[1])
+        for e in G.edges(sort=True):
+            i = G.vertices(sort=True).index(e[0])
+            j = G.vertices(sort=True).index(e[1])

Clearly, we need to define a mapping from vertices to index.

New commits:

fee74b6trac #22349: some corrections
dcoudert commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/jhpalmieri/graph_vertices___should_not_be_sorted to public/graphs/22349_deprecate_sorting_vertices_and_edges

dcoudert commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from b6b6c34 to fee74b6

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Great! I'm happy with your changes. We can try to get it merged soon, although with this many files affected, there might very well be merge conflicts.

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Reviewer: David Coudert, John Palmieri

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Author: John Palmieri, David Coudert

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Positive review from me for your contributions.

dcoudert commented 2 years ago

We will certainly get merge conflicts (due to the many tickets improving the coding style for instance), but let's try.

Positive review from me too.

vbraun commented 2 years ago

Merge failure on top of:

83a3df1c99 Trac #34131: some doc polishing in symbolic

dee5229b00 Trac #34130: some doc polishing in groups

fd80fa111f Trac #34126: some doc polishing in categories

718d356f1c Trac #34125: some doc polishing in modular

49390d8bcf Trac #34124: some doc polishing in combinat

af94c25b54 Trac #34096: Fix typo: enviroment -> environment

d04c189c8e Trac #34050: add some space around == in paths and rational

1634bb6946 Trac #34047: Typo in _repr_Expression in symbolic/expression.pyx

dc8086fd57 Trac #34154: Fix repeated word typos

17b1c177aa Trac #34148: fix and activate pycodestyle E306

785bdbd0ec Trac #34136: modernize super() in rings (part one)

9882001355 Trac #34129: Dummy packages should write proper log files

dbc6b9e161 Trac #34109: pep8 for

5e6a3318c8 Trac #34103: randomize infinite recursion

17ba76f00b Trac #34093: Wrong evaluation of elements of CBF[x] on polynomials from other rings

4657052737 Trac #34122: Bug in is_planar() method for directed graphs

c9cfb5395f Trac #34087: inverse reciprocal trig functions not (back)translated to/from Mathematica

1d6d055563 Trac #34076: pycodestyle cleanup in src/sage/graphs/genus.pyx

043d862b5d Trac #34071: pycodestyle cleanup in asteroidal_triples.pyx, chrompoly.pyx, cliquer.pyx, convexity_properties.pyx

b9b25dc735 Trac #34070: pycodestyle cleanup in src/sage/graphs/centrality.pyx

4ef2c6597d Trac #34069: pycodestyle cleanup in src/sage/graphs/comparability.pyx

5b1146766b Trac #34066: Tachyon help message

798adaa5a3 Trac #34065: pycodestyle cleanup in src/sage/graphs/bliss.pyx

ce62be23a2 Trac #34063: pycodestyle cleanup in src/sage/graphs/base/

a0eadb3e40 Trac #34059: Fix trivial case in conversion of list to number field element

fea0ac50a6 Trac #34057: changes about avoiding double dieses

9eefd5c27e Trac #34145: modernize super in geometry/

01e117dfd8 Trac #34137: modernize super in categories/

6c79334402 Trac #33819: build.yml: In workflow_dispatch, make container and base tag selectable; add doc

6a64ab8d00 Trac #33760: do not update _pos, _pos3d, _embedding on vertex/edge deletions

dbf091dbbb Trac #34139: fix the linter

625ac58151 Updated SageMath version to 9.7.beta5

merge was not clean: conflicts in src/sage/groups/perm_gps/partn_ref/refinement_graphs.pyx

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from fee74b6 to 1e1ea24

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. This was a forced push. New commits:

39d156bsome doc polishing in groups
40b5e2amore fixes
68ea9dcMerge branch 'u/chapoton/34130' in 9.7.b5
1ec4bdftrac 22349: vertex sorting
a9ecbc5trac 22349: edge sorting
1e1ea24trac #22349: some corrections
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Rebased over #34130.

vbraun commented 2 years ago

Merge failure on top of:

7f7149489c Updated SageMath version to 9.7.beta6

merge was not clean: conflicts in src/sage/combinat/

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

4362caeMerge branch 'develop' into t/22349/public/graphs/22349_deprecate_sorting_vertices_and_edges
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 1e1ea24 to 4362cae

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Merged 9.7.beta6.

dcoudert commented 2 years ago

Let's hope this one can be merged soon to avoid new conflicts.

vbraun commented 1 year ago

see patchbot

jhpalmieri commented 1 year ago

Replying to @vbraun:

see patchbot

Which part? I believe the "deprecation number" warning is from this change:

@@ -12229,7 +12255,8 @@ class GenericGraph(GenericGraph_pyx):
             [(0, 1, None), (0, 2, None), (1, 3, None), (2, 3, None), (2, 4, None), (3, 4, None)]
         if sort is None:
-            deprecation(27408, "parameter 'sort' will be set to False by default in the future")
+            if key is None:
+                deprecation(27408, "parameter 'sort' will be set to False by default in the future")
             sort = True

         if vertices is not None and vertices in self:

and that seems appropriate: no reason to change the ticket number. (That's the only match for "27408" in the changes for this ticket.)

The pyflakes warnings are not related to this ticket: they are in files touched by this ticket but not where we've modified them. (In addition, I don't understand the warning about

tscrim commented 1 year ago

It is more fundamental: there is a test failing for src/sage/graphs/edge_connectivity.pyx.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 1 year ago

Changed commit from 4362cae to fe93716

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 1 year ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

fe93716trac 22349: fix one more doctest
jhpalmieri commented 1 year ago

Doctest fixed.

vbraun commented 1 year ago

Changed branch from public/graphs/22349_deprecate_sorting_vertices_and_edges to fe93716

tornaria commented 1 year ago

How long it should take until the deprecation warning is removed?

kcrisman commented 1 year ago

How long it should take until the deprecation warning is removed?

I hear you - see e.g. here. I think there is still a waiting period for removing them, though - a year, was it? Maybe a new ticket/issue should be opened for that.