Open Etn40ff opened 7 years ago
Actually a better example for the third issue:
sage: B = Matrix([[0,1,0],[-1,0,1],[0,-1,0],[2,0,0]])
sage: Q = ClusterQuiver(B)
sage: Q.is_mutation_finite()
Branch: public/ticket/22381
Changed branch from public/ticket/22381 to none
Stopgaps: 22464
Changed stopgaps from 22464 to #22464
Branch: u/chapoton/22381
New commits:
bf0e950 | trac 22381 do not introduce arrows between frozen vertices |
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
4cef3ac | another py3-related change |
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
d8358bb | other py3 details |
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
45607b1 | another py3 change |
Author: Frédéric Chapoton
Thank you for dealing with this Frédéric. I wanted to help with the review but I have a quite old version of sage right now and recompiling I bumped into #24575. I'll return to this once that is fixed. If anyone gets to it before I do please do not feel obliged to wait for me.
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
ce75cfc | more py3-compatibility details |
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
01cb2e9 | yet another py3 enhancement |
I finally managed to recompile sage and I gave a quick spin to this patch. Something seems to be still wrong as it still fails on type A_2 cluster algebras:
sage: B = Matrix([[0,1,0],[-1,0,1],[0,-1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,-1],[0,-1,0]])
sage: Q = ClusterQuiver(B)
sage: Q.mutation_class()
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-64d1287a18f5> in <module>()
----> 1 Q.mutation_class()
/opt/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/combinat/cluster_algebra_quiver/quiver.pyc in mutation_class(self, depth, show_depth, return_paths, data_type, up_to_equivalence, sink_source)
1883 """
1884 if depth is infinity and not self.is_mutation_finite():
-> 1885 raise ValueError('the mutation class can - for infinite mutation'
1886 ' types - only be computed up to a given depth')
1887 return [Q for Q in self.mutation_class_iter(depth=depth, show_depth=show_depth,
ValueError: the mutation class can - for infinite mutation types - only be computed up to a given depth
While having a look I could not avoid asking myself what is the point of _digraph_mutate
It sounds like an extremely convoluted way of performing mutations. Dealing with
matrices instead should be as simple as
def mutate(B, k):
m = B.nrows()
n = B.ncols()
M = matrix(m,n, lambda i,j: -B[i,j] if i==k or j==k else B[i,j] + (abs(B[i,k])*B[k,j] + B[i,k]*abs(B[k,j]))/2 )
return M
Is there any speed advantage in dealing with digraphs? Can some of the original contributors please comment on this point?
It seems that _digraph_to_dig6
and _dig6_to_digraph
in sage.combinat.cluster_algebra_quiver.mutation_class
are only dealing seriously with the case of no-coefficients. Always creating a square matrix..
I just got an e-mail from Gregg. He basically says that the point of digraph is to be able to label the vertices. Other than that matrices should be sufficient and faster.
The only other things that comes to mind is that Christian might have done some optimization to identify mutation classes and this might be based on digraphs. It is probably the cheapest way to check for isomorphism of (valued) quivers. Should we ask him explicitly to comment on this?
My impression is that there are now two competing codebases for doing mutations,
one with graphs and one with matrices, that somehow are simultaneously in
there should be quite a lot of room for cleanup. This does not
sound like a short term project though.
I think most of the mutation_type and mutation_finite code is made for the coefficient-free case and will be hard work to update. Even in your example of type A3 with coeffs, after being convinced to start mutating, it seems to find an infinite number of quivers...
I would suggest:
(1) close this ticket with the improvements it brings, including progress towards py3
(2) open another one for the mutation type and finiteness issues.
Changed keywords from ClusterSeed, mutations to ClusterSeed, mutations, cluster
I agree this is not going to be a quick fix and there is no point in delaying py3. The only thing is that we should really make sure that the stopgap #22464 is also updated to the new ticket.
this whole code clusterseed / quiver code seems to be a disaster, I wonder how much of it was actually broken from my first version of its code -- sorry at least for these originally broken parts!
Is there any speed advantage in dealing with digraphs? Can some of the original contributors please comment on this point?
I have certainly spent a lot of time optimizing mutations, and used matrix mutation written in cython whereever possible. I believe, I have even used this for quiver mutations, but I am not totally sure.
I will try to give a slightly more informative comment tomorrow, hopefully after I had a look at the original code...
Okay, it seems that the quiver code is indeed broken for frozen variables since a long time, maybe even from the beginning (we wrote the code initially without frozen variables), and we even used _digraph_mutate
from the beginning. I don't see any reason for using _digraph_mutate
but I don't recall why we used it in the first place either.
The b matrix mutation is cythonized from the beginning and was then as fast as possible, see the mutate method matrix/matrix0.pyx: def mutate(self, Py_ssize_t k )
I think I agree that digraph_to_dig6
and dig6_to_digraph
only deal with no coefficients. I actually don't think this is used at all in practice. Originally it is used to store mutation classes of quivers without coefficients for faster type recognition (and there, one never deals with coefficients).
The type recognition for seeds and quivers is done by taking the quiver without coefficients and determining its type by a nightmare case-analysis algorithm (I wrote it and knew from the beginning that it will be impossible to properly debug or understand, but it worked for all types...).
The mutation_class_iter
method seems to be a horrible code duplication, done either for quivers (where _digraph_mutate
is used in mutation_class
line 253) or for seeds (where matrix mutation is used in cluster_seed
line 3566).
I would suggest to fix the broken quiver mutation method, and then first run tests if that fixes the issues with quivers, or if there are any further issues. And only then start improving the code, if desired -- though I had in mind that Salvatore's new stuff is anyway much better from all perspectives...
I would suggest moving my branch to another ticket "various enhancements to cluster quivers". Would somebody review that ticket then ?
"various enhancements to cluster quivers"
I will do a review of the code you provided. In principle, I find it much simpler to review changes that only have a single purpose, so having the formatting and py3 changes separated from the changes to the quiver mutation.
I would suggest, you move all formatting changes into another ticket which could go directly, and keep the actual behaviour modifications to _digraph_mutate
so I can have a closer look at these and see how fixing the mutation issue there also fixes other issues we encountered.
Changed branch from u/chapoton/22381 to public/22381
Here is a branch only changing _digraph_mutate. It DOES NOT fix any issue concerning mutation type and mutation finiteness.
There remains a few other minor corrections. It would be more complicated to separate them away, as they were in the same commit.
extracted ticket at #24882
EDIT: wrong ticket, sorry
I will post here whatever I encounter in the code, so that I keep track of what I understand, and for others to read and comment on.
The only other things that comes to mind is that Christian might have done some optimization to identify mutation classes and this might be based on digraphs.
The big issue is that we consider quivers often as unlabelled graphs, see the up_to_equivalence=True
flag in mutation_class._mutation_class_iter
There are thus multiple issues to keep track of:
getting quivers into canonical form (by relabelling the vertices into a canonical ordering) and mutate at as least as possible vertices:
, where the input quiver is put into a canonical form, while the relabelling of the vertices and the orbits of vertices under the isomorphism group is also collected.checking if we already have encountered a given quiver.
None of this was ever properly done for using frozen vertices.
Frederic: am i correct that you now properly do the mutation with frozen vertices in _digraph_mutate
I hope things will work out again once also the dig6 stuff is properly updated what I will do now.
NOTE: I assumed in my changes that the frozen vertices are always the final one, labelled from n+1 to n+m. I am unsure if this is always the case.
Replying to @fchapoton:
NOTE: I assumed in my changes that the frozen vertices are always the final one, labelled from n+1 to n+m. I am unsure if this is always the case.
same here, I also just wondered if we can even assume the vertex labellings to be integers or numbers 0 through n+m-1. I really don't know how all this changed. The attributes Q._nlist
and Q._mlist
might suggest that other vertex labellings are possible.
The reason to use _digraph_mutate
over matrix mutation is that the canonical form algorithm
from sage.groups.perm_gps.partn_ref.refinement_graphs import search_tree, get_orbits
takes a digraph, so
into a new quiver Q'
(observe that Q
and Q'
largely coincide)Q'
is much slower (especially for large quivers where the coincidence in 4. is even bigger) than directly doing the digraph mutation.
Observe that the actual mutation is indeed much faster on matrices, so having an equally fast version of the canonical form directly on matrices (take a square matrix and bring it into a canonical form up to simultaneous row- and column permutations) would be also solving the problem.
sage: D = ClusterQuiver(['A',2])._digraph
sage: D.relabel({0:"A",1:frozenset([1,2,"A"])})
sage: ClusterQuiver(D)._digraph.edges()
[('A', frozenset({1, 2, 'A'}), (1, -1))]
I must say that I am not willing to take this into account. I believe that _digraph
should always be a digraph with vertices range(n+m)
with mutable vertices range(n)
and frozen vertices range(n+1,n+m)
I believe this extra layer should be handled separately at a "high level" and not changing the backend algorithms of quivers. All mutation class and mutation type code is written with this assumption (*).
Okay, there are plenty of errors, I have fixed a few, but cannot push currently:
has an obvious bug for frozen variables (it froze variables 0 ... m-1 rather then n ... n+m-1). fixed.
still makes mistakes:
sage: Q = ClusterQuiver(['B',2]).principal_extension()
sage: Q.mutate(0)
sage: Q.b_matrix()
[ 0 -1]
[ 2 0]
[-1 1]
[ 0 1]
sage: Q._digraph.edges(labels=True)
[(0, 2, (1, -1)), (1, 0, (2, -1)), (2, 1, (1, -2)), (3, 1, (1, -1))]
The label for (2,1) should be (1,-1) if I see it correctly. (not fixed)
the dig6 conversion is broken (not fixed)
finally, vertices of the digraph different from 0 ... n-1, n ... n+m-1 are currently possible but not supported whatsoever (not going to fix)
Replying to @stumpc5:
Observe that the actual mutation is indeed much faster on matrices, so having an equally fast version of the canonical form directly on matrices (take a square matrix and bring it into a canonical form up to simultaneous row- and column permutations) would be also solving the problem.
What about the following for a canonical form of a (coefficient-free) exchange matrix?
1) take the columns of B and sort each of them
2) sort the resulting lists lexicographically
3) 2 gives a permutation, use this permutation on rows and columns of B
To compare matrices in the canonical form you can then just use hashes.
I did a few tests if it is possible to do the quiver mutation using matrices, and I got
sage: %timeit M.mutate(1)
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.77 µs per loop
sage: %timeit _digraph_mutate(D,1,5,5)
10000 loops, best of 3: 37.8 µs per loop
sage: %timeit digraph_mutate_new(D,1,5,5)
The slowest run took 611.92 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000 loops, best of 3: 59.2 µs per loop
The later turns the digraph into a matrix and back in cython, and I don't see how to improve this my much since the time is almost completely spend in reading the edges of the input graph, creating the matrix, and writing the output graph.
Salvatore: canonical form is up to simultaneous row and column permutation, not up to row and column permutation! This canonical form in particular solves graph isomorphism (two graphs are isomorphic if and only if their canonical form adjacency matrices coincide, observe that a simultaneous row and column permutation is a relabelling of the vertices of the graph) and the later is implemented and highly optimized in sage.
There is no chance to provide anything speedwise comparable directly on matrices without reimplementing the above algorithm, I did quite some tests when implementing it and the outcome was that graph canonical form is by far fastest available.
The code performing mutations on
does not handle properly coefficients. In particular this introduces arrows in between frozen vertices yielding issues when computing mutation classes. Here is the smallest example I could come up with.The problem is that, rather than performing matrix mutations the code calls an helper function performing digraph mutations. I do not see the rationale behind this. Not only it is slower than the simple matrix operations needed to perform mutations on matrices but it is also giving issues.
Here is another similar issue:
Note that consistency tests (which in theory should not be needed and which contribute to the overall slowdown) are performed in
only when creating aClusterQuiver
from a digraph.Finally coefficients also force wrong answers from the algorithm computing mutations classes:
Depends on #24924
CC: @sagetrac-gmoose05 @stumpc5 @sagetrac-drupel @sagetrac-vpilaud @slel
Component: combinatorics
Keywords: ClusterSeed, mutations, cluster
Stopgaps: #22464
Author: Frédéric Chapoton
Branch/Commit: public/22381 @
Issue created by migration from