Open 2190d0ee-e4da-4602-8835-8ea53fc1c317 opened 7 years ago
Changed dependencies from #12561, #23471 to #12561, #23471, #23510
Branch: u/bsinclai/ticket/23508
Commit: d4bfddb
Factoring over unramified extension does not work currently (See #23510). The following doctest shows this.
We run into R.fraction_field() is self
occurring in _coerce_map_from_(self, R)
in padic_extension_generic.pyc when we attempt to change_ring()
our polynomial in _factor_non_monic()
to increase precision cap.
R.<c> = Zq(125, prec = 500)
g = 25*z^15 + 5
Fg = g.factor()
Changed branch from u/bsinclai/ticket/23508 to u/roed/ticket/23508
Add various methods to for invariant computations and Monge reduction and update factor() to use OMTree from #12561 for factoring polynomials over p-adic extensions.
In all, this makes large changes to factor() and adds methods:
Depends on #12561 Depends on #23471 Depends on #23510
CC: @pjbruin
Component: padics
Keywords: sd87
Author: Sebastian Pauli, Brian Sinclair
Branch/Commit: u/roed/ticket/23508 @
Issue created by migration from