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[WIP] Always use dynamic classes for elements #24715

Open jdemeyer opened 6 years ago

jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

Use dynamic classes, both for Python and Cython classes.

CC: @nthiery @tscrim

Component: categories

Author: Jeroen Demeyer

Branch/Commit: u/jdemeyer/always_use_dynamic_classes @ ebee325

Issue created by migration from

jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1 +1 @@
+Use dynamic classes, both for Python and Cython classes.
jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

Branch: u/jdemeyer/always_use_dynamic_classes

jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

Commit: ebee325

jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

This is the basic idea. But this leads to a million (well, a lot) doctest failures of the form

sage -t src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_pari_ffelt.pyx
File "src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_pari_ffelt.pyx", line 100, in sage.rings.finite_rings.element_pari_ffelt.FiniteFieldElement_pari_ffelt
Failed example:
    <type 'sage.rings.finite_rings.element_pari_ffelt.FiniteFieldElement_pari_ffelt'>
    <class 'sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_pari_ffelt.FiniteField_pari_ffelt_with_category.element_class'>

These are clearly desired doctest failures.

Second, many parents still hardcode the element type. For example, even with this patch:

sage: type(
<type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
sage: type(
<type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber'>

Fixing those is obviously outside the scope of this ticket.

New commits:

ebee325Always use dynamic classes
jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

Setting to needs_review just for the patchbot.

jdemeyer commented 6 years ago

Interesting fact: combinat already uses dynamic classes for almost everything. Only doctest failures in combinat:

sage -t src/sage/combinat/crystals/tensor_product_element.pyx
File "src/sage/combinat/crystals/tensor_product_element.pyx", line 752, in sage.combinat.crystals.tensor_product_element.CrystalOfTableauxElement.__init__
Failed example:
    <... 'sage.combinat.crystals.letters.Crystal_of_letters_type_A_element'>
    <class 'sage.combinat.crystals.letters.ClassicalCrystalOfLetters_with_category.element_class'>
File "src/sage/combinat/crystals/tensor_product_element.pyx", line 755, in sage.combinat.crystals.tensor_product_element.CrystalOfTableauxElement.__init__
Failed example:
    <... 'sage.combinat.crystals.letters.Crystal_of_letters_type_A_element'>
    <class 'sage.combinat.crystals.letters.ClassicalCrystalOfLetters_with_category.element_class'>
tscrim commented 6 years ago

From a quick look at the current patchbot reports:

The rest look like trivial failures a la comment:3.

I am also somewhat worried about speed regressions overall.

nbruin commented 5 years ago

I think this would cause speed regression in every cpdef call. Whenever a type is subclasses, cpdef must take the slow codepath in order to check if it's been overridden. I haven't checked if cython actually does that, but this should even be the case if the subclass is an extension type, since the cpdef on the super doesn't know what kind of shenanigans have been played (the subtype might have grown an instance dict and the method might be overridden by a function in there).

Definitely worth checking!

It may be worth saying something about the benefits of making this chance, so that those can be weighed against the draw-backs.

jdemeyer commented 5 years ago

Replying to @nbruin:

I think this would cause speed regression in every cpdef call.

That is why I created #27090: Cython only checks for cpdef overrides in Python classes.

nbruin commented 5 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

That is why I created #27090: Cython only checks for cpdef overrides in Python classes.

I figured as much. Do make sure to include a test that confirms this behaviour, because if you'd rely on this, you'd be relying in a flaw in cython that is liable to be fixed in a future version. Given the positive side-effect of the flaw, I can imagine that the cython devs would be willing to include a pragma to revert to the old behaviour if it comes to that, but we'd have to know to prod them for it.

If we don't test it we'll probably suffer a hard to measure but possibly in some cases significant performance regression with some future cython upgrade.

jdemeyer commented 5 years ago

Replying to @nbruin:

If we don't test it we'll probably suffer a hard to measure but possibly in some cases significant performance regression with some future cython upgrade.

If it helps: I discussed this with the Cython devs in person at an OpenDreamKit workshop and the current behavior was a deliberate choice, not an implementation accident which will gratuitously be changed. Of course, as usual there are no guarantees...