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Special case for gen_legendre_P with n == m gives incorrect results for x in (-1,1) #25034

Closed 60879728-ecca-41e5-88fc-bb29a80f6c41 closed 3 years ago

60879728-ecca-41e5-88fc-bb29a80f6c41 commented 6 years ago

The current implementation of gen_legendre_P is not accurate. No distinction between Ferrers functions and Legendre functions has been made and some special cases are not correctly implemented. This heavily affects spherical harmonics. For a quick fix, to make spherical harmonics work, I propose to temporarily restrict gen_legendre_P to Ferrers functions. In a follow-up #31637, we will make the distinction complete.

Old Description

I am using the gen_legendre_P function (an instance of Func_assoc_legendre_P from sage/functions/ to evaluate associated Legendre functions / Ferrers functions in SageMath 8.1.

There appears to be a discrepancy in the results I obtain, depending on whether I use gen_legendre_P.eval_poly() or directly call gen_legendre_P() in some cases. I think this is because the _eval_ method first tries to call the _eval_special_values_ method, before using eval_poly.

With this input

x = SR.var('x')
print(gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1, 1, x))
print(gen_legendre_P(1, 1, x))
print(gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1, 1, 0.5))
print(gen_legendre_P(1, 1, 0.5))

I obtain

-sqrt(-x^2 + 1)
sqrt(x^2 - 1)
5.30287619362453e-17 + 0.866025403784439*I

The result from eval_poly agrees with Mathematica, i.e.

LegendreP[1, 1, 0.5]

Based on the above output, it seems to me that gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1, 1, cos(theta)) will always be real while gen_legendre_P(1, 1, cos(theta)) will be complex (unless |cos(theta)| = 1), since cos(theta) is in the interval [-1,1].

Looking at the code for Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_special_values_, I suspect the culprit is the n == m case, which returns

factorial(2*m)/2**m/factorial(m) * (x**2-1)**(m/2)

This discrepancy also seems to be present in spherical_harmonic when n == m (an instance of SphericalHarmonic from sage/functions/, which is built using gen_legendre_P.

After discussion in the sage-devel mailing list it appears that this is because the n == m case in _eval_special_values_ is based on, but this is not defined in (-infinity,1].

For the spherical harmonics, where the argument x = cos(theta), x will always be in the range [-1, 1 ], where special case used in _eval_special_values_ is not defined.

On the sage-devel mailing list, Howard Cohl suggested that the correct formula for x in [-1, 1] is

P_m^m(x)=(-1)^m (2m)!/(2^m m!) (1-x^2)^(m/2)


According to Howard Cohl this is formally a Ferrers function (defined on (-1,1) ), rather than an associated Legendre polynomial. However, the existing code for Func_assoc_legendre_P does not seem to make any distinction between Ferrers and associated Legendre functions.

My proposed fix would be to have Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_special_values_ choose between two n == m special cases, based on whether -1 <= x <= 1 (above expression) or > 1 (current expression).

This raises the question of whether Func_assoc_legendre_P is correctly defined, as at present it would seem to cover both Ferrers functions and associated Legendre functions.

In my experience with the physics/chemistry literature, the spherical harmonics are universally defined in terms of "associated Legendre functions", even though the argument is x = cos(theta). DLMF suggests these are defined in terms of Ferrers functions of the first kind ( Wolfram Mathematica does not seem to distinguish. Possibly it is worth flagging in the docstring for Func_assoc_legendre_P that the class seems to cover both functions.

CC: @rwst @slel @fredrik-johansson @tscrim

Component: misc

Keywords: legendre, special function, spherical harmonic

Author: Michael Jung

Branch: 0b14d02

Reviewer: Eric Gourgoulhon, Travis Scrimshaw

Issue created by migration from

60879728-ecca-41e5-88fc-bb29a80f6c41 commented 6 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@

 For the spherical harmonics, where the argument x = cos(theta), x will always be in the range [-1, 1 ], where special case used in `_eval_special_values_` is not defined.

-On the sage-devel mailing list, Howard Cohl suggested that the correct formula for x < 1 is 
+On the sage-devel mailing list, Howard Cohl suggested that the correct formula for x in [-1, 1] is 

P_m^m(x)=(-1)^m (2m)!/(2^m m!) (1-x^2)^(m/2)

slel commented 6 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-I am using the gen_legendre_P function (an instance of Func_assoc_legendre_P from sage/functions/ to evaluate associated Legendre functions / Ferrers functions in Sage Math 8.1.
+I am using the gen_legendre_P function (an instance of Func_assoc_legendre_P
+from sage/functions/ to evaluate associated Legendre
+functions / Ferrers functions in SageMath 8.1.

-There appears to be a discrepancy in the results I obtain, depending on whether I use gen_legendre_P.eval_poly() or directly call gen_legendre_P() in some cases. I think this is because the `_eval_` method first tries to call the `_eval_special_values_` method, before using eval_poly.
+There appears to be a discrepancy in the results I obtain, depending on whether
+I use gen_legendre_P.eval_poly() or directly call gen_legendre_P() in some cases.
+I think this is because the `_eval_` method first tries to call the `_eval_special_values_`
+method, before using eval_poly.

 With this input

@@ -36,13 +41,21 @@
 factorial(2*m)/2**m/factorial(m) * (x**2-1)**(m/2)

-This discrepancy also seems to be present in spherical_harmonic when n == m (an instance of SphericalHarmonic from sage/functions/, which is built using gen_legendre_P. +This discrepancy also seems to be present in spherical_harmonic when +n == m (an instance of SphericalHarmonic from sage/functions/, +which is built using gen_legendre_P.

-After discussion in the sage-devel mailing list ( it appears that this is because the n == m case in _eval_special_values_ is based on, but this is not defined in (-infinity,1]. +After discussion +in the sage-devel mailing list it appears that this is because the n == m +case in _eval_special_values_ is based on, +but this is not defined in (-infinity,1].

-For the spherical harmonics, where the argument x = cos(theta), x will always be in the range [-1, 1 ], where special case used in _eval_special_values_ is not defined. +For the spherical harmonics, where the argument x = cos(theta), +x will always be in the range [-1, 1 ], where special case used +in _eval_special_values_ is not defined.

-On the sage-devel mailing list, Howard Cohl suggested that the correct formula for x in [-1, 1] is +On the sage-devel mailing list, Howard Cohl suggested that +the correct formula for x in [-1, 1] is

 P_m^m(x)=(-1)^m (2m)!/(2^m m!) (1-x^2)^(m/2)
@@ -50,7 +63,11 @@


-According to Howard Cohl this is formally a Ferrers function (defined on (-1,1) ), rather than an associated Legendre polynomial. However, the existing code for Func_assoc_legendre_P does not seem to make any distinction between Ferrers and associated Legendre functions. 
+According to Howard Cohl this is formally a Ferrers function
+(defined on (-1,1) ), rather than an associated Legendre polynomial.
+However, the existing code for Func_assoc_legendre_P does not
+seem to make any distinction between Ferrers and associated
+Legendre functions. 

 My proposed fix would be to have Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_special_values_ choose between two n == m special cases, based on whether -1 <= x <= 1 (above expression) or > 1 (current expression).
egourgoulhon commented 6 years ago

A (quite severe IMHO) consequence of this bug is

sage: theta, phi = var('theta phi')
sage: spherical_harmonic(1, 1, theta, phi)
-1/4*sqrt(3)*sqrt(2)*sqrt(cos(theta)^2 - 1)*e^(I*phi)/sqrt(pi)

which is plain wrong: the term sqrt(cos(theta)^2-1) (which is imaginary for theta real) should actually be sin(theta).

egourgoulhon commented 4 years ago

For reference, here are some related issues reported by users:

egourgoulhon commented 4 years ago

Replying to @egourgoulhon:

For reference, here are some related issues reported by users:

One more:

egourgoulhon commented 4 years ago

For reference, here are some related issues reported by users:

One more:

Yet one more:

slel commented 4 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-I am using the gen_legendre_P function (an instance of Func_assoc_legendre_P
-from sage/functions/ to evaluate associated Legendre
+I am using the `gen_legendre_P` function (an instance of `Func_assoc_legendre_P`
+from `sage/functions/`) to evaluate associated Legendre
 functions / Ferrers functions in SageMath 8.1.

 There appears to be a discrepancy in the results I obtain, depending on whether
-I use gen_legendre_P.eval_poly() or directly call gen_legendre_P() in some cases.
+I use `gen_legendre_P.eval_poly()` or directly call `gen_legendre_P()` in some cases.
 I think this is because the `_eval_` method first tries to call the `_eval_special_values_`
-method, before using eval_poly.
+method, before using `eval_poly`.

 With this input

x = SR.var('x') -print gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1,1,x) -print gen_legendre_P(1,1,x) -print gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1,1,0.5) -print gen_legendre_P(1,1,0.5) +print(gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1, 1, x)) +print(gen_legendre_P(1, 1, x)) +print(gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1, 1, 0.5)) +print(gen_legendre_P(1, 1, 0.5))

 I obtain
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@

-Based on the above output, it seems to me that gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1,1,cos(theta)) will always be real while gen_legendre_P(1,1,cos(theta)) will be complex (unless |cos(theta)| = 1), since cos(theta) is in the interval [-1,1]. +Based on the above output, it seems to me that gen_legendre_P.eval_poly(1, 1, cos(theta)) will always be real while gen_legendre_P(1, 1, cos(theta)) will be complex (unless |cos(theta)| = 1), since cos(theta) is in the interval [-1,1].

-Looking at the code for Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_specialvalues, I suspect the culprit is the n == m case, which returns +Looking at the code for Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_special_values_, I suspect the culprit is the n == m case, which returns

 factorial(2*m)/2**m/factorial(m) * (x**2-1)**(m/2)

-This discrepancy also seems to be present in spherical_harmonic when -n == m (an instance of SphericalHarmonic from sage/functions/, -which is built using gen_legendre_P. +This discrepancy also seems to be present in spherical_harmonic when +n == m (an instance of SphericalHarmonic from sage/functions/, +which is built using gen_legendre_P.

After discussion -in the sage-devel mailing list it appears that this is because the n == m +in the sage-devel mailing list it appears that this is because the n == m case in _eval_special_values_ is based on, but this is not defined in (-infinity,1].

@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ seem to make any distinction between Ferrers and associated Legendre functions.

-My proposed fix would be to have Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_specialvalues choose between two n == m special cases, based on whether -1 <= x <= 1 (above expression) or > 1 (current expression). +My proposed fix would be to have Func_assoc_legendre_P._eval_special_values_ choose between two n == m special cases, based on whether -1 <= x <= 1 (above expression) or > 1 (current expression).

-This raises the question of whether Func_assoc_legendre_P is correctly defined, as at present it would seem to cover both Ferrers functions and associated Legendre functions. +This raises the question of whether Func_assoc_legendre_P is correctly defined, as at present it would seem to cover both Ferrers functions and associated Legendre functions.

-In my experience with the physics/chemistry literature, the spherical harmonics are universally defined in terms of "associated Legendre functions", even though the argument is x = cos(theta). DLMF suggests these are defined in terms of Ferrers functions of the first kind ( Wolfram Mathematica does not seem to distinguish. Possibly it is worth flagging in the docstring for Func_assoc_legendre_P that the class seems to cover both functions. +In my experience with the physics/chemistry literature, the spherical harmonics are universally defined in terms of "associated Legendre functions", even though the argument is x = cos(theta). DLMF suggests these are defined in terms of Ferrers functions of the first kind ( Wolfram Mathematica does not seem to distinguish. Possibly it is worth flagging in the docstring for Func_assoc_legendre_P that the class seems to cover both functions.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Since this features is obviously highly demanded, and within two years not resolved, I took the freedom to shift it's priority to "critical".

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

What about separately adding Func_ferrers to the library with the appropriate convention then?

One can easily refer to and respectively and clarify the convention.

Also, I found a nice stackexchange post explaining the origin of this difference:

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

I already worked on something. Will push tomorrow.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Branch: public/legendre_25034

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

568d0faTrac #25034: follow mathematica convention on legendre polynomials
6d6ead1Trac #25034: doctest for spherical harmonics added
571632fTrac #25034: doctest further improved
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Commit: 571632f

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 571632f to 4fcc574

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. This was a forced push. New commits:

4fcc574Trac #25034: formula for n=m fixed
mjungmath commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded a proposal. Please let me know in case I have missed any details.

What have I done?

You are invited to contribute more doctests, especially for spherical harmonics. So far, I have only collected some of the code snippets posted above that have not worked. They are working now.


egourgoulhon commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for tackling this!

Shall the ticket be set to needs_review? (in order to draw it to the patchbots' attention)

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Replying to @egourgoulhon:

Thank you so much for tackling this!

Shall the ticket be set to needs_review? (in order to get the attention of the patchbots)

Would you mind to add some more doctests for spherical coordinates before? I think, the current doctesting is a little bit sparse considering that the bug has not been caught. At least I would feel more comfortable if some identities or important values are checked that haven't worked before.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Author: Michael Jung

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 4fcc574 to a4edb24

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

a4edb24Trac #25034: abs(m) exceeding n gives zero immediately
mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Replying to @mjungmath:

Would you mind to add some more doctests for spherical coordinates before? I think, the current doctesting is a little bit sparse considering that the bug has not been caught. At least I would feel more comfortable if some identities or important values are checked that haven't worked before.

Alright, technically speaking spherical harmonics do not belong to this ticket. Let's finish this one first before messing with spherical harmonics. I created a follow-up: #31639.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Patchbot is green at least.

tscrim commented 3 years ago

The order in which you perform tests is important. Here:

if n in ZZ and m in ZZ and (x in ZZ or not SR(x).is_numeric()) and n >= 0:

you should have the n >= 0 before the x tests as it is quicker.

I am also not sure about doing the multiplication first in the quotient here:

return (-1)**m*factorial(2*m)/(2**m*factorial(m)) * (1-x**2)**(m/2)

I feel like

(-1)**m * factorial(2*m)/factorial(m)/2**m * (1-x**2)**(m/2)

should give better performance since we know the first division is exact. (I really would prefer //, but that won't work if m is a symbolic variable unfortunately...)

Also, a while-we-are-at-it:

-return ZZ(0)

I probably would also be good to add support for negative n by replacing it with -n-1. This will get rid of the error for gen_legendre_P(-2,-2,x).

I don't understand why you feed this back through the full evaluation instead of this:

-return x*(2*m+1)*gen_legendre_P(m, m, x)
+return x * (2*m+1) * self._eval_special_values_(m, m, x)

A small tweak in the language:

-Print the first associated Legendre polynomials::
+We give the first associated Legendre polynomials::

I would also add a space around the = to make it easier to read the output.

Please put the REFERENCES: at the end of the docstring (and add the S).

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from a4edb24 to 6b365d7

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

7c532a1Trac #25034: minor improvements
6b365d7Trac #25034: slight refactoring of _eval_
mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Thank you Travis for the feedback! I hope I took everything in account now. In addition, I refactored _eval_ a bit and completely removed _eval_special_values_. Please check this out.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

I know that this is not absolutely precise at the moment. But at least this implementation is more or less consistent and makes spherical harmonics work properly. More elaborate thoughts to resolve this are very much appreciated in #31637.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Patchbot green again.

tscrim commented 3 years ago

I am -1 on removing _eval_special_values_ as it has a clear purpose and is useful for future maintenance by having a more logical grouping of the code.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Now it is grouped into "integer" and "non-integer" case. Unfortunately, this didn't work well with _eval_special_values_ because it would lead to many repeated if-statements. This is the most concise pattern I could think of. Do you have another idea?

Moreover, the x == 0 case seemingly didn't make sense for _evalf_. Please correct me if I am wrong here.

tscrim commented 3 years ago

I thought the previous version was fine. I don't like forcing it all together, as opposed to what many other functions do. I also don't really think the SR(x).is_numeric() test being run so frequently is good.

Additionally, with your current code, if passing symbolic m == n, it no longer gets the special value AFAICS.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

Additionally, with your current code, if passing symbolic m == n, it no longer gets the special value AFAICS.

True. However, this particular formula holds indeed if m and n are integers. But I am not sure whether this extends accordingly to arbitrary m and n using Gamma functions...

Playing around with the numeric tool, it turned out that the case abs(m) > n only yields zero for the integer case (try for example gen_legendre_P(2.,3.*I,.5)).

Grouping it the same way as before would therefore lead to many redundant if-statements, as said above. I don't think this is desirable either.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 6b365d7 to 801298c

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. This was a forced push. New commits:

801298cTrac #25034: allow negative n
mjungmath commented 3 years ago

What about this?

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

At least the patchbot likes it. This version is very close to the version before, but now with negative n. This is still not optimal but I think more preciseness should be elaborated in the follow-up ticket.

What do you think?

tscrim commented 3 years ago

I think this is a lot better.

This is a bit cumbersome way of saying "let m be a positive integer":

+    For `n` being a non-negative integer, negative integer values for `m`
+    with `|m| \leq n` can be obtained by:
+    .. MATH::
+            P^{-|m|}_n(x) = (-1)^{|m|} \frac{(n-|m|)!}{(n+|m|)!} P_n^{|m|}(x).

I am not sure about removing the _eval_special_values_ from _evalf_. Can we add doctests for floating point input with special values?

I think we should also add doctests to _eval_special_values_ for symbolic m input as well.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

I am not sure about removing the _eval_special_values_ from _evalf_. Can we add doctests for floating point input with special values?

I think it is reasonable to assume that mpmath already uses optimized algorithms, isn't it? Moreover, without the above patch we have something like that:

sage: %%time 
....: gen_legendre_P(1.2,1.1,0)
CPU times: user 2.78 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.78 ms
Wall time: 2.8 ms

which already looks clunky. Moreover if we want the answer in terms of floating numbers, we get:

sage: %%time 
....: gen_legendre_P(1.2,1.1,0).n()
CPU times: user 166 ms, sys: 7.01 ms, total: 173 ms
Wall time: 204 ms

whereas compared to with patch:

sage: %%time 
....: gen_legendre_P(1.2,1.1,0)
CPU times: user 302 µs, sys: 20 µs, total: 322 µs
Wall time: 326 µs

For the case m=n however, the mpmath version seems to be slightly slower than evaluating the special case (now everything with the new patch):

sage: %%time 
....: gen_legendre_P._evalf_(1,1,.2)
CPU times: user 1.29 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.29 ms
Wall time: 1.29 ms
sage: %%time 
....: gen_legendre_P._eval_special_values_(1,1,.2)
CPU times: user 124 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 124 µs
Wall time: 127 µs

But treading these cases differently would dismantle _eval_special_values_ again.

I think we should also add doctests to _eval_special_values_ for symbolic m input as well.

I'll do.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+The current implementation of `gen_legendre_P` is not accurate. No distinction between Ferrers functions and Legendre functions has been made and some special cases are not correctly implemented. This heavily affects spherical harmonics. For a quick fix, to make spherical harmonics work, I propose to temporarily restrict `gen_legendre_P` to Ferrers functions. In a follow-up #31637, we will make the distinction complete.
+**Old Description**
 I am using the `gen_legendre_P` function (an instance of `Func_assoc_legendre_P`
 from `sage/functions/`) to evaluate associated Legendre
 functions / Ferrers functions in SageMath 8.1.
tscrim commented 3 years ago

We need to also be more careful if the type of the output is changing as this can break other code in the wild. It might be good to see how other special functions behave for different inputs to make sure things match if we are going to change stuff.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. This was a forced push. New commits:

0b7d917Trac #25034: Turn gen_legendre_P into Ferrers functions only
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 801298c to 0b7d917

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

I had a little chat with Howard Cohl. He said that one has to be extremely careful which formula goes under what condition. In particular, one shouldn't use formulas for cases that are not stated in

So I tried to be very careful and always referred to the corresponding formula in the code. But please double check that for me.

Other than that, this is ready for review again.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 0b7d917 to d203066

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

d203066Trac #25034: wrong indent in docstring
egourgoulhon commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this work! It's nice that you made references to the DLMF for formulas in the code.

In the doctests Check whether :trac:25034 yields correct results compared to Maxima in, shouldn't there be markers # abs tol 1e-14 ? Same remark for

        sage: gen_legendre_P(-5/3,3,1.+I)
        0.238163715352606 + 0.0548443903534220*I

in the docstring of Func_assoc_legendre_P.

mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Replying to @egourgoulhon:

In the doctests Check whether :trac:25034 yields correct results compared to Maxima in, shouldn't there be markers # abs tol 1e-14 ? Same remark for

        sage: gen_legendre_P(-5/3,3,1.+I)
        0.238163715352606 + 0.0548443903534220*I

in the docstring of Func_assoc_legendre_P.


mjungmath commented 3 years ago

Reviewer: Eric Gourgoulhon, Travis Scrimshaw

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from d203066 to c746088