Open jdemeyer opened 6 years ago
Dependencies: #25555
Branch: u/jdemeyer/ticket/25558
Changed dependencies from #25555 to #25555, #25563
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. This was a forced push. New commits:
160624f | Move multi-variate polynomials to new coercion model |
Changed dependencies from #25555, #25563 to none
In #26741 Jeroen mentioned that he might be too busy to work on this full time.
If the stars align properly I will try to be at "Calcul Mathématique Libre" and I would be happy to work on this there but, as I said, I might need some guidance to do so. Would any of the attendees be willing/able to provide it?
I will not be there, but I can try to be available remotely to work on it.
Thanks Travis, I hope I'll be able to be there.
Dependencies: #27034
Said conference is this week but given that neither of you are here there is no real point in doing it right now.
I am not sure what exactly will be done on this ticket, but FYI there was some low level stuff regarding conversion done at #21855 in src/sage/rings/polynomial/
(This comment is a result of mentioning this ticket here at #27255.)
Sorry for flying off the radars for a while but I had an unexpected change of job. The dust is still settling but I should be able to resume working on this whenever you want to.
Ticket retargeted after milestone closed (if you don't believe this ticket is appropriate for the Sage 8.8 release please retarget manually)
Are there any more concrete plans working on this ticket?
As the Sage-8.8 release milestone is pending, we should delete the sage-8.8 milestone for tickets that are not actively being worked on or that still require significant work to move forward. If you feel that this ticket should be included in the next Sage release at the soonest please set its milestone to the next release milestone (sage-8.9).
Setting new milestone based on a cursory review of ticket status, priority, and last modification date.
Changed dependencies from #27034 to none
CC: @AndrewAtLarge @tscrim @mwageringel
Component: coercion
Author: Jeroen Demeyer
Branch/Commit: u/jdemeyer/ticket/25558 @
Issue created by migration from