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Bug with attach() in Jupyter Notebook #26620

Open embray opened 6 years ago

embray commented 6 years ago

As pointed out in, trying to use attach() in a Jupyter Notebook results in just an error message:

UsageError: Invalid GUI request 'sage', valid ones are:[None, 'widget', 'qt5', 'qt', 'nbagg', 'osx', 'gtk', 'qt4', 'gtk3', 'notebook', 'tk', 'ipympl', 'inline', 'asyncio', 'wx']

I was able to confirm this even with a trivial .sage file.

I suspect attach() can be implemented without breaking any other inputhooks.

Component: notebook

Issue created by migration from

embray commented 5 years ago

Retargeting some of my tickets (somewhat optimistically for now).

embray commented 5 years ago

Removing most of the rest of my open tickets out of the 8.7 milestone, which should be closed.

williamstein commented 4 months ago

This is still broken in sage-10.3.

See for screenshots of this being broken in the latest jupyterlab/cocalc.

williamstein commented 1 month ago

Still totally broken in sage-10.4. Not surprisingly, since nobody is working on that ancient sage bug.
