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Conversion of mathematical constant such as pi to RDF leaks memory #27536

Open rburing opened 5 years ago

rburing commented 5 years ago

As reported in Ask SageMath question #45863:

import gc
for x in xrange(10^5,10^5+100):
    s = sum(RDF(pi) for n in xrange(x))
    print "memory usage: " + str(get_memory_usage()) + ", gc: " + str(gc.collect())

The same happens with the other mathematical constants.

The problem does not occur when RDF(pi) is replaced by e.g. RDF.pi().

My guess based on trace("RDF(pi)") is that it has something to do with caching.

CC: @rwst @slel

Component: symbolics

Keywords: RDF, Constant, pi, pynac

Issue created by migration from

nbruin commented 5 years ago

It's not a leak on the python heap (gc.get_objects() doesn't report anything new), so it's probably not caching, but a memory leak in some library code that gets used.

Changing RDF to RR or RIF also leaks; using float does NOT leak. That might help a bit in pinning down where the leak occurs.

Drilling down yields that pi._convert({'parent':float}) does not leak and pi._convert({'parent':RDF}) does.

This rather directly leads to self._gobj.evalf(0, kwds), i.e., a call in pynac. That's the most likely candidate for the leak.

nbruin commented 5 years ago

Changed keywords from RDF, Constant, pi to RDF, Constant, pi, pynac

embray commented 5 years ago

As the Sage-8.8 release milestone is pending, we should delete the sage-8.8 milestone for tickets that are not actively being worked on or that still require significant work to move forward. If you feel that this ticket should be included in the next Sage release at the soonest please set its milestone to the next release milestone (sage-8.9).

agreatnate commented 3 years ago

This issue is still present in version 9.2 and seems like a major bug, much more general than just to RDF.

Repeatedly using the constant pi rapidly leaks memory. As a test, running the simple loop below on CoCalc steadily consumes about 15 MB/sec until memory is exhausted.

    if pi>3:
nbruin commented 3 years ago

Replying to @agreatnate:

    if pi>3:

I suspect this is indeed the same problem. Now, we're seeing intervalfield elements pile up and a positive thing: because they have pointers themselves, the GC actually tracks them, so we see them on the python heap! (RDF don't need to be tracked by the garbage collector; ref counting does the trick for them, because they can't generate cycles. Neither can RIF elements, but python doesn't know that. Both intervalfield and complex elements carry two pointers to real numbers. So I guess that's why we're seeing them, but not the realnumbers themselves, because they are leaves in the reference tree, as far as Python knows)

I get:

sage: import gc
....: from collections import Counter
....: if pi < 3:
....:     pass
....: gc.collect()
....: pre={id(a) for a in gc.get_objects()}
....: for n in [1..2000]:
....:     if pi < 3:
....:         pass
....: gc.collect()
....: T=Counter(str(type(a)) for a in gc.get_objects() if id(a) not in pre)
sage: T
Counter({"<class 'dict'>": 4000, "<class 'sage.rings.real_mpfi.RealIntervalFieldElement'>": 4000, "<class 'sage.rings.complex_number.ComplexNumber'>": 3999, "<class 'tuple'>": 5, "<class 'list'>": 2, "<class '_ast.Interactive'>": 1, "<class 'function'>": 1, "<class 'set'>": 1})

Backtracking these elements on the heap gets you nothing, though! So as far as I can see, there are no other python heap opjects that hold references to these objects. An incref/decref disparity somewhere would cause that. Alternatively, links are being held outside the python heap (that's not illegal! They could be on the C stack or C heap) It's surprising to see "dict" leak in addition to mpfi elements.

nbruin commented 3 years ago

Possibly it's in this stuff:

The incref here is probably sometimes required, and perhaps always. It does seem to match with:

On the other hand, here:

it seems the reference is NOT stolen (as is done in numeric types elsewhere). So perhaps that incref simply needs to be removed.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

which of the two increfs should go? in ex.cpp, or in numeric.cpp?

dimpase commented 3 years ago

Upstream: Reported upstream. No feedback yet.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

I've opened

mezzarobba commented 3 years ago

Could #19363 be a related issue?

agreatnate commented 2 years ago

Changed upstream from Reported upstream. No feedback yet. to none

agreatnate commented 2 years ago

This issue is still present in Version 9.5 and, now that pynac has been merged into Sage, it is an issue in Sage rather than upstream.