Open 99444c9b-4667-4341-abf6-78bb4dfc7950 opened 5 years ago
Branch: u/klui/yapf_abvar
New commits:
88bd3b3 | ran yapf on abvar directory |
Commit: 88bd3b3
There are some strange formattings IMHO. For example
if not self.is_subvariety_of_ambient_jacobian(
) or not other.is_subvariety_of_ambient_jacobian():
elif isinstance(
ModularAbelianVariety_abstract) and other.is_subvariety(self):
decomp = [
AbelianVariety(f) for f in self.newform_decomposition('a')
I'm not convinced that all of these are improvements.
Okay, that's fair. I'll manually check it.
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
ef0bb6f | manually checked style |
I just manually checked it. I mostly changed how yapf handles long sequences of method application. I didn't like how it often ended a line with (
This one seems okay?
decomp = [
AbelianVariety(f) for f in self.newform_decomposition('a')
This is of course bikeshedding, but I would write that like
decomp = [AbelianVariety(f)
for f in self.newform_decomposition('a')]
Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:
84147ba | style change |
Replying to @jdemeyer:
This is of course bikeshedding, but I would write that like
decomp = [AbelianVariety(f) for f in self.newform_decomposition('a')]
I like that too. Thanks!
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I'm about to make changes to the modular/abvar code so I figure I ran yapf on it first.
Component: modular forms
Keywords: yapf, abvar
Author: Kevin Lui
Branch/Commit: u/klui/yapf_abvar @
Issue created by migration from