Open 8f7278ee-e22d-4c4e-aed1-8e3fe00e8e9a opened 5 years ago
Changed reviewer from Eric Gourgoulhon to Eric Gourgoulhon,Travis Scrimshaw
Merge conflict
Ticket retargeted after milestone closed
Batch modifying tickets that will likely not be ready for 9.1, based on a review of the ticket title, branch/review status, and last modification date.
Setting new milestone based on a cursory review of ticket status, priority, and last modification date.
Setting a new milestone for this ticket based on a cursory review.
The purpose of this Ticket is to introduce Minkowski space of higher dimension and Euclidean sphere of higher dimension. It is now possible to just type
to construct the 4-dimensional sphere embedded in the 5-dimensional Euclidean space.CC: @tscrim @tscrim
Component: geometry
Keywords: Minkowski space, sphere of higher dimension
Author: Hans Fotsing Tetsing
Branch/Commit: public/manifolds/HigherSphere @
Reviewer: Eric Gourgoulhon,Travis Scrimshaw
Issue created by migration from