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MR32: WIP: General extensions of p-adics #28466

Open f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab opened 5 years ago

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Julian Rüth (@saraedum) opened a merge request at

Implement extensions of p-adic fields with arbitrary base and (irreducible) defining polynomial using Xavier's `RingExtension` classes.

Things we're putting off until later (when there are references in `(parens)` below, then there is a corresponding `TODO: (see Merge Request 32 - parens)` in the source code.):

- [ ] Check that the rest of SageMath does not assume that all p-adic elements inherit from `pAdicGenericElement`. (Due to, the general extension elements cannot inherit from `pAdicGeneralElement` and `RingExtensionElement` at the same time since they are both Cython classes. We did not really want any of the `pAdicGenericElement` methods since we almost always want to call through to the backend, so we decided to inherit from `RingExtensionElement`. However, some code might assume that all p-adic elements satisfy that `isinstance(x, pAdicGenericElement)`.)
- [ ] (krasner) Implement Krasner check to make sure that the exact defining polynomial describes a unique extension. See for an existing implementation.
- [ ] Make sure we have complete coverage.
- [ ] **TODO: Rewrite this task**: Implement `square_root`, `sqrt` and fix NotImplementedError("extending using the sqrt function not yet implemented")
- [ ] **TODO: Rewrite this task**: Implement `nth_root` and add extend parameter
- [ ] Add generic test methods such as `_test_trivial_powers`, `_test_expansions`, …
- [ ] Time conversions/coercions between ZZ, QQ, residue fields, p-adic rings. (We have touched quite a bit of the conversion/coercion code so we should make sure that we did not break performance of any of these, also for the old p-adic rings.)
- [ ] (coercions) Make sure conversions/coercions from/to the exact number field are working. They should not be created when `exact_field()` is called since they might have already been created by some other process. Instead, the p-adic parent should implement `_coerce_map_from_` and the number field `_convert_map_from_` appropriately. (Be careful not to create the p-adic parent in the number field's implementation and vice versa. It's easy to make everything very slow with checks such as `if other is self.exact_field()`.)
- [ ] (non-integral) Should we support non-integral defining polynomials somehow?
- [ ] (backend) The code that creates the backend should try the fast inexact p-adic code path first (`_create_backend_padic`), and if that fails (because of a PrecisionError or any other problem that we do not understand,) try the slow exact implementation (`_create_backend_exact`).
- [ ] (exact_field) Do not use `defining_polynomial(exact=True)` and `exact_field()` anywhere in our code unless absolutely necessary. (Creating a relative high-degree number field is extremely slow.) Instead, the exact modulus should be stored in the iterated polynomial quotient ring, i.e., replace the relative number field `K(f(ξ) = 0)` with the quotient `K[x]/f`. (Arithmetic in the latter is much slower, but we usually don't need to do any arithmetic there, exact maybe in `_create_backend_julian`.)
- [ ] (construction) Consider to change `construction()` of p-adic parents. Whenever a pushout is created (which e.g. often happens when evaluating a p-adic polynomial at some point) the `construction()` machinery either creates the ring of integers or creates the push out given by the algebraic extension underlying a p-adic parent. This can be extremely slow, and even worse often the attempt to form such a pushout leads to a recursive cascade of all kinds of p-adic extension rings and fields being constructed. It is unclear what should be done here exactly to improve upon this but maybe there is a better functor that describes a general extension (it's not CompletionFunctor at the exact field since constructing the exact field takes forever.)
- [ ] (integer_ring) Make sure that `integer_ring()` and `fraction_field()` of general extensions are fast. In principal these operations should be trivial since all the necessary data to describe the extension has already been computed. However, in practice they sometimes lead to a cascade of extensions being created.
- [ ] (extension) Ensure that `.extension()` does not call itself recursively more than necessary. Naturally, `.extension()` needs to call `.extension()` to create backend extension field. However, we should try to make sure that no accidental calls to `.extension()` happen as they often happen when pushouts are created. How to ensure this is completely unclear at the moment but this tends to make things relatively slow in some cases.
- [ ] (implementation) What is the meaning of the `implementation=` keyword of a general extension ring? Should the backend be created with this implementation? Currently, that keyword is ignored.
- [ ] (segfault) Fix segfaults. In calls to `CoercionModel.bin_op()`, sometimes the refcount to the parameters goes wrong. As a result, an object that should still be referenced is released and then things go terribly wrong (a p-adic element changes its type to an AttributeError, a method, then a weakref.) Why exactly this happens is currently unclear. However, we found that changing `bin_op` from `cpdef` to `def` fixes the problem ( It appears to us now that this is a bug in the code generation of Cython but maybe we're doing something wrong somewhere else. However, we can not see how this could possibly related to the p-adics changes we are making. So why are we only seeing this bug now? Apparently, due to the `construction()` of p-adic parents, finding a pushout/action sometimes becomes recursive cyling back to the original parent. This throws a CoercionException in `_register_pair`. This probably rarely happens in other parts of SageMath.
- [ ] Replace (or delete) padics/README.txt.

Depends on #26105 Depends on #28481 Depends on #21413

Component: padics

Keywords: padicBordeaux

Author: David Roe, Julian Rüth, Xavier Caruso

Issue created by migration from

saraedum commented 5 years ago

Changed author from Julian Rüth to David Roe, Julian Rüth, Xavier Caruso

saraedum commented 5 years ago

Description changed:

saraedum commented 5 years ago

Changed keywords from none to padicBordeaux

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from bdf4b23 to 2379f40

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. Last 10 new commits:

67c82c7Merge branch 'develop' into 21413/class_ring_extension
8d70dbeCode split in several files. More doctests.
efa3689Doctest for BaseActionOnRing
7f8ce2dDoctest for the class AlgebraToRing_coercion
991cc70Doctest for the class AlgebraFMElement
036fb2aAdding licence & author
5c1c5b6Merge 7.6.beta2
0b86df7Merge branch 'develop' into t/21413/21413/class_ring_extension
656ec77Small fixes
2379f40Merge branch 'u/caruso/21413/class_ring_extension' of git:// into 21413_ring_extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from 2379f40 to 2b29e92

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. Last 10 new commits:

77332e0Disable the construction L/K
631f228backend morphism and tower of extensions
07481ddRing extensions with basis
22d7f4dadd class RingExtensionWithGen
dfef02dMerge branch '21413_ring_extensions' into general-extensions
d4a35acAdd base_map to homomorphisms defined by images of generators
1f78dd4Fix some doctests
84704baFix doctests and py3, incorporate small reviewer suggestion
3455e63Merge branch '26105_base_hom' into general-extensions
2b29e92Moving code from padics/ to simpler implementations in padics/
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from 2b29e92 to e6b9e74

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

e6b9e74Add e() and f() for relative p-adic extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

2566db5Make things relative
6fc7e5fmove code and rename classes
81e4a22check arguments for finite free ring extensions
abae222Merge branch 'u/caruso/21413/class_ring_extension' of git:// into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from e6b9e74 to abae222

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

fa57ca1use RingExtensionWithBasis for general p-adic extensions
1d2850dEstablish the basic extension framework
9e430b1towards trivial extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from abae222 to 9e430b1

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from 9e430b1 to e4b60dd

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

c99fa82morphisms between RingExtensions now support im_gens
6a52519Merge branch 't/26105/26105_base_hom' into t/21413/21413/class_ring_extension
0433a1amore work on morphisms
e4b60ddMerge remote-tracking branch 'trac/u/caruso/21413/class_ring_extension' into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from e4b60dd to 3f945c1

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

c4f2a3fFix _is_valid_homomorphism_
ac1c05aDocumenting category and base_map options
1738aa9Fix some doctests, remove category keywords from doctests
3f945c1Merge branch '26105_base_hom' into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

45da59bImplement `_im_gens_` and _is_valid_homomorphism_
0360897Merge branch '28487_padic_morphisms' into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from 3f945c1 to 0360897

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

Changed commit from 0360897 to c56b013

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 5 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

d0e0953Add base_map to finite_field homsets
16feb8dFix some errors with positional check arguments
c56b013Merge branch '26105_base_hom' into general-extensions
roed314 commented 5 years ago

The following generates infinite recursion:

sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
sage: K.<a> = Qp(2).extension(x)
xcaruso commented 5 years ago

Dependencies: #26105, #28481, #21413

xcaruso commented 5 years ago

Changed branch from u/galois/mrs/32/general-extensions to u/caruso/mrs/32/general-extensions

xcaruso commented 5 years ago

Fixed. But it still doesn't work because Qp(2) does not implement free_module

xcaruso commented 5 years ago

Changed branch from u/caruso/mrs/32/general-extensions to u/galois/mrs/32/general-extensions

embray commented 4 years ago

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 4 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

46d7beeMerge branch 'general-extensions' of into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 4 years ago

Changed commit from c56b013 to 46d7bee

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 4 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

0e1097dMerge branch 'develop' into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 4 years ago

Changed commit from 46d7bee to 0e1097d

mkoeppe commented 4 years ago

Batch modifying tickets that will likely not be ready for 9.1, based on a review of the ticket title, branch/review status, and last modification date.

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Setting new milestone based on a cursory review of ticket status, priority, and last modification date.

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Setting a new milestone for this ticket based on a cursory review.

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 0e1097d to ece6ca8

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

ece6ca8Merge remote-tracking branch 'trac/develop' into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

b9ce455Fix category of padic rings
0db38c2Drop split() function
e4ae500Add renaming TODOs for general p-adics extensions
e1d34d9Fix missing import
dcb2a21Fix absolute_ring() doctest
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from ece6ca8 to dcb2a21

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from dcb2a21 to 2d2dc8c

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

b2808f7Fix printing of two-step extensions
2d2dc8cAdded some long time markers
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 2d2dc8c to 0f20064

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

4d3757dFix initialization of general extension elements
3c81737Implement generators of general p-adic extensions
9df4334Correctly initialize generic p-adic base rings
f5114a8Do not attempt to access cdef fields from Python code
0f20064Fix unramified detection in p-adic factory
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 0f20064 to 73936a6

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

c485fd2Test e() and f() for trivial extensions
deb180aFix some lint
81366e0Fix pAdicGeneralExtension.absolute_ring()
8f58009Simplify handling of exact_modulus in p-adic extension rings
3278623Add exact_valuation() for exact_field() of p-adics
76106b8Ring extension defined by generator for general p-adic extensions
ca9ef97Remove obsolete TODO
73936a6Force correct normalization of exact modulus of p-adic extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 73936a6 to 3af812e

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

60b4f78Fix change() when resetting q
204076fImplement absolute_f() and absolute_e() for general extensions
3af812eImplement simple general unramified extensions of p-adic base rings
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 3af812e to f7e6ff9

f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. Last 10 new commits:

22d02b2Fix gens() of padic extensions
193dbd1Fix backend access in general extension element
22ecf6eFix printing of trivial extensions
1231555Implement residue_class_field() of general extensions
572e6a2Fixing doctests
fca317bMerge remote-tracking branch 'gitlab/finite-field-relative' into general-extensions
7bdf55fWork around randomness in factoring doctest
51dab21Fix printing of relative finite fields
19f16deAllow conversion of lists to p-adic elements with valshift
f7e6ff9Print trivial extensions properly
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

New commits added to merge request. I updated the commit SHA-1. New commits:

eef22fdFixing doctests
07c7ec0Fix printing of trivial finite field extensions
4e4fdb3Merge branch 'finite-field-relative' of into finite-field-relative
6d45965Restore old behavior of augmented valuations
e4acc8aMerge branch 'finite-field-relative' into general-extensions
db8d954Drop unused import
4be14a1Fix embeddings between trivial extensions
1883a97Merge branch 'finite-field-relative' into general-extensions
f588ca1e-f96a-4dea-804d-c55eab873dab commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from f7e6ff9 to 1883a97