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Polyhedra in vector spaces without distinguished basis #30198

Open mkoeppe opened 4 years ago

mkoeppe commented 4 years ago

Currently, the ambient space of a polyhedron is always a vector space constructed by VectorSpace.

In this ticket, we define polyhedra in more general vector spaces (anything in the category VectorSpaces(K).FiniteDimensional() for some real field K). This includes:

In particular, the latter has the notion of linear forms, which would be used in the H-description of the polyhedra.

The implementation reduces the problem to the existing polyhedral backends in the coordinates w.r.t. an arbitrary basis.

CC: @kliem @jplab @tscrim

Component: geometry

Issue created by migration from

mkoeppe commented 4 years ago

Dependencies: #30094

mkoeppe commented 4 years ago

Changed dependencies from #30094 to #30094, #30204

mkoeppe commented 4 years ago

Branch: u/mkoeppe/polyhedra_in_vector_spaces_without_distinguished_basis

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 4 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. This was a forced push. New commits:

20082d5sage.geometry.polyhedron.parent.Polyhedra: Generalize the factory
2b672f5Merge branch 't/30204/generalize_polyhedra_parent_factory_to_handle_more_general_ambient_spaces' into t/30198/polyhedra_in_vector_spaces_without_distinguished_basis
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 4 years ago

Commit: 2b672f5

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Setting new milestone based on a cursory review of ticket status, priority, and last modification date.

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Changed dependencies from #30094, #30204 to none

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 2b672f5 to none

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Changed branch from u/mkoeppe/polyhedra_in_vector_spaces_without_distinguished_basis to none

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

There was no code on the branch; removed.

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

An alternative approach is #31660, which provides Polyhedron.as_manifold_subset