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Graphs: added construction for antipodal covers of complete graphs #30456

Open b44cef29-61c4-4aab-a2e6-dc3c8c58c1be opened 4 years ago

b44cef29-61c4-4aab-a2e6-dc3c8c58c1be commented 4 years ago

Added a construction for antipodal covers of complete graphs. The construction is made available through graphs.distance_regular_graph

Depends on #30441

Component: graph theory

Author: Ivo Maffei

Branch/Commit: u/dimpase/graphs/30456 @ ae0f9a8

Reviewer: Dima Pasechnik

Issue created by migration from

b44cef29-61c4-4aab-a2e6-dc3c8c58c1be commented 4 years ago

Commit: 6f92bcf

b44cef29-61c4-4aab-a2e6-dc3c8c58c1be commented 4 years ago

Branch: public/graphs/30456

b44cef29-61c4-4aab-a2e6-dc3c8c58c1be commented 4 years ago

Last 10 new commits:

41a0966added some docstrings; changed some code
a7dc1b5completed docstrings and bibliography
36e6032added tests
a0463d5fix docsrtings; renamed module
5d16394renamed in design_catalog
e6ff3faMerge branch 't/30223' into t/30337
3e1df8cadded const to half cube
0d92ec4Merge branch 't/30329' into t/30337
376d459convert matrices in bilinearFormsGraph to integers to lower memory requirements
6f92bcfMerge branch 't/30337' into drg_hermitian_cover
dcoudert commented 3 years ago

needs to be rebased.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

Changed branch from public/graphs/30456 to u/dimpase/graphs/30456

dimpase commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 6f92bcf to 5ca6545

dimpase commented 3 years ago

Last 10 new commits:

c5f0f3dfixed most sporadic graphs; added some docstring; added method to graphs
f675f2ccompleted sporadic database; added more docstrings; added basic checks
e4b1d59fixed docstring and doctests
9aa7d07fixed existence checks without drg module
4bba926added doctests to _integersection_array_from_graph
0a9a194fix bug; avoid long computations on import - typo fixed
f9bb39aMerge branch 'public/graphs/30356' into public/graphs/30386
bbb799fMerge branch 'public/graphs/30386' into public/graphs/30414
e615813Merge branch 'public/graphs/30414' into public/graphs/30441
5ca6545Merge branch 'public/graphs/30441' into public/graphs/30456
dimpase commented 3 years ago

Reviewer: Dima Pasechnik

dimpase commented 3 years ago

folded_graph() seems to have a bug:

sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import hermitian_cover                                                                                                                                                                                    
sage: G = hermitian_cover(2, 3); G                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 27 vertices
sage: G.is_antipodal()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
([8, 6, 1, None], [None, 1, 3, 8])
sage: G.folded_graph()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Folded Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 9 vertices
sage: H=G.folded_graph()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
sage: H.is_isomorphic(graphs.CompleteGraph(9))                                                                                                                                                                                                               
sage: H                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Folded Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 9 vertices
sage: H.edges()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
[(0, 1, None), (0, 2, None), (0, 3, None), (0, 4, None), (0, 5, None), (0, 6, None), (0, 7, None), (0, 8, None), (1, 2, None), (1, 3, None), (1, 4, None), (1, 5, None), (1, 6, None), (1, 7, None), (1, 8, None), (2, 3, None), (2, 4, None), (2, 5, None), (2, 6, None), (2, 7, None), (2, 8, None), (3, 4, None), (3, 5, None), (3, 6, None), (3, 7, None), (3, 8, None), (4, 6, None), (4, 8, None), (5, 6, None), (5, 7, None), (5, 8, None), (6, 7, None), (6, 8, None), (7, 8, None)]
sage: (4,7,None) in H.edges()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
dcoudert commented 3 years ago

Could be this in folded_graph, if I understand the definition.

        for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(numCliques), 2):
-            if any(self.has_edge(u, v) for u, v in
+            if any(G.has_edge(u, v) for u, v in
                   itertools.product(newVertices[i], newVertices[j])):
                edges.append((i, j))
dimpase commented 3 years ago

Replying to @dcoudert:

Could be this in folded_graph, if I understand the definition.

        for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(numCliques), 2):
-            if any(self.has_edge(u, v) for u, v in
+            if any(G.has_edge(u, v) for u, v in
                   itertools.product(newVertices[i], newVertices[j])):
                edges.append((i, j))

no, this is OK, as G is antipodality equivalence relation.

Actually, I don't get why it's not implemented as follows

--- a/src/sage/graphs/
+++ b/src/sage/graphs/
@@ -9090,21 +9090,7 @@ class Graph(GenericGraph):
             sage: G.folded_graph()
             Folded Graph: Graph on 1 vertex
-        G = self.antipodal_graph()
-        vertices = set(G)
-        newVertices = []
-        while vertices:
-            v = vertices.pop()
-            clique = frozenset(G.neighbor_iterator(v, closed=True))
-            if check:
-                for u in clique:
-                    if frozenset(G.neighbor_iterator(u, closed=True)) != clique:
-                        return False
-            newVertices.append(clique)
-            vertices.difference_update(clique)
+        newVertices = self.antipodal_graph().connected_components()

         # now newVertices is a map {0, ..., numCliques-1} -> antipodal classes
         numCliques = len(newVertices)
dimpase commented 3 years ago

with the change I propose above, there still a heisenbug there.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

OK, in my code one still needs to check that every component is a clique (if check)

dimpase commented 3 years ago

Also I wonder why

        sage: graphs.distance_regular_graph([125, 96, 1, 1, 48, 125])
        Antipodal 3-cover of K_126: Graph on 378 vertices

fails. Is this graph unknown, or the construction is not implemented, or it's implemented, but buggy?

Ivo, do you recall the story?

b44cef29-61c4-4aab-a2e6-dc3c8c58c1be commented 3 years ago

Replying to @dcoudert: If you think the documentation is hard to understand, then it is worth changing it

Replying to @dimpase: Using connected_components should do the trick. I don't remember any specific reasons for the other implementation.

Replying to @dimpase: That should work and it does on my old version of sage. If it fails with the latest version, then I would guess that the bug is in sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.hermitian_cover and not in folded_graph. hermitian_cover(5,3) should give the antipodal 3-cover of K_126. It relies heavily on GAP, so maybe the newer version of it broke the code.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

Replying to @Ivo-Maffei:

Replying to @dimpase: That should work and it does on my old version of sage. If it fails with the latest version, then I would guess that the bug is in sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.hermitian_cover and not in folded_graph. hermitian_cover(5,3) should give the antipodal 3-cover of K_126. It relies heavily on GAP, so maybe the newer version of it broke the code.

sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import hermitian_cover                                                                                                                                                                                                          
sage: g=hermitian_cover(5,3);g                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Antipodal 3-cover of K_126: Graph on 378 vertices
sage: g.is_distance_regular(True)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
([125, 96, 1, None], [None, 1, 48, 125])
sage: graphs.distance_regular_graph([125, 96, 1, 1, 48, 125])                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-9d52c5386185> in <module>
----> 1 graphs.distance_regular_graph([Integer(125), Integer(96), Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(48), Integer(125)])

/home/scratch2/dimpase/sage/sage/local/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx in sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.distance_regular_graph (build/cythonized/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.c:46604)()
   3003     if existence:
   3004         return Unknown
-> 3005     raise RuntimeError(
   3006         f"No distance-regular graph with intersection array {arr} known")

RuntimeError: No distance-regular graph with intersection array [125, 96, 1, 1, 48, 125] known
sage: graphs.distance_regular_graph([64, 60, 1, 1, 15, 64])                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Graph on 325 vertices
sage: graphs.distance_regular_graph([64, 60, 1, 1, 15, 64]).is_distance_regular(True)                                                                                                                                                                                              
([64, 60, 1, None], [None, 1, 15, 64])
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import is_hermitian_cover                                                                                                                                                                                                       
sage: is_hermitian_cover([125, 96, 1, 1, 48, 125])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
(5, 3)
sage: is_hermitian_cover([64, 60, 1, 1, 15, 64])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
(4, 5)

the bug is in the code that actually decides whether such a graph exists/can be built by Sage, as you see from above. The (4,5)-cover is recognised, but (5,3) is not, even though both these graphs can be correctly built etc.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

ok, found the fix - I probably removed this line during a merge, by mistake

--- a/src/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx
@@ -2856,6 +2856,7 @@ _infinite_families_database = [
     (is_pseudo_partition_graph, pseudo_partition_graph),
     (is_near_polygon, near_polygon_graph),
     (is_from_GQ_spread, graph_from_GQ_spread),
+    (is_hermitian_cover, hermitian_cover),

 def distance_regular_graph(list arr, existence=False, check=True):

It was confusing as [64, 60, 1, 1, 15, 64]-graph can also be built by graph_from_GQ_spread, but [125, 96, 1, 1, 48, 125] cannot.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Changed commit from 5ca6545 to ae0f9a8

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 3 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

ae0f9a8add hermitian_cover to _infinite_families DB
dimpase commented 3 years ago

can't reproduce the Heisenbug I mention comment:5 reliably on one machine, and not at all on two other. Therefore, good enough for me.

dcoudert commented 3 years ago

With this version of the ticket, all tests pass on my side, but without the last commit, I have errors. So LGTM.

vbraun commented 3 years ago
File "src/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx", line 2685, in sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.hermitian_cover
Failed example:
1 item had failures:
   1 of  11 in sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular.hermitian_cover
    [225 tests, 1 failure, 246.05 s]
dimpase commented 3 years ago

The Heisenbug from comment:5 strikes again.

Volker, do you observe this in a non-random fashion? Could you provide more details on the box(es) you see this on?

dcoudert commented 3 years ago

I see the bug on my macOS laptop, but the list of edges is different than the one in comment:5

sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import hermitian_cover                                                                           
sage: G = hermitian_cover(2, 3); G                                                                                                                  
Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 27 vertices
sage: G.is_antipodal()                                                                                                                              
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)                                                                                                                   
([8, 6, 1, None], [None, 1, 3, 8])
sage: H = G.folded_graph(); H                                                                                                                       
Folded Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 9 vertices
sage: H.is_isomorphic(graphs.CompleteGraph(9))                                                                                                      
sage: H.edges()                                                                                                                                     
[(0, 1, None), (0, 2, None), (0, 3, None), (0, 4, None), (0, 5, None), (0, 6, None), (0, 7, None), (0, 8, None), (1, 2, None), (1, 4, None), (1, 5, None), (1, 6, None), (1, 7, None), (1, 8, None), (2, 3, None), (2, 4, None), (2, 5, None), (2, 6, None), (2, 7, None), (2, 8, None), (3, 4, None), (3, 5, None), (3, 6, None), (3, 7, None), (3, 8, None), (4, 5, None), (4, 6, None), (4, 7, None), (4, 8, None), (5, 6, None), (5, 7, None), (5, 8, None), (6, 7, None), (6, 8, None), (7, 8, None)]

The current list of optional installed packages displayed while testing tickets is Using --optional=bliss,build,dochtml,homebrew,pip,python_igraph,sage,sage_numerical_backends_cplex,sage_spkg,texttable.

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Setting new milestone based on a cursory review of ticket status, priority, and last modification date.

dimpase commented 3 years ago

David, is the bug still observable for you on 9.3.rc0 ?

dcoudert commented 3 years ago

I tried over 9.3.rc0 and get the following surprising results:

Using --optional=bliss,build,dochtml,homebrew,pip,python_igraph,sage,sage_numerical_backends_cplex,sage_spkg,tdlib,texttable
Doctesting 1 file using 8 threads.
sage -t --long --warn-long 303.6 --random-seed=0 src/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx
    [225 tests, 157.94 s]
All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 158.1 seconds
    cpu time: 147.1 seconds
    cumulative wall time: 157.9 seconds
sapristi:sage dcoudert$ ./sage
│ SageMath version 9.3.rc0, Release Date: 2021-03-23                 │
│ Using Python 3.9.2. Type "help()" for help.                        │
┃ Warning: this is a prerelease version, and it may be unstable.     ┃
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import hermitian_cover                                                                          
sage: G = hermitian_cover(2, 3); G                                                                                                                 
Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 27 vertices
sage: G.is_antipodal()                                                                                                                             
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)                                                                                                                  
([8, 6, 1, None], [None, 1, 3, 8])
sage: H = G.folded_graph(); H                                                                                                                      
Folded Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 9 vertices
sage: H.is_isomorphic(graphs.CompleteGraph(9))                                                                                                     
sage: H.edges()                                                                                                                                    
[(0, 1, None), (0, 2, None), (0, 3, None), (0, 4, None), (0, 6, None), (0, 7, None), (0, 8, None), (1, 2, None), (1, 3, None), (1, 5, None), (1, 6, None), (1, 7, None), (1, 8, None), (2, 3, None), (2, 4, None), (2, 5, None), (2, 6, None), (2, 7, None), (2, 8, None), (3, 5, None), (3, 6, None), (3, 7, None), (3, 8, None), (4, 6, None), (4, 8, None), (5, 6, None), (5, 8, None), (6, 7, None), (6, 8, None), (7, 8, None)]
mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Setting a new milestone for this ticket based on a cursory review.

dcoudert commented 3 years ago

Today, I don't see the bug on macOS. Is it a good news ?

sapristi:sage dcoudert$ ./sage
│ SageMath version 9.5.beta0, Release Date: 2021-08-31               │
│ Using Python 3.9.5. Type "help()" for help.                        │
┃ Warning: this is a prerelease version, and it may be unstable.     ┃
sage: from sage.graphs.generators.distance_regular import hermitian_cover                                                                          
sage: G = hermitian_cover(2, 3); G                                                                                                                 
Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 27 vertices
sage: G.is_antipodal()                                                                                                                             
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)                                                                                                                  
([8, 6, 1, None], [None, 1, 3, 8])
sage: H = G.folded_graph(); H                                                                                                                      
Folded Antipodal 3-cover of K_9: Graph on 9 vertices
sage: H.is_isomorphic(graphs.CompleteGraph(9))                                                                                                     
sage: H.is_clique()                                                                                                                                

I have the following optional packages installed: bliss,build,dochtml,homebrew,pip,sage,sage_numerical_backends_coin,sage_numerical_backends_cplex,sage_spkg