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Finitely presented modules over the Steenrod algebra #30680

Closed catanzaromj closed 2 years ago

catanzaromj commented 4 years ago

This package implements finitely presented modules over the mod p Steenrod algebra. We define classes for such finitely presented modules, their elements, and morphisms between them. Methods are provided for doing some homological algebra, e.g., computing kernels and images of morphisms, and finding free resolutions of modules.

Depends on #32505 Depends on #33275 Depends on #33323

CC: @sverre320 @sagetrac-kvanwoerden @jhpalmieri @tscrim @rrbruner @cnassau

Component: algebra

Keywords: Steenrod algebra, modules, homological algebra

Author: Bob Bruner, Michael Catanzaro, Sverre Lunøe-Nielsen, Koen van Woerden

Branch/Commit: 7035ae5

Reviewer: John Palmieri, Travis Scrimshaw

Issue created by migration from

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely happy with this, but it seems to work.

New commits:

1ad443atrac 30680: fix inconsistent orderings in vector_presentation
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 2cc1196 to 1ad443a

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

bb0c961trac 30680: an example with an odd primary Steenrod algebra
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 1ad443a to bb0c961

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Here's a doctest. I checked this by hand through degree 56 (which is where the problem was before).

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

I'm not planning to make any more changes tonight. I am never sure of the right way to iterate through the terms in a combinatorial free module; I thought that map_item might be right but I couldn't get it to work in this case. I think that we should only get monomials in the current code so leading_support should give us the right index (the support should have just one element in it), but I'm not completely positive. Maybe this can be cleaned up.

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Thank you for figuring out the issue.

Using the example in element_from_coordinates

sage: A = SteenrodAlgebra(2)
sage: from sage.modules.fp_graded.steenrod.module import SteenrodFPModule
sage: rels = [[Sq(1),0,0,0], [Sq(2),0,0,0], [Sq(4),0,0,0], [Sq(8),0,0,0],
....:  [0,Sq(1),0,0], [0,Sq(2),0,0], [0,Sq(4),0,0], [Sq(31),Sq(14),0,0],
....:  [0,Sq(20),0,0], [0,0,Sq(1),0], [0,0,Sq(2),0], [0,Sq(31),Sq(6),0],
....:  [0,0,Sq(8),0], [0,0,0,Sq(1)], [0,0,Sq(31),Sq(2)], [0,0,0,Sq(4)], [0,0,0,Sq(8)] ]
sage: M = SteenrodFPModule(A, [0, 17, 42, 71], relations=rels)
sage: %prun res = M.resolution(2, top_dim=30, verbose=True)

the changes I just pushed make the time go from ~38s to ~17s on my laptop. From my understanding, a chokepoint is converting to/from dense vectors. This now once-and-forever fixes a number of basis orders.

Hopefully nothing fundamentally relies on the underlying algebra being a CFM (just in the category of GradedModulesWithBasis). If we encounter issues as we add further algebras, mainly CGAs, then we can make fixes here as necessary IMO.

We can re-enable the caching on the higher level method of basis_element(), but I don't think it is called frequently enough to warrant the caching.

I made a new ticket for a bug in partitions #33323 that was exposed by this change.

Doctests now fully pass for me. So I am ready to set a positive review if you agree with my latest push.

Last 10 new commits:

cb9713cRenaming min_presentation to minimal_presentation.
b055dd8Adding minimal_presentation for free modules.
08a92baSome various cleanup of doc, fixing trivial failures, adding additional doctests.
76ebd8cRemove Fields requirement and add simple test.
2cc1196Adding more support for ZZ (and possibly PID) graded algebras.
90cc883Merge branch 'u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680' of git:// into u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680
a1a1671Changing the conversion to/from vectors for speed.
c340478Partitions of negative n is always 0.
1e770aaMerge branch 'public/combinat/negative_partition_card-33323' into u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680
c21d498Some cleanup from previous commit with partial work. Fixing doctests.
tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed dependencies from #32505, #33275 to #32505, #33275, #33323

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from bb0c961 to c21d498

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Should the thematic tutorial be added to the thematic tutorial index, in addition to the "tutorial document tree"?

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from c21d498 to f2e59ee

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Some typos and other minor fixes. I want to do one or two more passes before declaring it done, but it's looking very good. Thanks for all of your work on it, Travis.

New commits:

271db3bMerge branch 'develop' into t/30680/finitely_presented_modules_over_the_steenrod_algebra
95e82b2Merge branch 'u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680' of into t/30680/finitely_presented_modules_over_the_steenrod_algebra
f2e59eetrac 30680: minor final (?) patching
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

By the way, regarding this for the profile method for modules over the Steenrod algebra:

        # Avoid returning the zero profile because it triggers a corner case
        # in FPModule.resolution().
        # XXX todo: Fix FPModule_class.resolution().
        return (1,) if profile == (0,) else profile

I changed it to just return profile and it worked fine, so other changes must have fixed the problem.

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Thank you for all your work on this as well, as well as to the authors for taking the time to write this patch and initial documentation.

I have pushed a few other minor tweaks for the documentation after looking at the final compiled version.

New commits:

a6e43bdMerge branch 'develop' into u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680
06c68bbMerge branch 'u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680' of git:// into u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680
e17b853Adding Steenrod algebra modules to thematic tutorial index.
4d77269Misc doc tweaks and fixes.
tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from f2e59ee to 4d77269

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Is this a problem or does it just have to be documented?

sage: from sage.modules.fp_graded.module import FPModule
sage: E.<x,y> = ExteriorAlgebra(QQ)
sage: M = FPModule(E, [0, 0], [[x, y]])
sage: M._indices
{(0, 0), (0, 1)}
sage: M.monomial(3)
sage: M.monomial(3) in M
sage: M.monomial(3) == 0  # This makes it okay, I think.
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

More tweaks

New commits:

41ec333trac 30680: more tweaks
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 4d77269 to 41ec333

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

What do you think about this change?

diff --git a/src/sage/modules/fp_graded/ b/src/sage/modules/fp_graded/
index 8fda1b44115..4da43770af5 100755
--- a/src/sage/modules/fp_graded/
+++ b/src/sage/modules/fp_graded/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class FreeGradedModuleElement(IndexedFreeModuleElement):
         if order is None:
             order = self.parent()._indices
-        return super().dense_coefficient_list(order)
+        return [self[i] for i in order]

     def degree(self):

This would make the definition of dense_coefficient_list consistent between and (and we need methods for both classes because the lift_to_free method calls dense_coefficient_list).

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

Question regarding the general graded modules: Why do we have a more interesting an_element for the FPModuleHomset that we override for FreeModuleHomset (which is just the zero morphism)? (I recognize that previously they were separate classes, but the underlying question still remains why the free one is a more boring element.)

I agree, and I'm going to push a branch that deletes the _an_element_ method for FreeModuleHomset. It doesn't add anything: users should use an_element, and if they really want _an_element_, then the one in parent.pyx will still be available and will still return the zero morphism.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 41ec333 to 3f17e53

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

3f17e53trac 30680: remove some redundant methods
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

I removed _an_element_, also _repr_type for free morphisms (because that class inherits from the morphism class and they have the same _repr_type), also minimal_presentation for SteenrodFPModule (because it's the same as for FPModule). I moved some of the doctests from the deleted methods so the tests are still being run.

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

I also changed dense_coefficient_list for free module elements, as I proposed in comment:129.

tscrim commented 2 years ago

I strongly think we should not put in the monomial "bug" in the documentation as it just is not checking the input. This is something that comes from the abstract code and was decided not to do this check for speed reasons. Essentially I think of it as garbage-in-garbage-out.

I am not sure I fully agree with the comment:129 change as it could mean if there are improvements in a base class, it will not benefit from it. I am okay with having a different implementation for the FP module since it is not a (finite dimensional) module with a basis. However, I don't mind this change because of the uniformity. The only reason we need for the free module element is because of the ordering issue we came across above.

Everything else is good.

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

I strongly think we should not put in the monomial "bug" in the documentation as it just is not checking the input. This is something that comes from the abstract code and was decided not to do this check for speed reasons. Essentially I think of it as garbage-in-garbage-out.

I am concerned that a user will think that M.monomial(0) will return the 0th generator, leading to an issue that will be a little difficult to debug, especially in this case where M.monomial(3) prints as g[3], not as 0; you have to actually ask whether it's zero to realize what's going on. In other words, users may not realize that it's "garbage-in". So I would prefer to make it explicit.

I am not sure I fully agree with the comment:129 change as it could mean if there are improvements in a base class, it will not benefit from it. I am okay with having a different implementation for the FP module since it is not a (finite dimensional) module with a basis. However, I don't mind this change because of the uniformity. The only reason we need for the free module element is because of the ordering issue we came across above.

The uniformity is the main issue for me. I am worried that some change elsewhere (for example in super().dense_coefficient_list()) will result in different behavior in these two cases which would lead to subtle problems.

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Replying to @tscrim:

I strongly think we should not put in the monomial "bug" in the documentation as it just is not checking the input. This is something that comes from the abstract code and was decided not to do this check for speed reasons. Essentially I think of it as garbage-in-garbage-out.

I am concerned that a user will think that M.monomial(0) will return the 0th generator, leading to an issue that will be a little difficult to debug, especially in this case where M.monomial(3) prints as g[3], not as 0; you have to actually ask whether it's zero to realize what's going on. In other words, users may not realize that it's "garbage-in". So I would prefer to make it explicit.

But we can remove those changes if you want.

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Replying to @tscrim:

I strongly think we should not put in the monomial "bug" in the documentation as it just is not checking the input. This is something that comes from the abstract code and was decided not to do this check for speed reasons. Essentially I think of it as garbage-in-garbage-out.

I am concerned that a user will think that M.monomial(0) will return the 0th generator, leading to an issue that will be a little difficult to debug, especially in this case where M.monomial(3) prints as g[3], not as 0; you have to actually ask whether it's zero to realize what's going on. In other words, users may not realize that it's "garbage-in". So I would prefer to make it explicit.

If they haven't read the documentation on this method, they aren't going to read the warning. I think you are also relying on undocumented behavior that could change at any time. Actually, what we should do I think, since we define our own _monomial function, is do the check and raise an error on invalid input.

I am not sure I fully agree with the comment:129 change as it could mean if there are improvements in a base class, it will not benefit from it. I am okay with having a different implementation for the FP module since it is not a (finite dimensional) module with a basis. However, I don't mind this change because of the uniformity. The only reason we need for the free module element is because of the ordering issue we came across above.

The uniformity is the main issue for me. I am worried that some change elsewhere (for example in super().dense_coefficient_list()) will result in different behavior in these two cases which would lead to subtle problems.

Since we are explicitly passing the order and the method's API specifies a particular behavior for this, any subtle problem is definitely an honest bug in the result of super().dense_coefficient_list(). This discussion is solidifying something I had thought about introducing: an ABC or mixin class for the two element methods to enforce more consistency between the two. Well, we can easily enough refactor this later if we deem it necessary. We can leave this as-is to suggest that in the code as well.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 3f17e53 to 7edf174

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

7edf174trac 30680: test whether index is in indices in FPModule._monomial
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Replying to @tscrim:

I strongly think we should not put in the monomial "bug" in the documentation as it just is not checking the input. This is something that comes from the abstract code and was decided not to do this check for speed reasons. Essentially I think of it as garbage-in-garbage-out.

I am concerned that a user will think that M.monomial(0) will return the 0th generator, leading to an issue that will be a little difficult to debug, especially in this case where M.monomial(3) prints as g[3], not as 0; you have to actually ask whether it's zero to realize what's going on. In other words, users may not realize that it's "garbage-in". So I would prefer to make it explicit.

If they haven't read the documentation on this method, they aren't going to read the warning. I think you are also relying on undocumented behavior that could change at any time. Actually, what we should do I think, since we define our own _monomial function, is do the check and raise an error on invalid input.

I added a check to _monomial. My earlier point is that once they see the error, then they will look at the documentation and may not still realize the problem, until they remember/realize that "indices" doesn't just mean 0, 1, 2, .... Now it should be better because we will just raise an error.

By the way, I tried a few computations and this check doesn't seem to have slowed things down.

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

I added a check to _monomial. My earlier point is that once they see the error, then they will look at the documentation and may not still realize the problem, until they remember/realize that "indices" doesn't just mean 0, 1, 2, .... Now it should be better because we will just raise an error.

Thank you. I think it would have be a little tricky to track the input down to this without knowing what to look for ahead of time.

By the way, I tried a few computations and this check doesn't to have slowed things down.

I am not surprised as this method is not called very often and the check is very quick. This is not the case for other instances in the wild.

I am thinking of setting a positive review now. Any objections?

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

I think I'm ready. We can tinker more in a follow-up if we see any more issues, plus the list in comment:109.

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Thank you for all of your work on this. If #33323 starts looking like it will take a long time, we can simply change the doctests that depend on that.

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

And there was much rejoicing!

sverre320 commented 2 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

And there was much rejoicing!


I am very happy this code finally seems to be in the right place with regards to the rest of Sage. In particular, it's great that FPModules can be created over other algebras than the Steenrod algebra!

I ran some tests today, comparing the performance of the code we submitted for review with the current version: Computing the free resolution of the module M = A/(Sq^12, Sq^7) (A = the mod 2 Steenrod algebra) is 3x faster now! In my example, I computed the length 3 resolution which took ~303 seconds before, and ~106 seconds now, on my laptop. I ran similar tests with other modules, with consistent conclusions.

Thanks a lot, both of you, for your great effort!

dimpase commented 2 years ago

Can we now do e.g. FPModules over finitely presented group algebras?

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Well, the basic setup in #32505 is for f.p. modules specifically over graded rings, and in parts of the code you want to compute the basis for a particular homogeneous piece, so this relies on the graded ring and the graded module being finite enough that each homogeneous piece is finite-dimensional. It's certainly worth exploring how much the code can be pushed when the graded ring is concentrated in degree zero and is infinite dimensional, but I don't know if anything would work with the current state of things.

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

One of the nice observations about the Steenrod algebra is that it is a union of finite-dimensional subalgebras, and you can do many useful calculations by restricting to those subalgebras. So maybe everything should in principle work if you have something like an algebra which is filtered by finite-dimensional subalgebras (and if you want to do homological algebra, you probably want each algebra filtration piece to be free over its subalgebra filtration pieces). Some motivated person should look into this.

vbraun commented 2 years ago

Documentation doesn't build

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 7edf174 to 9bde37e

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

tscrim commented 2 years ago

Without this change, I see the same error as reported by the patchbot. I figured my linking to the index.rst was harmless, but it exposed something that wasn't done properly.

New commits:

43c1bfcMerge branch 'u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680' of git:// into u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680
9bde37eSmall tweak to the doc.
jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/tscrim/fp_modules_steenrod-30680 to u/jhpalmieri/fp_modules_steenrod-30680

jhpalmieri commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 9bde37e to 6821e04