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Stuffle product of multiple zeta values and regularizations #30992

Open videlec opened 3 years ago

videlec commented 3 years ago

First of all, it should be possible to have access to both shuffle and stuffle product in the motivic algebra of MZV.

Next, the evaluation Z: y_s -> ζ(s) extends in two distinct algebra morphisms to divergent MZV, eg including ζ(1). In other words, these two extensions do not satisfy in general the relation

Z_stuffle(y_s1 stuffle y_s2) = Z_shuffle(y_s1 shuffle y_s2)

(which is nevertheless valid on convergent symbols s1 and s2). However, there is a simple way to go around that as explained in Ihara-Kaneko-Zagier (2006).

CC: @fchapoton

Component: algebra

Issue created by migration from

videlec commented 3 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 First of all, it should be possible to have access to both shuffle and stuffle product in the motivic algebra of MZV.

-Next, the evaluation `Z: y_s -> ζ(s)` extends in two distinct algebra morphisms to divergent MZV, eg including ζ(1). In other words, these two extensions do not satisfy the relation
+Next, the evaluation `Z: y_s -> ζ(s)` extends in two distinct algebra morphisms to divergent MZV, eg including ζ(1). In other words, these two extensions do not satisfy in general the relation

Z_stuffle(y_s1 stuffle y_s2) = Z_shuffle(y_s1 shuffle y_s2)

-which is valid on convergent symbols `s1` and `s2`. However, there is a simple way to go around that as explained in [Ihara-Kaneko-Zagier (2006)](
+(which is nevertheless valid on convergent symbols `s1` and `s2`). However, there is a simple way to go around that as explained in [Ihara-Kaneko-Zagier (2006)](
fchapoton commented 3 years ago

BEWARE : I am not sure if it is known whether the motivic MZV satisfy the double shuffle relations. What is known is that their images by the period map do.

I remember some work by Soudères on the question, that one should check.

fchapoton commented 3 years ago

Apparemment le travail de Soudères porte sur les MZV motiviques à la Goncharov, moins fines que celles à la Brown.

Donc on ne peut pas conclure, sauf si quelqu'un d'autre a fait le boulot depuis.

mkoeppe commented 3 years ago

Setting new milestone based on a cursory review of ticket status, priority, and last modification date.